Eating Foods That Burn Fat Can Be Delicious #AMCoffee

Foods to Eat to Burn Fat


avocado fatty acid

Food is our energy, our source for creative and fully-lived dreams. Eliminating foods from our daily diet for some health issues is one thing. When a huge chunk of foods are cut out of your consumption permanently, it could leave some nasty side effects and unwelcome health issues.

Foods are like a fancy playground. There are so many choices out there – you want to partake a bit of here and there. You want to invite and celebrate the tastes that would supply you with inspiration and fresh ideas. Food is colorful. Food is adventure. Food is about relationships. Partaking in the rich pantry that nature offers us is a huge joy.

We can talk about foods in so many ways! Because everywhere we look – it is FOOD that binds us, that brings our friends and families togethers. Even when you go into the public, not a single event is held without food! Cinemas, county fairs, sports events, fundraising gatherings – all of them offer a bite of their food to show their gratitude and thankfulness for your visit.

Here’s a short list for today – foods that actually burn fat in our bodies when we consume these options on the regular basis. All of these foods have different tastes and time to partake. Yet this is a great beginning point for you to remind what’s out there to support your Body, Mind and Spirit, as you are going through your busy and very much consuming day.

Remember – Food Is What You Want It To Be. And you deserve JOY in everyday of this life.

Scroll down to see what we chose to showcase today to inspire you, if you haven’t gotten these yummies on your kitchen table yet.


Today’s AM Coffee is Sponsored by
The UnDiet Project

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  1. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

    AM COFFEE – Sign In! HELLO, Everyone!

    What foods you wish you could eat, but for some reasons, you don’t include in your daily diet?

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  2. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats, and in one study, these fats were shown to reduce deep abdominal fat when used to replace dietary saturated fat. They’re also a good source of fiber. They even have a proven ability to lower cholesterol, quell hunger pangs and spot-reduce belly fat.



    Ginger is packed with extremely powerful compounds. In fact, it offers so many medicinal properties that some feel it should be a must in the medicine cabinet as well. It offers anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, antioxidant activities and can even be used as an analgesic. Ginger is also used in many popular cleansing programs, as it’s believed to cleanse the body by stimulating digestion, circulation and sweating.

    Its digestive actions may help cleanse the build-up of waste and toxins in the colon, liver and other organs. As efficient detoxification is essential to efficient metabolism and ginger is a known metabolic activator, it reportedly also increases the thermogenic properties of foods while decreasing feelings of hunger.


    • karen hinkle says

      wow nice to know now with the avocados i need to find some recipes to try and get some in my diet i need it and the ginger to need all the help i can get these days

  3. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

    am coffee


    This superfood is one of the most nutrient dense on the planet. It not only helps to suppress the appetite, it helps to eliminate toxins in the body. Fewer toxins means fewer cravings for things like sugar-filled treats in addition to an increased metabolism.


    Garlic does more than just ward off vampires. It offers a wide range of benefits the body, with one of the most important being the ability to detoxify. A body filled with toxins cannot efficiently make use of fat stores for energy. It serves as a thermogenic, revving up heat production, reducing inflammation and balancing the metabolic process. It also contains allicin which has been linked to the reduction of unhealthy fats in the body.

    • karen hinkle says

      i love kale salads and garlic is always in my food i just put this in our garden there is nothing better then fresh garlic

  4. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    Flaxseeds are another one of the world’s healthiest foods. They contain omega-3 fatty acids and fiber that helps you lose weight. The omega-3s work to boost your metabolism and also help to detoxify.



    Chia seeds are loaded with protein, omega-3s and fiber. They help to suppress the appetite, rev up the metabolism and turn on glucagon, one of the body’s fat-burning hormones. Before consuming, you’ll need to soak them for 15 minutes so that they’ll swell to up to 10 times their original size. The larger the seeds, the quicker your hormones will let you know your full.

    Blueberries are not only delicious, they pack a punch when it comes to nutrition and weight-loss. They’re an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin C, K and magnesium that helps detoxify the body and discourage fat storage. Their fiber and copper content further works to increase fat burning and strengthen the immune system too.

  5. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    Plain Greek yogurt is packed with protein yet it doesn’t come with the added chemicals and sugars of your typical, flavored, processed yogurt. Protein helps keep you satisfied, staving off the urge to snack on something unhealthy, allowing you to lose fat while still feeling energetic. Use it as a substitute for sour cream and mayonnaise, or eat it with fresh fruit, providing a naturally sweet flavor.

    plain greek yogurt


    Free range, organic eggs are an excellent protein option, with six grams of protein in each. It’s also a complete protein, which means that it contains all of the essential amino acids that the body requires. Eggs have been shown to protect against blood clots, heart attack and stroke, and they’re low calorie at just 70 calories each. By enjoying eggs for breakfast in the morning, you’ll experience more efficient fat burning all day long.


    • karen hinkle says

      oh right you are i seem to have a problem with the yogurt t t but the eggs i love yes they are good i boil them and eat them as my snakes it better for me to eat them then other bad choices

  6. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    Apple cider vinegar is one of the most potent ‘all-purpose’ tonics around. Among its long list of health benefits, multiple studies have found that it may help lower blood sugar levels which aids in fat burning. Just some of its other uses include easing digestive conditions, preventing the flu, reducing inflammation, regulating pH balance, alleviating allergy symptoms, heartburn and being an important ingredient in detoxification.

    apple cider vinegar


    Coconut oil is the world’s most weight loss friendly fat. It contains a unique combination of fatty acids with powerful effects on metabolism. Several studies have shown that just by adding coconut oil to your diet, you can lose fat, especially the “dangerous” and unsightly fat in the abdominal cavity. Coconut oil is rich in medium chained triglycerides which the body prefers for energy use, leaving less opportunity for it to be stored as fat.

    coconut oil

  7. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    Salmon is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Its omega 3s help to improve insulin, which in turn, shrinks the waistline. It also activates the thyroid hormone for a faster metabolism.

    wild caught salmon


    Oysters are an important tool in your arsenal of weapons when battling fat. In addition to being low in calories, with just 50 calories for six oysters, they’re the richest dietary source of zinc. Zinc helps to decrease the appetite and PMS-induced cravings.


  8. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says


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  9. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says
  10. Another day, another study about the benefits of eating fish and for good reason. We know from animal studies that when your diet is deficient in omega-, the natural rhythms of your pineal gland the pea-size gland in the center of your brain are thrown off, leading to alterations in the production of melatonin, your sleep hormone. Animals with an omega-3 deficit don t sleep during their usual rest periods they re up and spinning in their wheels the same way that humans with insomnia do.

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