Win Any 3 DelSol Colors!
May24-26, 2014
Open to US
DelSol is one of the most cheerful and amazing nail polish product in the market that I personally adore.
It is user and kid friendly. It is offered in the rainbow of many colors. And it brings many hours of fun and experiment! Little kids absolutely love it!
What makes this nail polish amazing is the fact that the sun light changes color almost immediately. You came out with red nails and they turn into purple or blue or something else. Spectrachrome® color-changing crystals allow this magical change of hues on our nails. The variety and possibilities of colors are simply endless.
If you wish to participate in more prizes today, which we’ll draw at night, just go and make a comment in this #AMCoffee chat of today! The prizes will be some awesome bamboo items from Cariloha.
Yes please..I will be spending memorial day bbqing with my in laws and my family
I would be thankful for being able to take a vacation. Not sure if we are going to or not! I’m also thankful for the 3 weeks I have off. I need the break!
spending time with my family
I will be thank for to get all the things I need to get done that I have been putting on hold
My boys to actually get along for more than 20 mins at a time and learn to appreciate each other alittle more. Id love to actually get a mini vacation in with the family too away from everything!! (Maybe the mountains)
I would be So thankful if I could make it down the Ocean/Beach this summer~praying I’ll get there!
I am so Thankful for Laura as she made a complete change in me forever and I have great appropriation for her being in my life always. Thanks you.
I’m thankful for my brother and his family coming for a visit this summer. I haven’t been him in 10 years. I will get to meet his kids for the 1st time.
I’m thankful for sunshine after being cooped up with a newborn followed by a LONG, dark winter!
These would be perfect Christmas presents if I can hold out that long!
Can’t wait for summer too be over! BRING ON HALLOWEEN!
Being able to go swimming
Most thankful for mosquito spray
I’m hoping for a quiet hurricane season, I live in Florida!
I live In Florida Also But I’m Thankful For My beautiful Family And A Chance To Win In this Awesome Giveaway !!!
I would be so thankful if I get to visit with my mom & dad
I will be thankful for fresh veggies from the garden
Thankful for the many blessings and spending time with family. TY
I will be thankful for finding another house and finally being able to move this summer
I am thankful for my health and the health of my family.
I’ll be thankful for a vacation!
I am thankful for nice weather.
I am thankful for all the great men who fought for our Country’s freedom including my brother, ex-husband, sons, brother-in-law, nephews, cousins and so many other soldiers that can’t count. They fearlessly fought for what they believed in and now we have our country’s peace as a result of all their bravery. We get to walk the streets in pride for their actions. They deserve so much more! Enjoy your summer as I will.
I’m thankful that my husband is with me–he is a Veteran from the Gulf War when Ancient Orange was there. He has after effects and is suffering from alot from that era.
I’m thankful for the little things I’m guilty of not always acknowledging .
I would be thankful if summer would last a long time. So we can get a lot of home improvements done.
playing with my grandson
I’m thankful for my family. My son is a veteran and fought in Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is now home and had a wife and two beautiful children. One of which, was just born on Wednesday night. Good bless all of the veterans and their families 🙂
I am thankful that I get to spend time with my family.
I would be Thankful for a much needed vacation and to be able to take my daughter to a pool.
I am thankful for the vacation my family gets to take every summer … its a great time to relax & be laidback & rejuvenmate
I’m thankful that I was able to find a job.
I am thankful, for my family and nice weather!
I will be thankful for lots of sunny days this summer.
I am thankful for my oldest son, who is (as of today) out of the ARMY and home.
I kicked cancer this year so time with family while building up my health again is high on my list this year.
I am thankful for my mother and for my grandon. I could not be here without them
Thankful for warmer weather!
Thankful that for now we have a house with a backyard to spend time in this summer!
I’m thankful to have my family back together after my son serving in the marines for 5 years.
Spending time with my kids 🙂
I am thankful for the beautiful wild flowers in my neighborhood.
I am thankful for being able to spend more one with my son. I have so many big plans, like eee are going to build a race track and find some frogs and race them. I can’t wait
I will and am thankful for my youngest son getting married in Aug to the most beautiful woman! Thanks
I’ll be thankful that we won’t be getting snow!
Im thankful for everything
I am Thankful for all our active and non-active veterans for giving us a free world to live in each and every day. if it wasn’t for them our lives would be much worse off…so please Thank a service man or women every time you see them.
I would be thankful for mild weather this summer! Last year was brutal!
I am thankful for my health. Had a bad year and so glad that I am on the road to recovery.
I am thankful that our family plans to attend a family reunion, with all 3 of our married daughters families planning to attend! I would be sooo thankful if we can ALL make it!
I am thankful for each day that God blesses me with.
I’d be so thankful if my house sold in the next month.
I would be thankful if my etsy shop sold a little more.
spending more time together as a family.. lately it hasn’t been happening
I am thankful that I get to spend more time with my daughter
I would be thankful to be able to take my 2 little boys in the pool this year and be able to teach them how to swim.
I am thankful my son got a job
I will be thankful that I get to spend all day with my kids and my nephews when the weather is nice and we can play at the park, go fishing, and go ride our ATV’s and dirtbikes
Cookouts and spending time w my family
I am thankful for the long warm days of summer spending it with my husband and our 2 little boys.
I’m thankful for the chance to slow down and enjoying some time with my son without a strict schedule to follow every day.
My daughter is a teacher. I am soo grateful she will he home and I will no longer be alone with my 2 yr old grandson. 😉
I’m thankful for my family every day of the year!
Sunshine for the summer makes me smile
I would be so thankful if I could make the vacation I am trying to plan actually happen. I really need it to.
I am grateful for a loving husband and my two standard poodles.
I’m thankful for the good in the world, there is so little of it.
This sounds so much fun I stop wearing nail polish cause I wa imbarresed with the arthitis then I said what the heck I need my nail polish such fun colors now just love it.
I will be thankful for getting to experience so many of my daughter’s firsts with her! I can’t wait for the kiddie pool and the camping trips.
I am thankful to have all my kids home for the summer. This may be the last time we are all together.
We went to church then out to eat with the in laws today came home and took a nap while my Air Force Vet husband is watching the race. Tomorrow he is working 🙁
I would be thankful if I can get a reliable running car!
I will be thankful for my son being chosen to attend Tim Hortons summer camp in Canada. When they advertise camp day it truly goes for kids. Great company.
I’m thankful for mine and my family’s health and the time I get to spend with them.
Sleeping late!!
i am thankful for turning 21 this summer
the sun, here in the Midwest we had such a long winter and a grey spring until now and it glorious. Sun glorious sun!
thankful for not having to hear my daughter complain about going to school….
I’d be thankful if I could find a job I could be happy with.
I would be thankful for more people in this country to be able to prosper this summer.
That my children are happy and healthy
I would be thankful for all my family and friends to be healthy, for us to find a nice house and a good job..
I am thankful for the time out in the sun working my my garden and getting to see how pretty all the sunflowers and zinias will be!!
Time off from work and some staycations with friends
a new grandbaby on July 24
Family coming to visit staying on tybee island, and having a very important surgery that I’m looking forward too
Being thankful for family & friends.
Being thankful for family & Friends
a beach vacation!!
warm weather, spending time with family.
My son coming out to visit us! Can’t wait!
I’m REALLY thankful for air conditioning lol but seriously, I’m thankful for every day I get with my family, no matter the season .
I am thankful that I am a mostly stay at home mom and I am able to send the days outside with my son. Not all parents get to do that and it is something I do not take for granted.
I’m going to be thankful for a swimming pool if I can get my sisters to put hers up
thankful for family, friends and the troops !