There is a First for Everything #AMCoffee #Devotional

A First for Everything
Today’s Devotional


UnDiet Project devotional
When you reach into your deep bag of memory it is easy — and fun — to pull out your 1st’s. Your first time behind the wheel, the first time you were drunk, your first kiss, first day of high school/college, first sushi. First job. First time you voted. Your first wedding (your only one?). Your first child being born.

Young life is a long string of first’s, that become more rare as you age. Seems you get all of that “new” stuff over early, and just fill in the space with “more of the same” after that. That doesn’t mean life is boring. It’s just that the visible milestones of your participation in life on this planet move by rather early. After that, changes in your life are less about events, and more about meaning.

Meaning. Everyone goes through those times when you ask the big questions, and there is none bigger than what is the meaning of YOUR life? Why are you here? Whatever answers you come up with, the answers shift over time. But these are seldom scenes you can point to on a calendar.

They are thoughts, faiths, beliefs, soul-searched answers that form the foundation of who you are, who you are transitioning into becoming, and where you are headed in those crowning years when you are filled with memories of what was, wondering what might have been.

Dying is also a first. We only get to do that once. If the data is correct, half of us will die before the actuarial table tells us. No one is prepared for that. That sets a premium on your time remaining. Whether you have 50 more years, or 20, you never know. So, if it is so uncertain, what does that mean you should be doing now…could be doing but aren’t?

This isn’t about creating a bucket list (although a worthy endeavor). It is about being aware of the journey, respecting the arc of your life, and asking what you can do in the uncertain breadth of years ahead, to add meaning to it. It is about taking time to feel life soaking into you and being thankful that you have experienced many wonderful events, and felt some amazing emotions.

It is about stepping away daily from the tyranny of the clock, and acknowledging the beauty that you are immersed within. It is feeling peace, pulling joy into your center, and re-filling your soul daily with wonder and gratitude for life.

If you do not do it daily, it will all slip away. It will become a self-appointment on your calendar, one that you most likely won’t always keep. When it fades away as a priority, you will miss the life in living.

The first thing in the morning, when your body is as rested as it’s going to get, pull peace into your heart. Make the time to reflect, to meditate, to pray, to feel life flowing through you, around you, and touching all you love. This is where you’ll feel life touching you, your memories and your dreams for the future. It is where you meet life on your spiritual terms. It is where the meaning of life soaks into your core.

With YOU as your first appointment in the morning, with YOU as a priority for a few moments at the beginning of your day…each day…everything you do thereafter will feel fresh, alive. No matter how many times you have done them before, your day’s events will enliven you like the first time you did them. And you will experience life as beautiful as you had always imagined it to be.

Make each day the first day of the rest of your life.

© 2016 Boyd Jentzsch. All Rights Reserved.


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  1. Brilliant post. It is really important to live in the now and appreciate what you have. Too often life gets in the way of just enjoying the moment.

  2. I always try to take some time in the morning to relax and ponder my day. I usually have some hot tea and take some time to make a plan for the day!

  3. Angelic Sinova says

    It’s so important to live for now. I always try and live each day to the fullest and enjoying the journey that is life <3

  4. You know, it’s funny I’m reading this right now because I just finished watching a movie on Netflix about a guy who’d lost all short term memory. Every day was like a brand new beginning. It’s “Remember Sunday” and sort of chick flicky but cute, if you’re into that kind of movie. But you’re totally onto something. We should def. consider every day as if it’s a new beginning and a fresh start. Thanks for sharing.

    • Laura at AMCoffee says

      Without knowing it, that guy from the movie, probably lived a happy day every day.
      I’ll check into this movie.
      Thank you, sweets!

  5. New beginnings are so important to teach the kids, too. You may have messed up yesterday, but today is a new day and free of mistakes (until you get up anyway!). Lovely thought today, thank you.

  6. i love this!!!! being intentional about these thoughts are so important!

  7. The last paragraph of this post is my all time favorite and it really motivated me, most days I just rush thru life, and now I will definitely change that.

  8. I like the concept of having each day as a unique experience. We get to make moments in our life so it’s important to make it matter.

  9. I love the idea of making each day the first day of the rest of your life!! Such wonderful words to live by!!

  10. I love this! Remembering to live in and for the present, and making the most of it is something I’ve been concentrating on lately.

  11. That’s a really good idea- a really good way to start the day.

  12. Your first words are so true. Make everyday the first day of the rest of your life.

  13. Such a good idea. I really need to take some time in the morning, when I squeeze my quick cup of tea in. So very true

  14. Becca Wilson says

    I need to take a moment and slow down in life. I always want to be done with one thing and on to the next. I need to savor it in more.

  15. I really loved this post, such inspirational words to share with others. I’ll have to take this advice and live by it for sure.

  16. What a great post! We only live once and it’s so important to not take things for granted.

  17. I try to appreciate every day. I do better some days than others but that is how it goes.

  18. Not taking things for granted is something I struggle with everyday, it is so important and helps living a happier live, we have so much!! Thanks for sharing!

  19. All important points many could use in their daily lives.

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