Weight Loss Is Not Your Will Power
The season of weight loss is in the offing. I hear it everywhere. What escapes from us is that weight loss is not a sprint run to shed a ton of weight and do nothing. Rather, it is a lifestyle that many of those who attempt to lose weight will start developing step-by-step.
I do not believe that weight loss is the will power that many of us lack. Nope. Studies show again and again, that the chemical reactions that reside in our bodies – more specifically in our brain – trigger certain cravings and behaviors that many blame on will power. It doesn’t have to do with it. Not a thing.
Obviously, we do need to make a decision first, if we are ready to take a step into the weight loss for the sake of our health and people who surround us in our lives.
All Diets Work! Or at least most of them. What people don’t realize, it’s the AFTER-DIET time, when it comes, that can let us down and put us back on the weight regain.
What’s a solution? Sounds boring, yet it’s the lasting one – LIFESTYLE CHANGE.
STOP blaming yourself. You are not at fault at anything. We love food. All of us love junk food. The tiny thing that can truly affect you and your thinking is a tiny, baby steps you take towards creating your own lifestyle.
And here are some ways you can look into today – without waiting for the New Year – to excite yourself with what’s coming your way, on your path, into your life.
Please take care of your body. It is the only one that is given to us – into our governance – to celebrate every day.
And if you got a few or more pounds you would like to leave in the past – know that you are not alone!
Skip down to Comments section to pick up something new or already known by you. Practice Makes Perfect – refreshing your mind about things you knew at some point of life is that type of practice for your mind to take action.
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good morning well i hope we can get the gales to come and do this again it was fun and learned alot
good morning
Good afternoon 🙂 Id love to tone up a little over the next year.
Good evening to all. I do believe that anyone one comment can help someone and that is indeed invaluable. In 2016 I am going to improve on my business skills as well as my health. When we feel good inside we can achieve most anything. 😀
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#1 Hydrate Well
Drinking water is vital. Literally, your health depends on the amount of water you drink daily.
Water assists with regularity, hydrates cells and makes them look “toned” for the skin enjoy its plumpness. Water supplies itself to muscles to take away all the waste.
Little many know that water is very essential for our spinal discs to hydrate them and work without a glitch.
Drink water first thing in the morning, because you wake up DEHYDRATED! YES, the body used all water up in the chemical reactions and waste cleaning. Now is the time to supply more elixir to the entire body and its systems to get them going and humming.
WATER is at the top of the list when it’s coming to weight loss and maintenance. When we are hydrated, we experience less hunger and allow the waste to be evacuated in many different ways, sweating included.
I love my water (and have been told ice water is even better because it burns a few calories while drinking it)
It is so important to stay hydrated. I do know that when I start getting a bad head ache the first thing I go for is water.
I must drink more water but man I hate it I try but it just is not good
I’ve been drinking so much water lately and I feel so much better for it. I keep some by my bed at night too and that helps me hydrate even more.
#2 Rethink Your Chewing
Rushing through every meal is no good for your stomach or your weight either. We always eat more when we are in a hurry. Thinking about filling our stomachs leaves us empty of a true Soul Food.
When we slow down, we start enjoying the food aromas, tastes and begin feeding our need for reflection and enjoying life on a deeper level – our soul level.
Bite and chew mindfully. Chew at least 20 times before you swallow. Allow the eating process to last longer. It’s even better when you share a meal break with someone else.
Slowing down your food swallowing allows the brain to catch up and release the satiety hormones and signals to make you stop eating when your body needs it.
Here are some foods for Daily Healthy Living
Lol-I tend to eat fast even though I know Im not supposed to. I get full real quick (like a couple bites quick) so Ive gotten into a bad habit of inhaling my food. I agree I need to slow down and chew more
Jessica I know that feeling when we have children we tend to eat fast to get thing done I know that’s why I do I know I have work that has to get done so I hurry need to let it go lol
This is so true and it is indeed more pleasureful taste wise. It really does give your mind enough time to catch up.
#3 Add Some Calcium in 2016
We all know that Calcium is important for bone formation. Yet, there are many more functions that this invaluable mineral is used for. Cells and nerves need calcium for proper functioning. Yet many of us avoid foods that are rich in this mineral and turn to supplements.
Nothing is wrong with supplements. But when we eat foods that supply us what we need for our well-being _ isn’t it how Nature first envisioned it?
As we age, we need Calcium for daily living.
Foods and bearing weights exercising would help you in 2016 and beyond with your optimal Calcium levels!
Check this list of FOODS that will support you in getting Calcium daily.
Love having a handy link (I like most of the foods listed there-especially almonds) but could always eat more of them.
This is a great list of natural foods that contain calcium. I must say that I had never tried Kale til last year and now we eat it all the time.
well I know I could eat a lot more I think I will thanks for this
#4 Stop Eating Simple Carbs Late at Night
Late food snacking is what gets us very often when we are watching the movie or work burning midnight oil.
Instead of sweets and breads and pastas or rice, reach out for protein with veggies. When you combine about 1-2 ounces of lean protein and vegetables – you are cutting calories not eaten and allow yourself to avoid hunger pains. This powerful combo will get the satiety signal sent by your brain in about 15-20 minutes after you’ve eaten your snack meal.
Thus, those huge calories not eaten at night will result in weight loss and maintenance, depending on what you are doing.
Check this post with the foods you can use for your snacking and eating all-day-long!
VEry late last night I was snacking on 2 slices of raisin toast and wanted more….to distract myself I pulled out some fresh broccoli and chewed on that instead. I ended up eating it all (never got full but wasnt hungry anymore)
I do know that late at night when I do feel hungry I grab so nuts like almonds to snack on. Nuts are a great source of protein.
yep that’s a hard one to do but lately I have been dong a good job and avoiding the bad foods and getting the good foods in down 15 lbs a little at a time
#5 Women Are Unique Creatures
Recently I’ve listened to a TED talk where a medical doctor – a woman – discussed issues of creating new medicine for people to take. No matter what a condition medical science is working on – the final testing stages they use to test any drugs for humans are done on MEN.
YES, ONLY ON MEN, rather than on both sides of the human race.
That is why women experience a lot of side effects and even complications at a much more higher rate than men.
One simple reason – women are not used as test subjects in any big clinical trials.
The same comes when a woman would like to shed a few pounds. We are UNIQUE creatures!
Weight Loss is a Biologically Difficult Task for any Woman!
There are many why’s like hormone dis-balance that occurs every month in our body. Unique body and systems that only a woman has. These are just a handful of reasons why our bodies can have more difficulties when it comes to shedding a few extra pounds.
Check out this post that will open more why’s for you to watch for when it comes to weight loss as being a woman.
Thanks again for the tips.Being a woman seems harder all the way around sometimes (it may not be but the grass is always greener right?)Lol
This I found very interesting indeed. You are right when you say we are unique creatures. I do believe there are so many of us woman out here that don’t realize how much our hormones can effect us in many ways.
I found doing my 2 protein shakes a day and small healthy snakes and a normal dinner to work for me
The UnDiet Project Kicks Off in January.
Check it out and how it can truly elevate you and inspire to live with more joy.
Love the idea of undieting 😀
I truly am all for any program that can being more life and joy into our daily life. Thanks for sharing Laura.
its a life style change we have to do great information love it
Check out These Amazing OPEN Giveaways for December!
Thanks Laura I entered some of them 😀
Thanks for sharing all this amazing information Laura. It is so important for all of us to take care of ourselves so we can all live happy, enjoyable, and productive lifes.
Lifestyle change is the most important part of losing weight. You can lose weight following almost anything. It’s the keeping it off that’s the trick.
I’m trying to do healthier food this year. I need to lose a few pounds and exercise more. You’re right I think it is something chemical in the brain when you crave something.
Yes, any diet will work for about a 20 lb weight loss–then it slowly creeps back to haunt you (with a couple of extra lbs for good measure until you try the next diet that comes along–I believe the term is Yo-Yo dieting –it took me about 63 years and diabetes to finally make the changes in my eating habits that got the weight off and keep it off! My take on all of this? EAT to LIVE do not LIVE to eat!!
Aaargh! I need to stop eating carbs at night. This is my culprit to weight gain! Whenever our family watches a movie I can’t help but crave the junk food…and it’s such a bad thing! I should just reach for water…no calories and good for you! 🙂
I am a firm believer in lots of water and few carbs!
These are great suggestions. I can’t wait to put them to work and try to achieve my goal this year.
Thank you so much for this and the wonderful tips – I have to admit I don’t take baby steps I always try and cut everything out and it just doesn’t work. x
The New Year always brings the intentions of getting healthier and losing weight. It is really all about making the necessary changes in order for this to be successful!
I don’t need to diet and I am actually wishing to gain a li’l more pound. But my goal next year is for our family to eat healthier.
I hate the word diet! I need to remember it’s more of a lifestyle change and eat better to feel better!
I must admit I have to shed around 5 pounds. Not a big deal though. I drink a lot of water and coffee. Helps flush out the toxins in my body. I try to avoid food with empty calories and make sure I have vegetables and fruit everyday. My mom hated it when I said I was on a diet. She said “diet” is “die” with a “t.”
I definitely think that when it comes to losing weight and staying healthy is making a complete lifestyle change. I do so years ago and now eating healthy and working out comes natural to me and doesn’t seem like a task at all.
Ahhhh losing weight is all about the choices you make. Eat healthy, drink tons of water and stay active and it’s impossible to fail
Drinking more water is what I have to get better at…I have weight loss goals, but they’re also healthier me goals for the long term.
I have had back issues for over 30 yrs. As long as I can stay active, I can lose the weight and keep it off! This time is different. Not only are my back issues forefront again, I now have neuropathy in my feet which has sabotaged the exercises that I can perform! That has made EVERYTHING so different and I used to use both diet and exercise to motivate each other! And I’m 15 years older and very near to menopause, which has made another obstacle! I’m sure, eventually , I’ll find the right combination to keep me motivated, but I haven’t found all the puzzle pieces yet!