Allergies In Kids #AMCoffee

Good Morning!
We’ll be LIVE Conversing On
March 31, 10:30 AM EST

Today’s Discussion: ALLERGIES In Kids


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Grab a cup ‘o Joe and share what’s on your mind for an hour on this Tuesday, March 31.

Sponsored by DelSol

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Today’s Discussions:

  • Allergies In Kids
  • Raising Awareness of Allergies, Identifying Symptoms
  • Course of Action in Reducing Allergies

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• Start participation by commenting under the threads and comments you are interested in
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• We will be drawing winners out of each highlighted comment thread: A big image represents a stand-alone Comment Thread

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  1. CoffeeTime says

    Winners Will Be Announced Here!
    If you are a winner, you must claim your prize by 9pm ET March 31, 2014, or you forfeit your prize.

    Winners are for today’s AM Coffee:

    Boy’s Tees
    – Karen Hinkle
    – Jennifer Wigal

    Girl’s Tees
    – Jessica Parent
    – Carmen’s Coupon Blog 2

    Princess Hair Accessories
    – Mandi Gilliam
    – Barbara Riffe

    Winners, please go to DelSol and pick your prize, then fill out the form with your Choice + Boy/Girl + Size where applicable!

    Boy’s Tess
    Girl’s Tees
    Princess Hair Accessories

    • Come back at the end of the coffee hour 11:30am ET and see if you won.

    amcoffee prize winners

  2. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE – Sign In!

    • Comment and Say ‘Hello’ to all who will be here with you
    What are the challenges you experience with your kids’ or personal allergies?

    sign in am coffee

    • Good Morning #AMCoffee

    • Karen Hinkle says

      Good morning the sun is shinning that’s a good thing
      no allergies here thank goodness

    • michelle passwaters says

      Good morning!!! I’ve missed waking up to am coffee!!

    • Good morning Laura and Raye.Hope both of you have a good Day.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Good morning all. At least fb can’t take this from me. 🙂

      • Haha, sorry not to laugh (laughing at your tone of the comment) I take it you are one of the many that have been locked out from “liking”. Which I have to say really stinks and is wrong!

        • Rebecca Swenor says

          Yes and not happy about it. I woke yesterday to turn computer on to the message. It said they did it at 4:30 am. I have complained twice haven’t yet today but will. gurrrr!!!

    • thia beniash says

      im here, im here, I have found my way! woohoo

    • Carol Yemola says

      HELLO and Good Morning on this snowy AM in northeastern PA!

    • kelly Hubbard says

      Good Morning stretch and yawn…………I am ready for a fun convo

    • thia beniash says

      ok,so now I have to go to work… cant I just stay home and play with you guys? way more fun! OH NO, I THINK I AM ALLERGIC TO WORK.. lol…. no remedy for that one! have a fantastic day ladies!

      • I am too!
        However, I am heading off to a Pilates class but wanted to check out today chat.

        • CoffeeTime says

          Good GRL, Elicia!
          Love pilates! Should be have yoga/pilates theme and sponsors who can do that for us?

          • Would love something like that. Dine with my class and it feels great!
            Haha, am chat with a 20 min Pilates program attached. That’d be great.

    • Wendi Watson says

      Good Morning! Finally some sun after that 8 inches of madness Saturday!

    • Oops, sorry I posting my hello on the winners post (that is what I get for doing mobile)

      Morning all. Bright sunny here in Cleveland. Currently 28 degrees but will reach 55 at some point in today. After Saturdays snow fall (4 inches) this is a blessing.

      Challenges, we do not have allergies here. We are lucky.

    • Jessica Parent says

      Top of the morning Ladies 🙂 One of the biggest challenges I have had with my oldest sons allergies is that they have ALWAYS set off his asthma. Since he has gotten older it is a lot better (he outgrew a lot of it) but even in zyrtec , singulair and advair daily until he was 10 he was hospitalized 4-10 times a year for about a week at a time- about 75% of those attacks were set off by his seasonal allergies

    • Good Morning Everyone #AMCoffee

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      Good morning! My children are still young so I’m not sure if they suffer from seasonal allergies, although, lately, I’ve noticed my youngest (23 month old) has been coughing a little with a slight runny nose. It’s very difficult, at their ages, to know what is what. As for food allergies and such, my youngest was allergic to dairy for the first 20 months of his life but seems to have outgrown that.

    • Fall allergies are the worst for my family, Sneezing and watery eyes are the worst. Both of my kids became allergic to cinnamon in there late teen years. So we have to watch everything they eat. And for some reason, my daughter and I have very sensitive skin. Things like sand, will break us out in a heart beat.

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Good morning! The stomach bug is going around at the school, now me and the kids have it… Ugh…. Good morning!!!! Hope everyone is having a blessed day!

    • Hello!! Thankfully we don’t have any serious allergies here, we’ve just had some sinus congestion

    • Good morning all, his was fun!! 🙂 hope you all have an amazing Monday! We have snow on the ground, but at least the sun is shining!

    • Brianna Ketchum says


  3. CoffeeTime says


    Let me start with this:
    Parents are responsible for their children’s health and well-being. Caught early, many health conditions can successfully addressed to!

    Today, we are talking about Kid’s Allergies.

    What are the most common symptoms for allergies?
    – Itchy eyes, nose, throat, sometimes the whole face!
    – Congestion

    Causes of allergies?
    – Dust mites
    – Cockroaches
    – Pollen
    – Molds
    – Pets
    – Cow’s Milk
    – Eggs
    – Seafood, Seashells
    – Peanuts and Tree Nuts
    – Wheat, Soy
    – Insect Stings
    – Medicines
    – Chemicals

    • My children are grown, and none suffered bad from allergies #AMCoffee

    • michelle passwaters says

      My children have a few allergies…. My son sneezes all day long not sure why the only thing I can think of is dust but sneezing is his only symptom. My daughter was born lactose intolerant but she is starting to grow out of it which I’m extremely thankful for.

      • michelle passwaters says

        One thing I forgot to mention that moms with babies might need to be careful about… My daughter is highly allergic to fire ants!! I didn’t know there was such a thing! But she dropped her bear on the ground and picked it up and got six bites on her hand and she had to go to the emergency room she got splotchy and her throat closed up it was the scariest thing for me as a mom the doctor was stunned he never heard of people being allergic to ants… This is awful because they are everywhere and I have to watch her closely outside!

        • CoffeeTime says

          Yes, it’s called Insect Sting Allergies.
          Awfully dangerous as you find out about it usually when it happens. So glad you got your baby in emergency on time!

          • michelle passwaters says

            They never even told me what it was called and she was a little over a year when it happened it was scary I couldn’t be in the room with her the whole time I was a mess

    • I really wish one of my Daughter would take better care of her kids when they are sick, all she does is uses over the counter meds (if that). Sometimes I think they need to be seen by a Doctor. Everyone in the house ends up sick from them and it is dangerous for me to keep getting sick because of all my Heart conditions.

      • CoffeeTime says

        Tough situation, as your daughter is a grown-up and is independent in her actions when it comes to kids.
        But when it comes to KIDS and their Well-Being, you have your right to intervene and have a good conversation with your grown-up baby!

        Like anything else, Allergies are very, very important to address on time before they end up being a huge inflammation inside the body and cause serious illnesses.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Both my boys along with myself always ended up with sinus infections and ear infections. Myself and my boys started getting allergies shots and we all stopped getting sick all the time. I had to give up my cats but kept my dogs. I have always been more a cat lover so it killed me to get rid of my cats but my oldest was allergic to them.

    • thia beniash says

      as a kid I never had allergies. now I have them terrible. daily allergy pill keeps them at bay. my dear mother in law says take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar a day… seems to work. she can visit without any reaction to my cat.

    • Carol Yemola says

      All of my children are grown with children of their own. My son had hay fever every spring and he still suffers from it. My grandchildren don’t see to be bothered by allergies thank goodness.

    • Wendi Watson says

      its crazy but we went to the Dr. for my son and he is allergic to everything except cockroaches as far as seasonal allergies he is a mess in the spring and fall!

    • We are lucky no allergies here with my son. I do feel for those that have children with allergies. I got allergies after having my son but really it is nothing I can not handle and to be honest it only lasts for a short time and not horrible at all. It is kind of like a spring cold (with sneezing).

    • I have Chronic Allergies.. and I have 4 kids with Asthma and Allergies especially my 2 youngest suffer a lot they are 18 mos and 6 mos tomorrow…

    • Jessica Parent says

      My 9 year old suffers severely in the spring with congestion and red watery eyes (we have no idea “what” it is he’s allergic too …we think pollens ,but Baush and Lombs, Alaway really helps with the eyes). My oldest son-16 has been allergy tested twice due to the severity of his allergies(and them setting off severe asthma attacks throughout his childhood). He is definitely allergic to Dogs, hamsters, dust , mold (found in the air) and fresh cut grass (plus another that I cant remember).Luckily our other 3 kids and my hubby and I don’t suffer from allergies (unless you count my allergy to exercise)

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      My children are still young, ages 1 and 3, so we’re working on figuring out if they have any allergies other than my youngest having dairy allergies that he grew out of 2 months ago

    • Both kids allergic to cinnamon. They swell up and get hives.

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      I have had to treat my daughter Sierra for allergies daily with Claritin since she was two years old. She is 9 now but it continues to work well for her! It’s so important to keep allergies at bay because it can lead to infections if left untreated.

    • Yes, a little Benadryl goes a long way…if we have any kind of symptom we usually seek some medicine for relief

    • Brianna Ketchum says

      wow that is amazingly something i didnt know

  4. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE #2
    Leave your Twitter Handle in the Comment (@MyTwitterHandle)

    RETWEET #1
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    am coffee

  5. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE #3

    Did you know that wearing cotton clothes can reduce allergies and irritation to the skin? DelSol & their sister company CARILOHA do it well! With their apparel for children and grown-ups, these 2 companies do an outstanding job in providing stylish wear with sustainable and eco-clean touch to our skin!

    Let’s give them a shout-out here! Say what you want say there! Thank you.


    • Karen Hinkle says

      I commented that is so great what they are doing

    • As a adult I have developed allergies, glad some companies strive to bring relief to people, Big shout out to 2 great companies DelSol & CARILOHA #AMCoffee

    • I never knew that, I will have to give it a try. How wonderful it is to finally find some relief. Thank you both for letting us know

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I said this: I think it is awesome that they thought about eco-clean touch to our skin. Most companies don’t care about that just making money. 🙂

    • thia beniash says

      I did know cotton is good. I didn’t know about the eco clean though. very cool to know there is a company who actually cares about the human race! Thank you!

    • Carol Yemola says

      Gave them a shout out! The clothes are so stylish, safe for the wearer, and environmentally friendly! That’s a win win win!

    • Wendi Watson says

      done, let them know i am going to try those sheets hopefully win them but over the summer it will be on the list

    • Janice Dean says

      Commented:) Thanks!

    • I commented.. This is awesome they have for both girl and boys.. and I have both lol

    • Jessica Parent says

      Commented here and there. I had no idea that wearing cotton clothes could reduce allergies

    • ” DelSol and CARILOHA it is fantastic that you have developed clothing that caters to everyone and everyone can wear it (including the children’s line) .”

    • Awesome, I commented, cute clothing, Thanks

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      Commented.. Their shirts for kids are so cute 🙂

    • michelle passwaters says

      I gave them a shout out on the red link above… This is awesome I never knew clothing could reduce allergies… Wow the things people come up with these days continue to blow my mind

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Gave them a shout out there!! And to DelSol and Carihola thank you again for sponsoring this event and giving us an opportunity to win such awesome prizes for our kids today. I know mine would love those shirts!!!! Very cool idea and to know that it was made to help reduce allergens makes it all the better!! Thank you so so much!! <3

    • Hello!! Thank you!! I had no idea, but always try to dress my boys in cotton at all times

    • Brianna Ketchum says

      i said their doing great

  6. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE #4

    Pin ME!

    PIN #1
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  7. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE #5

    DelSol and Cariloha do care about providing quality apparel to us all, using sustainable, non-toxic ingredients.

    They also strive for developing stylish, modern look in clothes.

    Go to this post and Comment What THEMES you’d like to be printed on DelSol and Cariloha clothes for both kids and grown-ups. They do have a lot of Disney and Marvel stuff already!

    Comment on the post here, not in this thread, please!

    amcoffeedisney princess tees

  8. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE #6

    Treating Allergies
    Thank you KidsHealth for providing us with this information!

    How Could We Reduce Allergies in our Kids or In Ourselves?

    – Keep family pets out of certain rooms, like your child’s bedroom, and bathe them if necessary.
    – Remove carpets or rugs from your child’s room (hard floor surfaces don’t collect dust as much as carpets do).
    – Don’t hang heavy drapes and get rid of other items that allow dust to accumulate.
    – Clean frequently.
    – Use special covers to seal pillows and mattresses if your child is allergic to dust mites.
    – For kids allergic to pollen, keep the windows closed when the pollen season is at its peak, change their clothing after they’ve been outdoors, and don’t let them mow the lawn.
    – Keep kids who are allergic to mold away from damp areas, such as basements, and keep bathrooms and other mold-prone areas clean and dry.

    Obviously, in severe cases of Allergies, you gotta see the Doctor Professional who could with testing determine what Allergies your child is suffering from and outline a course of action!


    • michelle passwaters says

      To reduce allergies I clean and dust pretty much everyday! Don’t forget ceiling fans and vents! We also use the reduced allergens air filters. We have carpet so vacuuming everyday is a must and we try to steam cleaning with reduced allergen products every couple months… But let’s face it fighting allergies is a constant battle to which we might never win lol we can reduce them but never get rid of them.. I also keep my kids stocked on benadryl during allergy season they take it everyday!

    • thia beniash says

      I would so love to remove the prohibits it. I vacuum every day to keep the allergens down to a minimum. I also dust once a week while the kids are at school.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      If you have carpeting make sure you vacuum daily and wash the bedding in your children’s room every other day at least. Also make sure you clean the carpets frequently. My son and myself are allergic to feathers and we did not know til we were tested. We both had the down pillows too. It is best to get the allergenic slip covers for the mattress and pillows. The children are worth every penny and every oz of sweat you put into making it safer for them. 🙂

    • Carol Yemola says

      Personal care is also important to reduce allergy symptoms … especially handwashing and shampooing of hair. When outside, your hair becomes a magnet for pollen. Shampooing will remove it so you don’t continuously have exposure causing increased symptoms. The pollen laden hands, when touching the face, also cause increased symptoms. They should be washed immediately upon entering the house from the outside.

      • Rebecca Swenor says

        When I cut the grass or do work on yard I always come in and shower. If I don’t I will notice believe me. That is the one thing I forgot to mention. Ty Carol. 🙂

    • Thank You for the tips we do all of these everyday for my kids.. to help reduce their symptoms

    • I am out on this one. I have no clue as my son does not suffer from allergies so I have never researched it. But the information you provided is nice to know in case I know someone with allergies.

    • Jessica Parent says

      We also minimize the stuffed animals in the house (and wash the ones we do have-along with bedding often )

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      I do all of the above! What are thoughts on using a humidifier? Would that be a good or bad thing for allergies?

      • Rebecca Swenor says

        That is a must but don’t let humidity get above 50% that is what my allergist says. I don’t remember what she said about getting lower % but I think it was no lower than 40%.

      • michelle passwaters says

        We used an air purifier before and honestly we couldn’t tell the difference but we saw a difference on our electric bill lol

        • Rebecca Swenor says

          There was something I heard on a program that the air purifiers don’t really work. It was a while ago so I don’t remember to much about it only say said it doesn’t really do anything but up electric.

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Definitely keeping down on clutter, and dust is hard sometimes but so important to do. We have really bad allergies in my family. Gotta keep the air filters and grills dusted, furniture, blinds, curtains, table tops, base boards, lamps, ceiling fans, ect. And you have to dust DAILY. But it’s keeps down allegergies during the spring and really anytime of year. It’s hard work, but you gotta do it 🙂

    • Yes we have allergy covers on all pillows and mattresses, I also wash their blankets and sheets weekly

    • Brianna Ketchum says

      Wow i never knew most of this will start this now!

  9. If I do have any of these items in a room I make sure to wash them on a regular basis and steam clean the carpets monthly to remove and dust mites that may be in there. I also use a spray on the couches for the daughter who is allergic to cats. I did get some wonderful and helpful information from this AM coffee. Thank you.

  10. Janice Dean says

    Good morning from Michigan where it’s going to be 60F today! My first time here for coffee!

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Hello Janice. I am in the UP and it is 38 degrees here so don’t think it will be 60 here maybe in the high 40’s.

  11. Wendi Watson says

    i have to make sure the dust is clear and in the summer we have to run the air windows being open are very few in between due to my son but we do watch the pollen levels if they go low enough we do open them and wash bedding once a week

  12. Jessica Parent says

    On my oldest sons bed we also use the special covers for his mattress and pillow-makes a world of difference!

  13. I clean everything mentioned above. I do a major spring clean. but right before the the heat gets turned on for fall and winter I clean the heater ducks again.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Yep that is also very important and make sure you change the filters for the furnace. I can always tell in the winter when it is time to get new filters because my allergies get bad.

  14. Jennifer Wigal says

    Good morning from Ohio. This is my first time for AM Coffee.

    My son is almost 10 months old and I believe he’s allergic to animals, cats especially. He developed it as soon as I brought him home from the hospital and I had to get rid of my cats. I asked his pediatrician if he would do an allergy test. I was told children don’t develop allergens (?) until after two years of age so he won’t do the testing. So far he’s not allergic to any foods…knock on wood.

    • Jessica Parent says

      The doc wouldn’t do my severely asthmatic son (set off by allergies) until he was 4 (a biggie for him was cats) and also suggested re retest when he was 9 (due to natural immunities his body would acquire as he aged) -A few things he was allergic to at 4 (like the cats) were no longer showing up at allergies and he had 2 new allergies when retested (now dogs)

  15. Jennifer Wigal says

    My son is almost 10 months old and I’m pretty sure he’s allergic to pets. I had to get rid of my cats is soon as I brought him home from the hospital. His doctor won’t do the allergy testing on him because he said he won’t produce the allergens (?) until he’s after two years old. I’m not sure if there’s any truth to that. Thankfully he’s not allergic to any food yet, knock on wood. Just recently the poor kiddo contracted pinkeye, but I’m not sure as to where you got it…not that that’s an allergy.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      The pink eye is from feces sorry but true. I was freaked when I found this out.

      • Rebecca Swenor says

        There is so many things are children and ourselves can contract from anywhere if you worry about them all you won’t go out of the house nor let your children out. You can also cause your children to have O.D.. My oldest has it and I blame myself because I had gone to school for lab tech.

  16. melissa augustus says

    hey good moring

  17. Karen Hinkle says

    I must say keeping the house clean and vacc the floor daily is a must but you all have gave me some great advice I will take them to heart but at this time no one is suffering but I do go to the chriopracter once a week that keeps me running like a well oiled machine and my grandson to

  18. CoffeeTime says

    <AM COFFEE #7

    WATER And Its Effect on Allergies…

    Is simply Amazing!

    To reduce Allergies, drink plenty of Spring Water!
    – Before you go to bed, 1.5 to 2 hours before bed
    Body is full on allergens and toxins. Allow water to flush them off and out!
    – 1st Thing when you get up in the Morning!
    During the night, the body goes through rebuilding your body and produces a lot of toxins. Help your body to eliminate them with good spring water! Drink at least 1 full glass of water when you are up and at ’em!

    Yes, Spring clean water is the best to give your body what you need and take out other toxins without adding anything body unfriendly!


    • michelle passwaters says

      Thanks for the info I didn’t know that… I usually drink a couple glasses of milk before bed guess I’ll have to change that… But I love my milk soooo much

      • Jessica Parent says

        Lol- I’m more of a milk before bed girl too 😉

      • CoffeeTime says

        Drink milk earlier, rather than before going to bed. Milk only contributes more “food for waste” for your body. Water will allow your body to cleanse your body before BED Time! So you will be going to bed much “lighter” on allergens floating inside!

        • michelle passwaters says

          Okie dokie will do! I think drinking milk before bed is keeping my weight on anyways lol I have been doing this for years but a cold glass of milk is so yummy and feels silky and smooth ummm I love milk 🙂

    • Jessica Parent says

      I knew water was good for me but had No idea that it actually could flush toxins away while I slept! Makes sense since it seems to help chest congestion when Im sick 🙂 Learn something new everyday

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      That I didn’t know thanks.

    • Wow, this is enlightening!! I had no idea….I’m going to try this out, thank you!

  19. Karen Hinkle says

    wow I will have to tell this to some of my family who suffers from this and let them know to try this

  20. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE #8

    Aerobic Capacity And Its Effect on Allergies

    Good fresh air, when it’s not polluted, is a great way to help our bodies to get rid of toxins and allergens that are trapped inside!

    Obviously, if your child is allergic to seasonal pollen, avoid those aerobic activities outside.

    But Restrict Not Physical activity at all!

    When you increase Aerobic Capacity, bad stuff gets circulated out of your lungs and body, allowing fresh air to fill it back with clean air and lower the levels of toxins!

    Be Active with your Children!


    • Jessica Parent says

      I will admit Im bad at the whole “fresh air” play with the kids for most of the winter (although I love sledding, snowball fights and snowman ,so we get some but in the Spring,summer and fall we all play together outside (and separately nearly everyday 😀 We like to go for family walks about 5 x’s a week too.

      • CoffeeTime says

        What’s needed is your involvement by taking them to the park, around the house, watching them play with Other kids!

        • Jessica Parent says

          My oldest 2 and I exercise together every other day…..My yard is the neighborhood hangout spot with a “funhouse” (treehouse with ramps, ladders, ropes), swingset ,soccer nets and basketball hoop 🙂 I’m very actively involved with the kids inside and out (except from mid-nov until March-then its workouts in the living room and daily wrestling matches 😉 )

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Being physical is very important regardless I believe. I do know allergies can cause fatigue.

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      I love taking a nice stroll with my kids. Due to my illnesses I don’t get out bear as much as I should with them. But when able I enjoy walking around the block a few times with them and taking them to the park. When I was younger and living with my grandparents we would go for a walk around the block every night! That’s what I looked forward to everyday. And he made sure to buy sticks that we got to attach light refectors to, to make sure we were safe! I miss those days

    • We are a very active family…I always take my boys in the jogger running so I can set a good example 🙂

    • michelle passwaters says

      I love fresh air and love to play with my kids outside but if its humid we stay inside… Just yesterday we enjoyed the nice breezing weather by flying kites playing kickball and riding bikes…. So glad nice weather is ahead for us

  21. Jessica Parent says

    I knew water was good for me but had No idea that it actually could flush toxins away while I slept! Makes sense since it seems to help chest congestion when Im sick 🙂 Learn something new everyday

  22. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE #9

    “Hiding” Allergies Do Not Manifest Themselves All At Once

    You may not notice the symptoms of Allergies in your body for a long time. But they already exist in your system, inside your body. We do not go to the doctor’s or start taking action until those Allergies start openly manifesting themselves.

    To that effect, we need to be proactive and attack Allergies from a Broad perspective.

    Wash Fresh produce, our veggies and fruit, with clean water and use specially designed cleaning agents to get rid of toxins and pathogens even from Organically grown fruit and vegetables!
    Reduce Processed Foods in our diet that has a lot of artificial coloring and preservatives
    Drink fresh Spring Water during the day and Before going to bed and After waking up
    Add Aerobic activities like power walking to your daily routine!


    • Jessica Parent says

      Does it have to be spring water?? I know theres a lot of “crap” in tap water but will it also help?

      • CoffeeTime says

        Spring water is the cleanest of all.
        Filtered water has the 2nd option!
        But tap water could be polluted with cleansing agents that kills bacteria in it, so we could consume it.
        These chemicals accumulate with years, and need to be flushed out as well!

        You have information now. Your choice to act upon it!

        • Jessica Parent says

          I prefer spring and filtered water but don’t always have it on hand nor the money required to get more (filters are expensive and we blow through water here). With 8 people drinking it -never seems to last long enough for our needs. Going to definitely try to keep more spring water on hand now that I know it is truly the best for us. I don’t like all the extra stuff they add to our tap water-I read the annual report they send out and half the stuff Ive never heard of but know it cant be healthy

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I heard on program you can take a teaspoon I think of pure unprocessed honey to get the antibodies or the effect of them from taking the honey daily. Bees pollinated most anything.

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      I love my spring water!! <3 and I always wash my produce no matter what! Thank you or the helpful tips! I need to do more exercise for sure. It would be therapeutic! <3

    • These are such great tips! Thankfully, I do most of these but will need to reduce processed foods more. I only rely on that stuff for quick dinners

    • michelle passwaters says

      We do exercise we have on demand programs and my kids enjoy doing the exercises with me

    • Brianna Ketchum says

      wow i try to drink as much water as ic an

  23. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE #10

    TOP Cleansing Foods to help you get rid of toxins we pick up via food, air and other pollution sources. Thank you for this info!

    What all these amazing foods do is helping us to detoxify and cleans our bodies while we are unintentionally polluting it! Having this LIST of beautiful foods on your Fridge would definitely help you to remember to include them in your diet! Let’s strive for it and start with 1 or 2, if you aren’t already incorporating them into your daily diet.

    – Apples
    – Avocados
    – Blueberries
    – Beets
    – Cabbage
    – Cranberries
    – Celery and Celery Seeds
    – Flaxseed Oil and Flaxsees
    – Garlic & Onions – simply a MUST! This duo contains flavonoids that stimulate the production of glutathione, one of the liver’s strongest antioxidants.
    – Grapefruit
    – Kale,
    – Legumes
    – Lemons
    – Watercress
    – Seaweed
    – Wheat Grass
    – Kefir & Greek Yogurt – live bacteria will help your child to beat off the toxins produced by pathogens or Bad Gut Flora!


    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Detoxifying is very important to stay healthy I believe.

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Wow this is so helpful! Flaxseed oil tastes terrible but I take a spoonful everyday to flush out the toxins but there was a lot on this list that I didn’t know about! So thank you for informing me on the matter. I love coffee time. It’s so informative and gives me something new to learn everytime! It has been very helpful! Thank you!!!

    • I love all of these! I need to work on kale and wheatgrass and seaweed, don’t do any of those currently

    • michelle passwaters says

      I have to admit I’m bad when it comes to eating healthy but my kids eat healthy at leastiI do enjoy most vegetables but picky about fruits

    • Brianna Ketchum says

      i love eating yogurt anything like that is good

  24. Karen Hinkle says

    yes I have learned a lot about this in the weight wed page I have been keeping away from processed foods and it is much better for you I have a fruit garden also apples pears strawberries and plan on more you cant get no better then raising your own foods

    • Jessica Parent says

      I don’t have room in my yard for fruit trees (although some of my neighbors pears fall over the fence 😉 ) but we have grapes along our fence and my hubby built a little enclosure (to protect from animals and the kids) to grow strawberries outback

  25. LaKishia Wagers says

    Good Morning all 🙂 so thankful that it is pretty and sunny out and not Snow !! over the weather it is so Bi-Polar ..:) HOpe all have a great day …

    • Jessica Parent says

      You too LaKishia!! I’m over the bipolar weather too….Oh look its nice enough to play outside ……later that day “Is that hail?” Next morning= 4 ” of snow. what the heck 🙂 Gotta love the northeastern states (NY here 😉 )

  26. Jessica Parent says

    Thanks ! Not a huge fan of a lot of the cleansing foods listed…nor are my kids (but we do like cabbage,lemon,celery and blueberries at least occasionally). I LOVE avocados and have about 1 a week (nobody else in my house will eat them) but we all eat lots of apples (which I didn’t know were considered a “cleansing” food) and garlic

  27. Hello !!! 🙂 I am here good morning have a wondering day thank you I am interest in learning more about kids allergies and makeup

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