Your Skin Reflects Your Lifestyle
Always LIVE 10:30 AM EST
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Your skin is your many windows to the world. It’s not just the biggest organ covering your insides. It is your best friend as it protects you from the environmental hazards, bacteria and viruses, and gives you a phenomenal esthetic home to live in!
What was last effort to make your skin look fresher and more beautiful? Do you do it just for facial skin or you put a 100% effort for the skin on the Entire body? Hey, you are not alone if you practice just partial skin care.
The biological age and outside factors like weather, food, behavioral habits – these are the elements that add to or take away from your skin health.
Our goal is not to beat ourselves up, rather to immerse ourselves into the learning and sharing environment that would allow each one of us to become More Aware of our lifestyle that is in direct correlation with our skin.
Love you lifestyle? Then you gotta love your skin!
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• What would you say is the best liked part of your skin: face, hands, etc?
• Where would you like to see improvement in your skin: hands, neck, face, etc?
good morning I like to improve my legs my skin I would have to say it has aged well ok I guess lol
I’m starting to get those little dark veins on my thighs now. Ugh.
Good morning all. I would like to see improvement in my arms. I have age spots.
Morning all, finally can make it this week. Boy, summer is kicking my butt already. Have been busy, busy!
Sorry, forgot to answer the questions. I like my arms. Hate my legs!
Would love to improve my face and my legs!
Hi and good morning! Just finished the dishes and sat down with my 3rd cup of coffee. I have pale peaches and cream complexion that I love. My problem is dark circles and bags around my eyes. The bags are inherited and my brother, who 15 when I was born, actually had his insurance pay for his eye job because they interfered with his vision. Maybe someday,,,,,,,
Morning my belly I’d like to improve
@Brianna, I think we may all be in the same boat here
Mee too..aftet 4 kids mine could use a pick me up
food morning i would like to try to get my face under my chin like skinnier there is a little flab under there that i see that my mom has and i dont like it…everyone tell me that i have beautiful skin and of cours i do not bake in the sun nor do i try to tan so i think that has played a big part
Hi everyone!!! I do have realllly soft skin & that’s my fave thing about it. My fave used to be flawless until kids of course! Id like to keep it even- no blemishes. & smooth!
Good morning. I am beginning to see my skin get darker and small age spots starting.
Good. Almost afternoon. .
Hello ladies! I love the skin on my shoulders! I know it’s weird, lol, but I have always thought my skin there is smooth and a pretty color. I used to love the skin on my face but as I age my rocesea has gotten extreme. The redness is out of control. I have a lot of broken blood vessels on my cheeks now. Plus the onset of adult acne is no fun. That’s my main “skin” focus nowadays.
Good Evening, probably would have to say all of me could use some improvement 🙂
Hi! Home from work. Sorry I missed the AM session. My most like part of my skin is my face. I never suffered from acne so I don’t have any scars. I do, however, have fine lines and wrinkling on my neck, around my eyes, and my mouth.
I have to keep hydrated, that’s most important
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You’ve Got Food on Your Face
Source: WebMD
Want good skin? Watch your diet. Higher intakes of vitamin C and a lower intake of fats and carbohydrates are associated with better appearance as your skin ages.
Changing your diet will help your looks. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fish, fruits, and vegetables, seem to help protect skin.
Some studies suggest that to avoid breakouts, go for complex carbohydrates (like whole grains and pasta) and healthy protein.
Photo: Ryan McVay/Stone+
I have seen an improvement in my face with eating more strawberries and with my concoction.
Whoops my concoction for my face .
Yummy strawberries!!!
Yep Walmarts strawberries are so good. 🙂
My Wal-Mart s don’t have the best produce. I can’t wait u til it is picking time.
I was thinking about that yesterday. About 45 to 50 drive we have a strawberry farm that you go to and pick your owe berries. It is a fun family activity.
I need to make note of this. Maybe I could stop these horrible breakouts.
Strawberries are great for this Elicia. 🙂
I tried the tomotoes that worked. I think I need to do it again.
oh yes the strawberries mine will be in next week the plants are full of them just need them to get ripe them eat and put on my face I have seen some changes in my skin with all the great topics we have been having
I love strawberries
i eat a lot of fruits and veggies so i think i am doing it right and if i eat candy its chocolate covered raisins so i think that is flu of antioxidants as well so I’ve been doing a few things right
I’m sensitive to high acid foods like strawberries and tomatoes. I love ’em but have to limit my intake or I DO breakout.
I think I eat somewhat healthy. But I really need more water.
I try to use wheat most of the time. .but the husband is picky
I wish I liked fish. So many healthy benefits from it but it taste like poison to me. Experimenting with fish oil/omega 3 pills though.
I should have perfect skin lol, love fruits, fish, and vegetables. Actually don’t get breakout just looking older dark circles and very sensitive 🙂
I have noticed that lots of skin preparations are starting to contain Vitamin C. I didn’t know about the antioxidants helping to reduce signs of skin aging. Great to know.
Eat Your Vitamins
Source: WebMD
Your anti-aging cream may contain vitamin C or E.
Put these antioxidants to work from the inside, too. Eating foods rich in these vitamins, plus the mineral selenium, can help protect your skin against sun damage. They may even help reverse signs of aging, like wrinkles and skin discoloration.
Check out this post on your Beauty Feast you can create for a Gorgeous Skin!
100% agree with this advice. Wrinkles are getting less.
Hmm, interesting.
Eczema I have it but it comes and goes haven’t had a breakout for a while know but I sure will give this a try and see if it helps I will try the seeds for sure and the breakout I hope will be gonr thanks
Hmm wow we didn’t know ill do it more often
i dont want to get a lot of wrinkles i hope i do get some of my families qualities caue my grandma was 80 and she was very wrinkle free so rest, water, and a good diet we try
Nutrition…eating healthy foods and staying away from non-food food ingredients and unhealthy foods will make for a healthier body and healthier skin. It starts with the digestive system and to keep healthy one needs to avoid alcohol, tobacco products, street drugs, excessive use of medications, food additives and preservatives that are not “food”, drink spring water, and eat healthy.
I worked in the “health food” industry for 20 years. I’ve seen people who took selenium to help fade age spots and it does seem to work. Not overnight but, after a few months.
@Judy, thanks for verifying.
I eat a lot of vegtables. I could use more fruits in my diet.
This makes since. .we do love our organs and apples here
I love fruits…and its funny- I use ARBONNE- which the re9 is made of mostly citrus. the other fc5 is strawberry- my skin is amazing with the use of this product.
Edible Botox?! Yes please! I need to try some of these foods again I have never been fond of…like sweet potatoes, kale and spinach. Maybe I’ll search Pinterest for some ways to “sneak” these things in. And I never realized you can help w/sun protection internally. Pretty cool I think.
All goes back to diet, good news is love all of these 🙂
It has long been know that Vitamin E is great for the skin. My doctor suggested ingesting it as well as applying it to my surgical scars to promote hearing and lessen scarring. I found it interesting that lycopene acts as a sun screen!
Run Away From Aging Skin
Source: WebMD
Exercise benefits every part of your body – including your largest organ, the skin.
Working out improves circulation, helping nourish the skin.
Better blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients and may help your skin produce collagen, which staves off wrinkles.
Don’t fret about sweat – exercise will not clog your pores. Wash your face right after a workout and avoid tight headbands, which can trap sweat and irritate skin.
This is so true. I can’t run anymore but I sure can walk.
Working out does a lot for your body. Improving skin would not surprise me.
I have been getting my body back in motion and feeling better and sleeping better to so things age on the right track as of now
I cant run well so I walk
I cant run well so I walk
If you ever catch me running I suggest you run too because I’m most likely being chased by something. lol
i feel like i have accomplished something if i sweat i think it is a good thing
Exercise is so important for good circulation all over the body, and for the body to sweat out toxins, and to keep all body systems working well.
So frustrating, I live in the mountains of West Virginia are winters are bad, from Oct to April its just to cold to go for walks.
I still bust out the circa 1980’s VHS fitness tapes (Hello Jane Fonda) for indoor workouts.
I’m disabled and my orthopedist actually told me not to exercise. But, in these hot Mississippi summers. I’ll stand on the back porch, get really sweaty, and then shower. Our skin can dispose of toxins just like our kidneys.
Okay have to tell this story about what I learned in the Army. I learned that curing a hangover exercise is the best way because of the sweating. So yep it is true about the sweating Judy.
LOL….I love that hangover “cure”. I think it’d make me sicker…lol
@Rebecca and @Brianna,
Getting your heart rate up even if it speed walking is considered exercise. If you can talk with no problem, your heart us not in the fat burning zone.
I know this is true. When I am in a exercise routine I feel much bettet inside and out
I do not have the time to “work out.” HOWEVER:i try to stay fit as much as I can. I walk a lot- im outdoors with my boys…I try to do pilates at home- I try to stay as fit as possible…it is important inside and out
I know, I know….everyday I get a little reminder from #AMcoffee about the importance of exercising. I find it motivating and feel more empowered knowing more of the “whys” about how working out is good for you. One day I’ll get this thing down.
The circulation and sweat bands definitely make a lot of sense first time have heard not to wear tight and why though 🙂
WOW! I never knew that running was good for your skin.
Get Your Beauty Sleep
Source: WebMD
Burn the candle at both ends for a few nights, and you may see it reflected in your face: Dark circles under the eyes, pale skin, and puffy eyes.
Getting 7-8 hours a night will keep your body and skin in top shape. It matters how you sleep, too – rest your face on the pillow in the same position for years, and you’ll get wrinkles where the skin is pressed against the pillow. Sleeping on your stomach will worsen bags under your eyes. Solution? Sleep on your back.
Reduce Stress in Life
Stress could be the #1 inducer of additional wrinkles in your life. Allowing yourself to take short breaks and moments to reflect would truly make a huge difference in your Facial appearance and reduce INFLAMMATION! As we have already learned, Inflammation is the source of many chronic diseases including heart diseases, obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance. With all that gamut lurking inside, skin takes a brutal beating. Let’s eliminated such suffering by allowing ourselves to be less stressed.
Lack of sleep is so important not just to keep away wrinkles and dark spots under the eyes. Your body will be more sore without sleep. It wears you out in many ways if you don’t get enough sleep.
Haha, sleeping on your back when you are a stomach sleeper. Not comfortable.
But I do have to say, the last five nights my son has been not sleeping which means I do not sleep. My skin looks like Crap right now. I have aged in less than a week!!
We all need our beauty sleep. 🙂
oh yes I have been getting my sleep and yes sleep on your back is important as I see my chiropractor and that is the way we should sleep sleeping on your belly is a no no if you must sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees and fetel position I do this because sleeping on my back is hard but I keep trying
My bf always said to quit stressing I know y now
i sleep both ways i start on my tummy and flip to my back or my side and i try to get my rest! as a matter of fact its nap time here real shortly due to a late night last night
Turning off the electronics 1 hour before bedtime and getting to bed and a decent hour (like before 10:00pm) will help to get a good nights sleep. Also avoiding stimulants such soda or coffee at bed time, or avoiding unhealthy foods and nightshade family foods (such as tomato’s, peppers) spicy foods, and sugar after 3:00 in the afternoon may help to alleviate those puffy eyes. Puffy eyes can be a sign of allergies (not just pollen but food allergies too) and they could be a sign of a food that just doesn’t agree with you (Tomato’s for me)
Great tips!
I wish I could sleep more, 8 hours of sleep a night and a 1 hour nap in the afternoons would be wonderful.
I get my sleep, but when I sleep on my back, the neighbors complain about the noise. LOL I SNORE! I know it’s better for your skin though.
THISSSS is the area that I need the most help with. I have stresses in my life (esp lately)- and have had problems getting to sleep. im truly working on reducing my stress levels- and getting to bed ad actually SLEEEEP more.
Dont I know it..I can see it in my face and my dark circles get worse if I don’t get enough sleep. I have read/heard that sleepong on a satin pullow case is good for the skin
I toss and turn all night long so my wrinkles should be well distributed. Hehehe. I do find it easiest to fall asleep on my back though. I think my main problem is learning to deal with stress. It’s been a lifelong issue for me. It’s just aout finding the right balance that works for me.
I definitely have the dark circles, do not sleep right and definitely some stress. Also still have black and blue under left eye from surgery which does not help.
Getting a good night’s sleep is healthy in so many ways. Reduces stress, great for the skin, and keeps your mind alert.
How Pregnancy Changes Your Skin
Source: WebMD
Stretch marks – 90% of pregnant women get them. They may fade after delivery. Moisturizers can slightly improve the appearance of stretch marks. Prescription vitamin A creams or laser therapy can help, too.
Acne is another common skin problem, caused by the extra hormones in your body. Your best bet for avoiding breakouts is to wash your face twice a day and use an oil-free moisturizer. Ask your doctor before using any acne products.
Avoiding Melasma
Some women develop dark patches – melasma – on their faces when they’re pregnant or taking birth control pills. An increase in melanin, the substance that gives skin its color, is responsible for these dark patches. Melasma usually fades after delivery or when you stop taking the pill. Prevent pigment changes by wearing sunscreen at all times and avoiding the sun.
Melasma can also be treated with chemical peels or topical prescriptions of hydroquinone, retinoids, azelaic acid, kojic acid, or hydroxy acids that lighten the patches. But strict avoidance of sunlight is required.
CHECK OUT LADY SOMA Stretch Mark Cream. It’s all shea butter based plus some ingredients she adds up into her personal mix. Safe to Pregnant and Lactating mothers!
I have the stretch marks on my thighs. My sister is so beautiful being pregnant. She actually looks better as far as face goes and she hasn’t developed stretch marks yet which I may be a lil jealous because of how big she has become. lol 😛
Some ladies are so lucky to get so big and round and preserve their skin. Maybe you can secretly hope it sags afterwards. J/K lol
I lucked out with stretch marks. However, I was a athlete when I was younger my muscles were growing faster than my body. Therefore, I developed stretch marks on my thighs when I was ten!!
Acne, I did not get it bad with my son. When I was pregnant with my daughter whom I lost at 24 weeks. She did a havoc on my ance. For weeks I had bad ance. When I lost her two weeks later my skin went back to normal.
oh I have them still not as bad but it has been 24 yrs I had my last child so I don’t worry about it now them days are gone but go to know for my daughters
so sorry Erica that’s has to be the worst a mom can go threw
Tha k you Karen, it was extremely tough. It has been 18 months but it still hurts.
So sorry for your loss.
I also got a lot of strech marks young. Just from growing fast. On my thighs, calves, arms, stomach, breast. I thought it was the end of the world but you can’t see em now.
Wow I need that v stretch mark cream
i am so fortunate that i do dnot have the stretch marks, my body handled pregnancy 3 times very well without issue in that department! Im am very grateful for this….i did use a lot of cocoa butter though while pregnant!
I had great skin during my pregnancy and no problem with stretch marks. I think the key is a very healthy organic diet and not gorging on food but eating in balance.
Its been 19 years since I had a baby but, back then I used every cream there was 2 times aday. I think I used butternut cream.
Genetics plays in with stretch marks as well. If your mother or grandmother had them, your chance is higher.
The best dermatologist I ever had was Dr. Bentley, who is now governor of Alabama. The first time I saw him, he said I’d never get bad wrinkles because I don’t have sun damage. It made me feel great.
Thank GOD I did not have problems in this area. I have had 2 children and veryyyy fortunate that I do not have stretch mark at all. I used cocoa butter everyday
I gained 50 lbs the last 3 1/2 months of my 1st pregnancy. I ended up getting stretch marks up my calves and back of my legs, butt and tummy
I feel for you Constance. They fade some as you age.
I’ve had to deal with stress marks (really big dark ones) since I was young. You grow fast and bam…you have them everywhere. I don’t think I even got any new ones when I was preggo. My advice, let time do it’s work. Everytime I’ve ever gotten them they eventually fade to clear. You can see the stretched skin but it blends in.
My acne did kick in after I gave birth so I wonder if that’s related? And I have dark spots on my neck/chest but since before I got pregnant. Wonder if it would still be Melasma? I’ll have to look into it.
Wow I knew about the stretch marks but I always heard skin complexion improved when pregnant. Good to know.
Thankfully, I never had those dark spots which my three pregnancies. I do, however, have age spots on my hands due to the sun. I like to work in the garden during the summer and I am sure that has something to do with it.
How to Care for Aging Skin
Source: WebMD
As you age, your skin changes. Your body doesn’t produce as much collagen, and the elastin that allows skin to spring back into place gets weaker.
You also don’t create or lose skin cells as fast. To boost aging skin, exfoliate to remove dead skin, use a nondrying soap, and moisturize often. Use over-the-counter retinoids to reduce fine wrinkles, or ask your doctor about a prescription version. Most of all, stay out of the sun.
Check this guide for Skin Care throughout Decades of our lives.

Come back and share what is your highest concern as you become wiser with age!
Photo: Ralf Nau/Digital Vision
I am realizing all of this info now. Thanks for sharing.
I need to do more moisturize I don’t do this as often as I should this is a area I need to work on
I dont T moisturize as much as I would like to
My grandmother would get the pills for collagen. I have always thought about getting gelatin and using it. I know it can help with so many things.
There are so many things that affect our skin as we age. We have the natural aging process, hormonal changes, or one may develop thyroid problems. If over 40 you may have developed gallstones affecting your digestion, enzyme production and the proper uptake of nutrients. Skin changes can also be a sign of underlying cancer. If the skin color is taking on a flat appearance, graying, or just looking sick, it may be good to seek out a doctor.
I am trying the Olay, dark spot corrector , right now. I found a sample jar at Wal-Mart for 1.49. My cousins is using it and I can see an improvement in her skin. So hopefully it works.
Beware of Other chemicals in their formula! Watch out for PEGs of any kinds, petroleum sub-products, chemicals.
Shea butter could be helpful for dark circles. I have a bit of them, too, due to my super thin skin.
Try Coffee cooled bags, they seem to tone dark circles down.
I don’t know for sure but I believe the concoction I put together with strawberries, heavy cream, honey, and avocado helped with my dark rings around my eyes. I have been under stress and using it and usually I look awful and my mom complemented me the other day. 🙂
I believe in scrubs. Not just for the face but, the entire body. Did you know that if you take zinc when losing weight, it can help the skin “draw up”.
I am starting now to work on the future. I fear for wrinkles the most- but am so fortunate to have good “genes.” lol. im staying on my re9!!
I use a scrub glove in the shower but I have noticed the skin on my upper inner arm is looking older
I keep being told opposite, need more sun have vit. D deficiency, at same time have to avoid as all my medications say to as not good to take with sunlight. Kind of confusing. 🙂
The importance of staying out of the sun and ALWAYS wearing sunblock gets stronger with me as I age. It can cause so much damage on the outside and things like cancer. Even on a cloudy day the rays will get you!!
Light exfoliation is always good. For my sensitive skin I do it less often with less harsh scrubs. For my body I recently started using Sugar Scrubs. They are great! Leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.
I have starting taking better care of my skin over the last year. I exfoliate often and moisturize every day. Seems to be making a huge difference.
Should You Drink Coffee or Wear It?
Caffeine in coffee and tea is dehydrating, so it may cause your skin to dry out.
But a study found that when applied topically to skin, caffeine may help reverse sun damage and lower risk of some skin cancers – in mice, at least. Researchers are now trying to see if topical caffeine protects human skin, too.
There’s no reason to take out coffee or tea out of your daily diet. Lots of studies out there prove the Benefits of Coffee! Look at out discussion here and see for yourself.
Again, knowing the multitude of different factors, like Hydration and Water, you can easily mold your lifestyle trend towards a successful solution. Drink Water, for example, to add enormous life-saving benefits to your health.
I have to admit the only things I usually drink is coffee and water but more water than coffee. 🙂
lowers liver cancer Coffee is rich in antioxidants that protect our body from diseases and my favorite detriment to my migraines/headaches yes
I so have to agree 100% with you Karen. 🙂
Wow I Drink coffre not as much though
ii lov emu coffee nothing i can do to change that i feel its better than the alcohol i used to drink so i can’t quite give that up yet
Helps with headaches /migraines. Full of antioxidants.
I really think I might create a mask that has coffee in it!
I don’t believe the studies. Studies are often flawed or the result of a financial agenda. I recommend trying an elimination diet, removing coffee and caffeine products from the diet for several weeks and see how you feel. Try adding them back in and compare. Even decaf can be hard on some people’s liver, affecting skin, mood, and overall health.
@Shelia, decaf still contain small amounts of caffeine.
I have a limit of 2 cups of coffee in the morning, And then water.
im soooo guilty of ingesting tooo much coffee- but I had no idea it was so good for the skin!
I I hardly ever drank coffee. I do drank it if I need to go, and its been a few days. It really helps
I love coffee, my 3 favorites would be: 1 cup of coffee a day have lower risk of liver cancer, Stop Headaches, and Reduce risk of type 2 Diabetes. Although my dr. says I need to go caffeine free as not good for me with my kidney problems have not been able to go without it yet 🙂
I stopped drinking coffee regularly because my fiance does not like it or the smell of it. But the fact that people who drink at least 1 cup of coffee a day have lower risk of liver cancer makes me want to start again. And maybe of I tell him it can improve moods and stop headaches he will learn to deal with the smell.
I love my coffee, but I have recently been trying to add more plain water to my diet. Seems to help with the wrinkles.
Smoking and Alcohol
Source: WebMD
Smoking is bad for your skin: It’s second only to the sun in causing premature wrinkles and dry skin.
In fact, under a microscope you can see wrinkles in smokers as young as 20. Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and contributes to the breakdown of collagen. Less collagen means more wrinkling.
And yes, pursing your lips repeatedly encourages wrinkles, too. You can’t reverse the damage, but you can stop it by quitting smoking.
Alcohol is a diuretic; it causes the body to lose water. That can contribute to dry skin. It also dilates blood vessels.
But keep in mind the health effects of red wine. Lots of studies out there that show the benefits of red wine for overall health and longevity.
Again, it’s all about knowing MANY facts about MANY things, and then coming out to that critical mass in your mind that molds those facts based on your lifestyle and needs.
Smoking has a multitude effects, and here are some of them. Check them out and tell us what’s drastic about smoking right here.
This is true and it is bad for you in many ways.
Im 19 and I haven’t had the temptation to do any of that. I say my health is bad enough why make it worse
I must say I am a smoker and I sure would love to kick that but I don’t drink so I know I really need to quit I am so depend on them its crazy I would love to quit
I am also a smoker but at Walmart you can by the electric cigs called FIN which are so close to Marlboros. It is better than smoking and yes they work or they do for me.
that’s great Rebecca
i have quit both in the last 5 years! its was a struggle but it was done! COLD TURKEY ON BOTH!
awesome Wendi keep up the great work
@Wendi, congratulations.
Smoking and drinking harms you in so many ways. There is a study out there, twins :one is a smoker and the other is not. The smoker aged and looks old compared to the nonsmoker.
Drinking, not going to start on this. I worked in healthcare can’t tell you how many people come in and look 20 yrs older.
Smoking is one of the worse things women do to themselves (and also their unborn children). It ages the face and body more quickly, causes more wrinkles and some people develop duller looking skin, grey or blackened hues to the face around the mouth and lower face area, bad looking eyes, and dying with lung cancer, breast or brain cancer is not a fun option. In fact, lung cancer as it advances become quite painful. If having a hard time breathing isn’t bad enough, the pain becomes so bad that there is no pain killer that can handle it. Alcohol is a type of sugar, and can cause much of the same damage as sugar does in someone who is diabetic. Liver Cirrhosis is always a possibility and once your liver is affected, many other areas of the body suffer…you suffer and the types of other problems you develop are major. Don’t smoke, Don’t Drink. It isn’t showing you are mature or grown up. It just shows you make poor choices for your health.
SO true.
I have never smoked- and drink onlyyy on rare occasions of celebration! I have always known the harmful effects.
I dranks and smoked when I was younger for less than a year. We don’t smoke and hardy ever have a drank
Not a drinker and with my health I know should not, been trying to quit smoking is hard smoked from time was 15. Have not given up trying yet though. 🙂
I watched an episode of 60 Minutes or one of those other night news shows and they said this one group had done a study since the 1980’s on a community of retired people. They would check back with them every year and followed their lifestyles. Smoking of course cut the years short but their study showed that having a drink a day, not just exclusive to red wine prolonged life. I found that interesting.
I don’t smoke. Never have. But I do enjoy an occasional libation. Guilty as charged!
Wash the Day Away
Source: WebMD
Every day, your skin comes in contact with pollution – cigarette smoke, car exhaust, or smoggy air. Keep skin healthy by keeping it clean.
Depending on the needs of your skin, you can cleanse your face with a gentle soap or wash, or exfoliate nightly with gentle scrubs and toners to remove dead skin cells, and then apply a retinoid cream and moisturizer. (Oily skin still needs moisturizer; look for oil-free products.
PROTECT YOUR SKIN and Start Caring for It When you are still YOUNG! DON’T WAIT for that “Drastic Look” that would call you to emergency action! Start Today!
Check out and remind yourself of the Anti-aging Skin Care Essentials here.
Come back and let us know of your 3 that you need to improve on!
I am so glad we had discussion about the face and than had the recipes. It is a lot cheaper to make your owe mask then buying creams. Thank you Laura for all the recipes. 🙂
exfoliate moisturizer; and sun screen and use them cucumbers lol
Rebecca, I can not agree with you more. I love that discussion.
IHAVE TO TRY the cucumbers i have not done that yet but yes sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen
yes do try it is awesome as well
I try everyday to stick to a routine.
always always!! learned at a very young age the importance of washing the face and skin every pm. never go to sleep with makeup on your face- and use the same moisturizer for your hands as you would your face. true sign of aging can be seen in hands- esp on women.
I have a hard time remembering to wash my face at the end of the day..but the past 2 weeks I have been do8ng a goid job. .yay me
So true the earlier you start the better and I think also the easier it becomes routine 🙂
I feel that I am actually doing a pretty good job in all these areas. I was lucky and grew up with a mom who was a cosmologist so I was around dermatologist and estetishians alot. I learned a lot from them. I started young and learned as I went. Then I worked in a beauty salon/supply starting at age 17 and got to meet and ask experts questions. I got to go to trade shows and see live demos. I soaked up that information. So I do all of the above. Cleanse, scrubs, moisturizers day and night, sunscreen. The thing I need to work on now is finding what will help my acne. It’s all greek to me.
I need to work on :
1 – wearing sunscreen daily
2 – patting my face dry instead of rubbing
3 – exfoliating weekly
Skin Care in Summer
Source: WebMD
Want a tan? Get a safe one: use a bronzer or sunless self-tanner. (But most don’t contain sunscreen, so they don’t offer any protection from the sun.)
Remember to use a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen on all exposed skin and to reapply every two hours or more frequently if you’re sweating or have been in the water. And unless you have persistently dry skin, switch to an oil-free moisturizer to avoid breakouts in humid weather. It’s a good idea to rinse off after being in the pool to get rid of any chlorine on your skin.
Tips for Skin Care in the Air
It doesn’t take long on a plane for skin to start feeling dry and tight, thanks to low humidity in the recirculated air. Have a travel plan for your skin that includes drinking water – not coffee or alcohol – and moisturizing before, during, and after your flight. Don’t wear makeup on the flight if you can help it. Keep a travel-size bottle of lotion in your carry-on bag.
Here are the Helpful Reminders to all of us –>
Facial Masks –> Take advantage of these during summer!
Safety is in Sunscreen – What you really need to know about Sunscreens! It’s a Must Read.
This is great information about the flying and with the low humility. Air conditioning lowers humility also. Thanks for the tips and reminder today Laura. 🙂
Never knew that about planes. Thanks for the info. Will definitely be doing that now.
Wow great tips and information today thanks so much
yes it is a great article lots of good info we sure do learn a lot here on our amcoffee
i do not lay out in the sun and i have never really done that maybe a few times when i was younger but being irish and having very fair skin its not worth it and did not know that about flying thanks for info
I try to stay out of the sun and do my walking routine in the evening.
arbonne self tanner! its a SPRAY (no im not a rep for it- I just swear by it)!! I use a bronzer in the beginning of the summer- but towards the middle-end? nope. my cc cream is tinted and perfect as it has a sunscreen
We will be heading to the beach in a couple of weeks for vacation..I will definitely be doing and my kids are so pale we burn pretty easily
Great information and definitely true on the water, used to take girls to amusement parks for the day and would drink sugared drinks and caffeinated drinks, when I switched to just water made so much a difference on overall feeling and not thirsty constantly. 🙂
Interesting about flying and your skin. I never woulda thought! We fly yearly but usual short 2 hour flights. I’ll pack some travel size moisturizer and pass on the in-flight cocktail. Or maybe just extra moisturize. lol
I need to remember to drink more water when flying. I hate using the bathroom facilities in the plane, so I have a tendency to shy away from drinking.
Good Luck all.
I think we may need to do a topic about the mosquitoes they are real bad this year
Mosquitoes suck, literally!
Yes..there is a ditch line that is overgrown behind half of my back yard. I wish I knew who it belonged to. It needs to be cleaned out. It is just a breeding ground for mosquitos. . And I think my kids are allergic to them bc they get large welps with blister on them. .
congrats to you so far!
Congrats girls 🙂
Thank you Laura and ladies. Congrats Judy.
Ummm,,,,, granted my interet is acting up ut, I can’t seem to find the list???
K. It finally loaded. My internet has been awful with this net neutrality thing. For 2 days couldn’t load anything but, the “big boys”. Facebook, google, twitter etc. Sorry. My ISP says they’re working on it.
Congrats and thank you another great discussion!!! 🙂
Thanks so much for letting those who work during the day have a change to participate when we come home!!!!!!!
Woop woop to the winners!
All fo my skin is bad right now. On one hand I am dealing with the effects of Menopause, and on the other gallbladder/liver issues and apparently the failure of the body to process the enzyme Lipase properly. I had always had good skin. When my bad skin first appeared, I thought I was just getting too much sun. Skin tells you what is going on inside the body, so it is important to think more deeply than “on the surface”.
I would like to improve the clarity of my face. I have been getting lots of dark age spots. I hate them but not only are they on my face but on my arms and hands too. How do I deal with them? I also been getting large pores on my face. At 61, I don’t like dealing with this. I used to have bad acne problems when young and now this, ugh! Help, any advice? I use Clearsil on my face to wash my skin and never soap.