Celebrating Hooked On Life Weekend #AMCoffee

Weekend Celebration
We’ll be LIVE 10:30 AM EST



Be Daily Part of #AMCoffee Conversations & Prizes

Sponsored by FYSH UK

fyshuk Hooked On Life womenGrab a cup ‘o Joe and share what’s on your mind for an hour on this SATURDAY, JUNE 21.

Happy Saturday!

What have you done this week that made you … fly? Well, something that gave you charge and motivation to keep you Hooked On Life?

Let’s peek into the past few days that we shared with all of you and see how much life we lived on the pages and outside of #AMCoffee.

We’d like to Thank our amazing Sponsor FYSH UK for their prizes! Please watch your Twitter threads – as we will be announcing winners drawn from each day of the past week: MON-SAT!

 How Far Can We Take the #HookedOnLife Message? – ReTWEET Please




REFRESH Your Screen Frequently To See and Follow Conversations!

How To Do These AM Coffee Conversations?

• Sign In Below in the Hello Section
• Start participation by commenting under the threads and comments you are interested in
• Hit REPLY button under the posted message/comment if you want to place your commentary under someone else’s
• We will be drawing winners at the end of #AMCoffee

Stay Connected with #AMCoffee Daily – Win Prizes & Make Friends

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  1. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE – Sign In! HELLO, Everyone!

    It’s been an eventful week from many aspects.

    What have you learned or experienced to the extend that it was life changing for you?

    Please share. Let’s EMPOWER each other with sharing experiences we’re getting from life. Learn and Drink Joy out of them!

    Thank you for being our AMAZING AUDIENCE this Week!

    sign in am coffee

    • Im here. Good morning. On the road to Fl..so I will be in and out

    • Raye Wiedner says

      Good morning everyone! This week has been a fascinating one. I’ve learned that women can empower one another with confidence and inspiration, that we have to reach for our dreams, and become authentic women, while keeping our own individuality.

    • I really want to try the rose water/oil..I think I will when we get back from vacation
      Be confident in who you are and what you do, what ever it may be.

    • kaen hinkle says

      good morning you beautiful ladies whom I have grown to love and have got to know you all are so special in your own way that’s for all the chatting and taking time out of your day to be here with us it is a great part of my day to be able to spend it with each and every one of you I like that we learn so much threw these conversation that Laura has for us each day she is such a great inspiration to us all

      • Raye Wiedner says

        Well Good Morning Karen! You’re in a great mood today. It’s good to see you this morning. I have to agree with what you said. I’ve met you and so many other lovelies through Celebrate Woman Today.

        • kaen hinkle says

          @Raye yes I am I has to be this amcoffee I look forward to it every day it brings me joy to be with all you ladies and it is great to see u to

          • Jennifer Hiles says

            Same here @Raye and @Kaen, it’s such an inspiring thing. I love starting my day here. It has honestly helped me make healthier decisions in many things and I’ve learned so much. I love the daily reminders to be better to myself! Thanks again #AMCoffee!

      • wendy c g says

        Good morning Karen

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Good Morning to all the wonderful women that join #AMCoffee. I’ve learned so much and made many friends since I’ve started attending these discussions. I’ve got new recipes for facials, feet, hands, food and drink while learning about important health concerns. Thank you to all the wonderful women who have helped me.

      • Raye Wiedner says

        Good morning Jennifer! Isn’t that the truth! I’m keeping a sectioned notebook, and filling it with recipes, and tips that Laura has taught us all, and that the ladies have shared.

    • JessicaFisk says

      Good Morning all. It’s a nice cool and cloudy morning here.

    • Janice Dean says

      Good morning!

    • Sandra Hurt says

      Good morning and 1st day of Summer everyone! Gonna be a hot one today!!! 😉

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I’m but really late! I slept in and didn’t want to get up! LOL I have learned that you have to go for your dreams if you want them to come true!

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Good morning to all. Don’t wait to try things you have dreamed of dong just because u are unsure of yourself. Go for the dreams and take in all you have learned from experiences. Be happy and proud of the experience in your life you have accomplished. Life is to short not to enjoy and embellish all your experiences.

    • Amy Stonger says

      Finally had to cut off my brother. He just takes and takes with no regard for anyone else’s situation and I couldn’t do it anymore. It’s hard to say no especially to family but you have to put yourself first.

    • wendy c g says

      Good morning ladies

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Good Afternoon all!! Have taken away many positive things this week, just entire outlook how you feel about yourself truly does rub off to others. And through all these great moisturizers to the rose oil you have given us even more ways to get there. Thank you so much!! 🙂

    • Super late here. I went to Pilates this am.
      I have only popped in her and there this week. So much great discussions. This week made me realize that we as a group all have our problems and that we are here to support each other. It is great knowing I can come here and discuss things that are problematic and know that there are others that can help me who have had the same problem.

    • wendy c g says

      I have learned to make healthier decisions. I’m thankful for all the support, empowerment here on the am coffee chats. I’m inspired every day by what I learn. Thank you for sharing all the great information and new products.

    • Christine Beasley says

      bummer. missed it again

      • CoffeeTime says

        HI Christine,
        You haven’t missed anything!
        We brew coffee all day long here!
        Check out discussions and comment if you like.
        We draw winners daily. Today was an exception, as we drew ALL winners from all 6 days Mon-Sat, as we were running a huge campaign #HookedOnLife!
        Please feel not late!
        You’re always on time, as it works for you!

    • Katrina A. says

      Hi ya’ll!! This week I loved getting inspired about my business and what I want to be in the future.

    • Rachael Roberts says

      Good Morning Everybody!! I LOVE AN COFFEE <3 I can I comment on all 6 days&be in the running for the prizes?
      Thanks Rachael

  2. CoffeeTime says

    We are all winners when we learn and keep our minds and hearts open to new information, new practices, and new connections.

    Please Thank @FYSHUK for amazing prizes –> Gift Cards that they provided for you this week!
    How to thank? –> Tweet your Thank-You message in your own words, but use these 4 elements in your message:
    @FYSHUK #HookedOnLife @DiscoverSelf

    IMPORTANT –> If you participated in any #AMCoffee this week, WATCH YOUR TWITTER FEED!
    We will be tweeting winners tagging you with your Twitter handle!

    WINNERS FOR THE WEEK OF 6/16-6/21, 2014:

    $20 GIFT CARD
    – Rebecca Swenor
    – Raye Wiedner
    – Karen Hinkle
    – Katrina Angele
    – Menuca Citron

    $15 Gift Card
    – Julie Ferguson Gould
    – Barbara Riffe
    – Virginia Rogers
    – Stacy Giacosa-Bauer
    – Jennifer Hiles
    – Amanda Alvarado

    Lady Soma Product
    – Jessica Parent
    – Mary Vantil
    – Tammy Kobel
    – Constance Ralph
    – Amy Stonger
    – Wendy C G

    • Fill out the form below by 10pm EST today.
    • Add your prize you won when filling out the form.
    If you win Lady Soma product, go to this POST to choose 1 from 3 products for yourself.

    amcoffee prize winners

  3. CoffeeTime says


    MONDAY JUNE 16 – We talked about some of the most vital elements that would make your business (any business) to stand out, thus bringing more attention and customers.

    The top questions should be about DIFFERENTIATION!

    What is your Unique Difference that you are going to make in other people’s lives?
    This one is the KEY to your success in whatever you are doing. Once you pin point the Uniqueness of your making a difference in other people’s lives – you become a power machine with a differentiation like nobody else around you.

    Business is all about Value Proposition, meaning that You can offer something very Unique, very Different that nobody else can!

    Do you have this Big Question Answered?

    By the way, it does not matter whether you are in the same business like a million others are. As we are all unique, we each bring the Unique Differentiation to everything we do. You need to pin point What It Is.

    hooked on life fyshuk

    • We are all unique but Im not sure I have that question answered. And I dont have a business.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      I don’t have a business anymore, but I do feel I still have a unique difference. I think mine is my attitude now and when I was working. No matter what is happening around me, I try to find the positive, or at least the humor in any given situation. I always tried to treat each of my clients as a VIP, and I try to extend that to people in my life, and ones I come in contact with. Everyone is important, everyone has a story. We all need to reach out to one another and try to connect in some way. I’m a personal cheerleader, the one who is happy for you when something good happens, the one who cheers you on when you’re trying something new, the one who will listen if you’re having a bad day, and try to help you feel better. We all have value, and together, as women, we are a force to be reckoned with.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Everybody thinks and creates differently. What differentiates me is my creativity and my passion for what I do.

    • Janice Dean says

      Well I am retired, so I don’t think I will be making any major decisions regarding business. But I try to be positive every day for my grandchildren’s sake.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I don’t have a business but I feel that I do have a uniqueness that sets me apart from my other co-workers!

    • amy stonger says

      I dont have a business but I think its important to value other people’s time.

    • Sandra Hurt says

      I am now retired, but when I did work I always treated the customer how I liked be treated.

    • wendy c g says

      I don’t have a business. However I believe in respecting others. It can go a long way.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      I do so agree whether in business or otherwise knowledge, and positive thinking about anything is going to rub off to others!! 🙂

    • Katrina A. says

      I’m working on what is going to make me unique in my new business venture. Thousands of other women sell the same product I do and I want to stand out.

  4. CoffeeTime says

    am coffee
    TUESDAY JUNE 17 – We extended our discussion into what would add to your Business Savvy as a SAHM or small business owner.

    One of the most important things to do is a CONTINUOUS EDUCATION on your own! And being #HookedOnLife attitude you’d go far, becoming a LEADER in your own life.

    The key is Asking the Right Questions.

    Most information you need when you begin your business adventure can be accessed online. Millions of searches. You just need to tune your ability to ask the right questions from those search engines.

    This process will train you how to think through many things, it’ll point out what you don’t know and where to go to fetch it.

    Business, no matter how big or small, demands your attention, and you gotta have a good idea about Accounting, Taxes, SEO, Marketing, Design and a million other things like that. Don’t be frustrated or even consider to be lost. It’s easy to be lost.

    What you need is FOCUS and what your business needs Now. It’ll prompt you about its priorities.

    Here are some helping points to keep you focused and cool:

    – Key to learning is to Ask Good Questions
    Online, you’ll figure out what long-tail keywords to put into the search engine to get what you need.

    – Get opinion on the same subjects from several sources!
    Don’t be satisfied with just one source, thinking you got 100% of your questions covered. Go and find several more sources that speak on the same subject, but have their point of view.
    Having this abundance of opinions would point to the consensus that works for YOUR business and situation.

    – Challenge opinions of others
    Ask more questions when you are not clear on the subject. It’s easy to “trust” opinions, as they do not require our active thinking. Challenge and see if it works for your business and situation.

    hooked on life fyshuk

    • kaen hinkle says

      the internet has so many sources of great information out there all we have to do is look for it and don’t be afraid to do it

    • I always like to find several sources for what what I am researching.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      One of the most important things I learned this week is to question what you think you know. That was somewhat of an eye opener for me.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      One of my college classes centered on learning to use the right keywords for searches to find the most relevant information for a topic. It was drilled into us, that we had to learn to find reputable sources, not just any website thrown up by someone who didn’t really know what they were talking about. We were taught to do at least 15 searches on each subject–minimum! Then to cross check with others. Yes, it can take a lot of time, but it’s so valuable to find differing viewpoints and reliable information.

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        That is interesting Raye. I wouldn’t have thought that you had to do 15 searches minimum to get reliable info. I try to use a few different search engines because I get significantly different results with each. I find it difficult to always know if the page is reputable or not though.

        • Raye Wiedner says

          That’s a great tip, Jennifer! I find totally different results on different search engines too. One of the ways we were taught to check the sites was to check the dates…..is this site very old, with outdated material, or has it been kept current? Is it a brand new site that may not have as much information? Also to check the ‘about us’ section. I’ve been shocked at some sites to learn who or what is behind the info, and what their agenda or mission statement is.

      • @Raye
        This is how I do research now. I dislike when people just “Google” something and what ever comes up has to be the truth. Wikipedia is the worst, you can not quote anything from it. I who has no knowledge of the subject can adjust what is written.

    • Janice Dean says

      All very good points! I am not in the job seeker’s market though.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I agree that continuing education is so important! Things are changing on a daily basis these days and you need to be able to keep up with the changes!

    • amy stonger says

      I am in graduate school right now so completely agree that education is key. I am pursuing my phd in bioinformatics.

    • wendy c g says

      There are so many great resources for learning. Asking questions is always good. You can never ask to many.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Again so true whether business or otherwise the more knowledge you have the more successful you will be 🙂

    • Katrina A. says

      I’m working on learning about taxes when dealing with a home business. Thank goodness for google!

  5. CoffeeTime says

    WEDNESDAY JUNE 18 – We reminded ourselves about INFLAMMATION that can easily interfere with our lives and tear us out of the Dream Path we are walking on.

    Taking care of our bodies is one of the TOP Priorities for each one of us to stay #HookedOnLife!

    Metabolic syndrome is not a disease in itself. Instead, it’s a group of risk factors — high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and abdominal fat.

    Obviously, having any one of these risk factors isn’t good. But when they’re combined, they set the stage for grave problems. These risk factors double your risk of blood vessel and heart disease, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. They increase your risk of diabetes by five times.

    The good news is that metabolic syndrome can be controlled, largely with changes to your lifestyle.

    Reminder is here what is the cause of this vicious cycle –> REFRESH YOUR MEMORY ON INFLAMMATION

    Some risk factors are:

    Insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body use glucose — a simple sugar made from the food you eat — as energy. In people with insulin resistance, the insulin doesn’t work as well so your body keeps making more and more of it to cope with the rising level of glucose. Eventually, this can lead to diabetes. Insulin resistance is closely connected to having excess weight in the belly.
    Obesity — especially abdominal obesity. Experts say that metabolic syndrome is becoming more common because of rising obesity rates. In addition, having extra fat in the belly — as opposed to elsewhere in the body — seems to increase your risk.
    Unhealthy lifestyle. Eating a diet high in fats and not getting enough physical activity can play a role.
    Hormonal imbalance. Hormones may play a role. For instance, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) — a condition that affects fertility — is related to hormonal imbalance and metabolic syndrome.

    Experts say you can prevent metabolic syndrome in the same way you would treat it. You need to make sensible changes to your lifestyle. You should!

    metabolic syndrome

    • kaen hinkle says

      I am in the process of doing this and getting my body on the road to a new me and changing old habits to new and better ones it will be small steps but I will get to where I need to be

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Yes, I learned some important lessons this week! Yesterday, I finally started my workout routine. I am learning more and more how important it is to he in shape, have weight control and eat right. I feel like I’m on a much better path now.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      With hubby’s health issues, this is a high priority in my life and in my mind almost all the time. I’ve improved our diet over the last couple of years, and put exercise on our ‘must do’ list. Physical therapy for him is vital, to not only improve the quality of his life, but to make sure he doesn’t get worse. It’s important for me, because as his sole caregiver, if I’m not healthy, I can’t take care of him properly.

    • I am in the process of getting back on track, I dont think this vacation will help though. .lol

      • Raye Wiedner says

        LOL@Constance!! A vacation always helps. We may slip a little on our diets or exercise routines, but in return, just think of all the benefits you get from relaxing and refreshing yourself. Enjoy it to the fullest!

        • Jennifer Hiles says

          I’ve never taken a real vacation. Someday I will. Money is definitely an issue but the other problem is my husband has no interest in traveling…unless it’s to hunt.

    • JessicaFisk says

      It is very important to exercise and stay healthy. I have a lot of health problems that keep me from doing a lot of things. I try and eat right and exercise daily.

    • Janice Dean says

      I learned some things about inflammation. Thanks!

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I have been trying to eat healthier and am hoping some of my weight will come off!

    • amy stonger says

      Change is always hard but I read that incorporating something for 21 consecutive days makes it part of your routine. We all have to vow to make changes necessary for our health.

      • Your change has to become a lifestyle change. If it is something that you just do for a short while then it is just a normal “diet” and you will yo yo back to what you did before.

    • wendy c g says

      I’ve learned so many helpful things here. I am starting to incorporate a lot of this things into my life. Thank you for sharing with us.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      This is probably where I need most work getting myself healthy again, as I know some cannot control there are others I can!! 🙂

    • Katrina A. says

      I love all that I have learned here about my health. #AMcoffee growing my knowledge.

  6. CoffeeTime says

    THURSDAY JUNE 19 – We discussed Signs of Stroke.

    Knowledge is Power. Sometimes facts may cause confusion and fear. However, FEAR NOT KNOWING MORE!

    What to Do if You Have Symptoms of Stroke

    Remember that a stroke is a medical emergency. Sometimes it is even called a brain attack.

    – Don’t ignore stroke warning signs – even if you have just one warning sign or if symptoms are mild or go away.
    – Don’t wait! Every minute counts.
    – Call 911 or emergency medical services (EMS) if you have one or more symptoms for more than a few minutes. An ambulance can get you to a hospital without delay.
    – Check the time when symptoms begin. This is important information to share when you arrive at the hospital.

    What if you’re with someone else who might be having stroke symptoms but you’re not sure?

    Take charge and call 911. Some people may deny that there is a serious problem. They don’t want others to make a fuss. Or they might ask, “What’s the big rush?” It may help to remember this: What’s the worst thing that can happen if this isn’t a stroke? An unnecessary trip to the hospital. But what’s the worst thing that can happen if you ignore the problem and it turns out to be a stroke? The result could be much worse.

    BE Prepared for anything, even for a Stroke

    Few people think a stroke will happen to them. But if you or someone you know has a stroke, taking these steps in advance may end up making a very big difference. Take action with these tips today or as soon as possible:

    – Ask a doctor or nurse which hospitals in your area are primary stroke centers with 24-hour emergency stroke care. They are best equipped to care for people who have strokes. You may be able to find stroke care centers online, too.
    – Find out which hospital or medical facility is closest to your home or work. Your human resources department may be able to help you locate those near work. Your doctor may be able to help you with this, too.

    • kaen hinkle says

      I learned to not ignore the signs and to call or find out in your area what hospital has the best stroke center in my area to be prepared for this its better to be prepared

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Great conversation, I learned to find the closest centers of treatment and if I do see someone who might be having a stroke to act right away, note the time the symptoms started and don’t be afraid to call 911. Better safe than sorry.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      Since we talked about this the other day, I remembered something I wanted to add. When hubby had his accident, he was taken by helicopter to the hospital, I had to follow in my car, so I got there much later than he did. He was unable to talk to give the ER any information.
      I always keep a small paper in his wallet that lists his birth date, full name, primary care physician, short health history, and a list of all his medications. It also has all the emergency contact numbers in case anything happens.I just printed it out and keep in folded with “IN CASE OF EMERGENCY” written on both sides. I’ve recently added one to my own wallet as well. We rely on our cellphones to have the contact info, but what if it is broken or can’t be located at the moment? At a time when seconds count, I’d rather hospital personnel have that info at their fingertips, rather than have to wait for a family member to provide it.

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        @Raye, what a good idea! Thank you for sharing this. It’s something I would have never thought to do on my own.

    • Great topic..it really it home cuz my dad had a stroke about 4 years ago in his mid 40s

    • Janice Dean says

      Very important info! Thanks so much for sharing it!

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I loved this discussion! I learned a lot about strokes that I didn’t know!

    • amy stonger says

      Thank you for this. I wasn’t aware of some of the warning signs but now I am!

    • wendy c g says

      This is powerful knowledge we need to share with friends and family.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      These are important for all to know and be aware, time is everything with strokes.

    • This was a good discussion. Never thought of learning the closest hospital that specializes in strokes. This was great!

    • Katrina A. says

      i just saw a cell video a woman took of herself while having a stroke. It was crazy.

  7. CoffeeTime says


    If you haven’t been at that discussion, please check it out for an amazing array of facts about Rose Water and what it could do for your better living.

    ROSE WATER Benefits

    – Rosewater helps to maintain your skin’s pH balance.
    – It helps fight acne, dermatitis and eczema.
    – Rose water helps to hydrate, revitalize, moisturize, and smooth out the skin
    – It also helps to heal scars, cuts and wounds.
    – Rose water calms the skin to help ease any stress and anxiety.
    – It helps tone the skin, while offering anti-bacterial properties.
    – The antioxidant properties of rose water help to strengthen skin cells along with regenerating skin tissues.
    – The nourishing and moisturizing properties of rose water help to recover the quality of hair.
    – Rose water helps to treat mild scalp inflammations and dandruff that is caused by fungal infections.
    – It also helps to revitalize aging skin while keeping fine lines and wrinkle at bay.
    – Rose water is used to flavor drinks and refreshments.
    – Rose water distillate has anti-viral, antiseptic, and disinfectant properties.

    rose water benefits

    • kaen hinkle says

      I cannot say there is no bad reason not to try the rose water I will be trying this it has so many great quality why would you not give it a try

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I’m very excited about this conversation. I learned a ton. I really want to try the rose lemonade and I look forward to getting myself some rose water. There are just too many benefits to deny myself this! Thanks so much for introducing me to this product!

    • Raye Wiedner says

      I’m making the rose lemonade today for a party I’m catering this afternoon. I’m eager to find out how everyone likes it.

    • I am very excited it try this, not only for myself but the whole family. All 4 of my kids have aome degree of eczema

    • JessicaFisk says

      I did not know about this. Nice to know I have to try this

    • Janice Dean says

      My grandmother used rosewater and now I know why! Thanks

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      Although I use Rose Water right now as a toner, I didn’t realize it had so many other uses! I’d love to find a recipe to make my own Rose Water!

    • amy stonger says

      Do you buy rose water or make it yourself? I am loving the benefits and want to try it.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      I cannot wait to try some rose water, sounds amazing, love the smell and all it’s benefits!! 🙂

    • Wow, I missed this day and I regret it. What great things I missed to learn!

    • Katrina A. says

      I love my rose water toner. Cannot wait to try it in other ways. But I’ll be skipping the lemonade. LOL

  8. CoffeeTime says

    #AMCoffee Today and Daily
    Retweet, Repin, Shout-Out!

    RETWEET #1
    RETWEET #2
    RETWEET #3
    RETWEET #4
    REpin #5

  9. JessicaFisk says

    Good Morning al.

  10. CoffeeTime says

    We are going to have an amazing celebration with Lady Soma natural skin care today!

    6 Winners drawn randomly form MON-Saturday #AMCoffee daily conversations!

    I’ll draw 1 Winner from each day for this prize!

    Please RETWEET THIS for Lady Soma!

    lady soma skincare

  11. CoffeeTime says

    Thank you ALL for a great week at #AMCoffee.

    Thank you for an amazing campaign, @FYSHUK and all amazing women who came into our lives to inspire and encourage and teach us a lesson or two!

    Please go the #HookedOnLife Last Day’s Campaign Page and drop your precious thoughts on what you learned or anything that you would like to reflect!


    Laura at Celebrate Woman Today

    hooked on life fyshuk

    • kaen hinkle says

      great bunch of ladies so inspirational to me and thanks Laura for all you do

    • Raye Wiedner says

      It’s been a great week of articles and topics. Even when I’m unable to join, I like going to the pages later and reading everything. Thanks for the hard work and encouragement you put in, Laura. You are appreciated by all of us, so much!

      • CoffeeTime says

        You are my inspiration for your resilience and insurmountable love and kindness.

      • @Raye
        I do the same. I have had a busy last two weeks but at night if I do not fall asleep with my son I run through the days discussion.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Inspiring is the word I would use to sum up these ladies and this week. I’m inspired to surround myself with positive and creative people. I’m inspired to continue my education and keep learning. And I’m inspired to embrace every day!

    • It has been a great week thanks for introducing me to these lady who remind me to be confidant with who I am

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      Have loved this week! I learned a lot and these ladies were inspiring! 🙂

    • amy stonger says

      Thank you as always for the inspiration and great conversation!

    • wendy c g says

      Very inspiring

    • wendy c g says

      Thank you Laura for another awesome week of learning.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Did go comment, but also thank you Laura for bring us such wonderful sponsors, very inspiring topics this week!!! 🙂

    • Thanks Laura,
      I have come to realize you are full of a wealth of information. I love how you bring topics up that normally I would not be discussing. I have learned things from you and the group of ladies.

      • CoffeeTime says

        Thank you, Elicia,
        And you, too, feel free to contribute the topics that interest you, so we all could partake, investigate, and learn and even fall in love with it!

  12. Good morning glad I can be here

    • CoffeeTime says

      Hi Angela,
      We’d love to have you as often as you can and want at #AMCoffee!
      Feel free to stop during the day! We brew fresh coffee 24/7!
      Once it’s here, it stays here! You are able to browse and see what the day was about!
      Welcome again!

    • wendy c g says


  13. rhonda hagy miller says

    Good morning all!!

    • CoffeeTime says

      Hei, Rhonda,
      Good morning!
      What coast are you hailing us Good Morning?
      Happy to have you today and any day!
      Feel free to come and browse any conversations!
      We enjoy daily prizes and a lot of learning and sharing here.

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