Summer is for Saving Your Feet #AMCoffee

The Health of Your Feet
Reminders that Make A Difference
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saving your Feet pedicure

You are paying a close attention to your facial skin, to your hands, your teeth, right? Do you pay as close attention to your feet? No? You are not alone!

Summer is the time to get your feet out in the open and pamper them in a royal way, so they can serve you longer, so they could keep you walking, running, strolling with comfort and you ever thinking… about them. But to do so, you and I need to remember to do a few precious things for our precious feet. Today, we’ll delve what that may be and how to save your feet in a harmonious way with who you are and your body!

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  1. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE – Sign In! HELLO, Everyone!

    • Are you paying attention to your feet in same equal amount as to your facial skin, for example?
    Why NOT?

    sign in am coffee

    • Karen Hinkle says

      good morning and yes I do pay a lot of attention to my feet

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      Nope I know I don’t pay enough attention to my feet especially since I am on them all day while working!

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Good morning again ladies. Happy to be here! Actually, I have been paying attention to my feet lately but not for a good reason.

    • Jessica Parent says

      No!! My feet just aren’t that cute 😉

    • Morning! Absolutely not! My face is what I see smiling back at me every time I look in the mirror. My feet are usually covered (no, I don’t do flip flops) and so are easy to forget about!!

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Good Morning. Honestly never paid a lot of attention to feet until fell a little over 3 years ago and fractured first foot.

    • Good morning, I don’t pay enough attention to my feet. I don’t wear shoes or slippers in the house and in the summer time I wear flip flops.

    • Good morning… No I am not and I should be… I have only one foot and am in a wheelchair, so I don’t usually care about my foot since I don’t walk on it… however, I’ve noticed I have a tan line now from my flip-flip I’ve been wearing for two weeks! Time to use some sunscreen!

    • thia Beniash says

      good morning ladies and happy summer. hope your days have started off well with the kids home. i know mine has been busy already.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Good morning all.

    • Katrina A. says

      Hi. Yes and no. I have cut way back on using store bought facial things but have kept up the same foot care. So it’s somewhere in the middle…lol.

    • Katrina Angele says

      Good morning again! I still have yet to perfect my foot care to get ultra smooth year round feet. If I could just afford weekly pedis!! Haha

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        Yes, we all long for weekend pedis and somebody pampering us. That would be great!
        What we could create, though, on our own is the daily routine – 1-2 minutes – that will be given to our FEET.
        I have created my own mini spa things that give thanks to my feet almost daily. One minute to massage, one minute to just relaxing them and stretching and more.
        You don’t need to do it all at once! Just start with quiet THANKS to your feet. Do it daily. The magic will follow.

  2. CoffeeTime says

    For our EARLY BIRDS….Get Unstuck – or Lower Your Expectations for Weight Loss

    Your motivations are complex. They may not be all be clear to you. Trouble is, many of your motivations may run so deep, so close to the core of who you are you don’t even notice they are in conflict with other, strong motivations.

    You may want to lose weight, and are actively doing something about it. But other, hidden, internal “scripts” can get in your way. They are unintentional, self-defeating behaviors.

    Got to the post and comment there. There’s 1 thing that helps –> verbalizing your feelings, thoughts, even on paper!
    weight loss motivation

    • Karen Hinkle says

      I read it it was a eye opener here is my post wow that is so true as a child it was you and only you you didn’t have all the stress and you dint have to worry about no one and you did as you pleased but now as moms we have so much more going on in life we do put or selfs last this is a great information I really do understand it wow its a wake up call

      • Karen Hinkle says

        I have to go to school this am so I will get back here when I get home I hope I am not to late

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I commented! 🙂

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Boy did that article hit home!

    • Jessica Parent says

      Great article (and yes I did lower my expectations as I got older ….and made excuses)

      • CoffeeTime says

        Thank you!

        • Jessica Parent says

          Lol-Im half asleep and baby is crying (brain barely functioning atm 😉 ) I recommented there too 😀

    • Virginia Rogers says

      That article was so amazingly true, thank you!! 🙂

    • I’m a firm believer in the philosophy that you’re “hung by the tongue” … meaning, your words from your own mouth can lift you up or hang you! … I haven’t been able to find motivation lately and I’m struggling. Thanks for this article

      • thia Beniash says

        motivation…. you will only be on this earth a short while. dont waste it. do what makes you happy. dont let negative people into your life and dont feel guilty for removing them from your life. your life, your call!

    • That’s really something to think about. We shouldn’t even consider a short-time diet. We need a life-style change.

    • thia Beniash says

      i commented on the post and didnt think to cut and paste.. silly me.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I think a lot of how you look at yourself when you are older comes from childhood. Many adult issues come from adolescence. Fix them and than you can fix yourself.

    • Katrina A. says

      Reminds me how much I need to work on myself as a whole. Weight loss and beyond.

    • Katrina Angele says

      I am going to start writing again. It’s been years. It was always a great outlet for me.

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        Writing is a way to express our creativity – something we all have inside of us.
        Plus it is a beautifully powerful way to healing.

  3. CoffeeTime says


    Flatfoot (Pes Planus)

    Flatfoot is characterized by the sole of the foot coming into complete or near–complete contact with the ground. It may be inherited, caused by an injury, or by a condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Flatfoot symptoms are rare, though weight gain, ill–fitting shoes, or excessive standing may cause pain. Treatment includes foot–strengthening exercises, and shoes with good arch support or orthotics.

    Foot Pain

    When feet ache after a long day, you might just curse your shoes. After all, eight out of 10 women say their shoes hurt. But pain that’s not due to sky-high heels may come from a stress fracture, a small crack in a bone. One possible cause: Exercise that was too intense, particularly high-impact sports like basketball and distance running. Also, weakened bones due to osteoporosis increases the risk.

    foot pain, healthy feet

    • Karen Hinkle says

      oh no heels for me I am a bare foot kinda gal as soon as I get home the shoes go off I never did like them

      • no heels for me either. I do socks in the house… I tried heels a few times – like to my friend’s wedding in Paris. I’m talking 1 inch heels. Flew home with injured ankles – not from tripping, just from the stress and discomfort… Ay!

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I have a nice high arch so I don’t have to worry about flat feet! When I wear heels, I can only stand them for a few hours!

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I always thought I had the opposite of flat foot, I think I have high arches. They don’t seem to come in contact with my shoes in the middle. I love sandals, comfortable yet stylish ones. I would wear them year round if I could. I live in north west PA so that’s not an option!

    • i have high arches and I seem to have pain from that – if I don’t have enough arch support I get serious pain and swelling. It’s genetic. My dad got $400 custom arches and they were awful. Then he bought crocs, which worked. I went straight to the crocs… lol

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        Wow, $400 for custom arches! I should try crocs. I’ve never worn them. I hear they are awesome though.

    • I don’t walk.. but I think I have a flat foot.. if I did walk, I probably would experience more pain.

    • thia Beniash says

      i am so a barefoot girl. i have done the heels for years. i have no interest in wearing them anymore. i should becuase hubby is 6ft5in. but oh well. i have in the past years had foot pain. turns out its a bunion. i thought only old people got those….reality…im old now. lol

    • Virginia Rogers says

      never could do heels always wore sneakers or flat shoes just never was comfortable but never knew why.

    • Im barefoot most of the time, we don’t wear shoes in the shoes. But when I do go out, I try and by good shoes,I think sometimes good shoes make a difference.

    • Jessica Parent says

      I don’t wear heels (nor have flat foot but don’t have much arch either)

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      In the army I had stress fractures in my feet and my shins due to the marching and running.

    • Katrina A. says

      My feet just naturally hurt…lol. No heels, no high impact anything. But no flatfoot thank goodness.

    • Katrina Angele says

      The older I get the more pain I can feel after a day of standing and working. But it goes away quickly.

  4. CoffeeTime says


    Cold Feet, Many Culprits

    If your toes are always cold, one reason could be poor blood flow – a circulatory problem sometimes linked to smoking, high blood pressure, or heart disease. The nerve damage of uncontrolled diabetes can also make your feet feel cold. Other possible causes include hypothyroidism and anemia. A doctor can look for any underlying problems – or let you know that you simply have cold feet.

    feet masks

    • Karen Hinkle says

      my feet do get cold but I like my socks who don’t like new comfy socks I do but I am not aways cold but I have to watch out for pre diabetes

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        Same here Karen. Last time i had my blood sugar checked I was one point short of pre diabetes. 🙁

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I know I have poor circulation in my legs and my feet are always cold in the fall and winter!

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I used to have this problem (I also used to smoke) but not anymore. I think I again have the opposite problem. Mine are always sweaty and gross! Sorry, ladies. I’m just being honest. 🙂

    • My toes are cold, which is why I do socks. But I think that’s because I have ceramic tiles.

    • thia Beniash says

      i always wear socks to my hubby laughs but appreciated no cold toes touching him. lol. i have always had chilly feet. im sure its due to smoking and anemia.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Good to know, have never had but interesting to know what could be sign of if ever get. 🙂

    • I live in West Virginia, in the winter time the temp drops fast, so cold feet for me is just because of the weather. I cant even take covers over my feet in bed. I always sleep with my feet out.

    • Jessica Parent says

      My feet are ALWAYS cold!! Lol-so are my hands and nose (I def think its poor circulation)

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I am lucky I only had this when I was in military which is odd. Now it seems to be gone.

    • Katrina A. says

      Keeping an eye on foot health is so important!! I’ve been trying to get my boomanchils to go in because his feet have some major issues.

    • Katrina Angele says

      I have hot feet most of the time. I hate wearing socks.

  5. CoffeeTime says


    Is a bunion, corn, ingrown toenail, or a bad case of athlete’s foot causing you foot pain or embarrassment? Keep feet healthy by learning to recognize and treat common foot problems.


    A bony bump at the base of the big toe, a bunion causes that toe to deviate toward the others. Throwing foot bones out of alignment and producing the characteristic bump at the joint’s base, a bunion can be very painful due to pressure or arthritis, and may also lead to corns. Pain relievers, pads to cushion the bunion, custom shoe inserts, or surgery may help, as will wearing roomy shoes and avoiding high heels.

    Corns and Calluses

    Friction causes the thick, hardened, dead skin of corns and calluses, which form to protect sensitive skin. Appearing cone–shaped, corns point into the skin, and usually occur on areas that bear little weight. Calluses may appear anywhere there’s friction, and spread out more. Both may be caused by ill–fitting shoes and will fade when friction stops. Moleskin pads can help relieve a corn; calluses can be trimmed or surgically corrected.
    feet with bunions
    Photo: Evelyn Taylor

    • Karen Hinkle says

      I know about all that my daughter had bunions at age 14 and had them fixed but then years later she worked at a foot DR office and found out he feet were not done the proper way and they need to be redone

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      My mom had bunions and had them removed when I was a teen! No corns or calluses here!

      • thia Beniash says

        how bad was the surgery? they told me not to walk on it for like three weeks. ugh. thats impossible for me. i just use a toe spacer to relive the pain temporarily.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      YES! I was hoping athlete’s foot would be addressed. I’ve never had a bunion or corn (what a funny name for a foot issue) but I have athlete’s foot something awful and I cannot get it to go away. I scrub my feet every morning and every evening. I tried every spray and cream. I’ve even bought new shoes but it just keeps coming back. It’s starting to slowly drive me insane!

    • I have some calluses but I guess nothing too severe as salt and sugar scrubs keep them in check. They do occasionally get painful though but not enough for me to trim or get surgery.

    • I get an ingrown toenail at least once every two month on my big toe… it hurts and I end up ripping it out and it bleeds but gets better… 🙁

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        @Angel You should consider going to the podiatrist and have them permanently fixed. It only took a couple minutes and my insurance covered it. They used this spray to numb my toe. It’s been a couple years and i never get them now. They were so painful!

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Good to know, never knew the differences!! 🙂

    • Thank god I haven’t had any of these problems yet, I do have dry,sometimes, cracked feet. I do the cracked feet thing to my self because I don’t pamper my feet.

    • Jessica Parent says

      I get severe dry (thick) skin on the bottom of my feet from running round barefoot but luckily have never had corns or bunions

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      My sister had the surgery done on her bunion.

    • Katrina A. says

      The worst I’ve had were planters warts. Those puppies hurt!!

    • I recently got 2 corns because of pointy heels – turns out the shoes are too tight. I have been using Apple Cider Vinegar to treat it.

    • Katrina Angele says

      Planters warts are still the most painful foot pain I’ve had.

  6. CoffeeTime says



    A form of arthritis, gout is characterized by sudden pain, redness, swelling, and stiffness, usually in the large joint of the big toe. Gout can also occur in the foot, ankle, or knees. and is caused by too much uric acid (UA) in the body, which can form hard crystals in joints. Attacks can last days or weeks, and may be treated with anti–inflammatories or UA–lowering medication. Talk to your doctor about diet changes that help break down UA.

    GOUT is the result, not a cause of pain in feet.

    Gout is the result of bodily INFLAMMATION! YES, that very inflammation that causes chronic diseases, the deadly quartet: heart diseases, hypertension, insulin resistance, obesity.

    What happens in case of Gout is URIC Acid gets collected in the feet and starts its Crystallization.
    You can only imagine the pain a person is going through.

    How can we get rid of Gout? –> All DIET based. Low glycemic foods that do not cause ups and downs of blood sugar and insulin.


  7. CoffeeTime says


    Plantar Warts

    Plantar warts are tough growths that develop on the soles of the feet. Contagious, they’re caused by a virus entering through broken skin, and often spread via public pools and showers. Plantar warts are harmless and can be left untreated, but in many cases they’re too painful to ignore. Topical salicylic acid may help, while burning, freezing, laser therapy, and surgical removal are more aggressive options for more severe cases.

    Athlete’s Foot

    A fungal infection that can cause peeling, redness, itching, burning, and sometimes blisters and sores, athlete’s foot is mildly contagious, passed by direct contact or by walking barefoot in areas such as locker rooms, or near pools. The fungi then grow in shoes, especially tight ones without air circulation. Athlete’s foot is usually treated with topical antifungal lotions or oral medications for more severe cases.

    • Karen Hinkle says

      I think with me going bare foot it has its pros and cons but I feel like freedom with out my shoes on

      • I hope it’s not an issue in the house. It shouldn’t be – usually it’s more in shared areas where someone probably was with one of these conditions. I always showered with slippers on when I was in dormitories or camp

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I have something similar to a plantar wart but it’s not. It’s something genetic because my mom has it, my grandmother had it and I believe my sister has one. I know it’s not a plantar wart because no one else in my family has had one! They are painful and grow up into the bottom of our feet right around the ball of our feet. My mom has had hers removed twice and it came back. I had mine removed once and it’s back too! 🙂

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Ah, there we are. My problem has been addressed. 🙂 Any advice on how I can get rid of athlete’s foot? Anyone have any home remedies that work. I’ve tried everything else! I haven’t talked to my doctor about it but I’ve done my own research. I didn’t know there were oral medications for this. I am rarely barefoot and I wear sandals.

      • thia Beniash says

        have you tried baking soda and water foot bath? i had it for awhile but that seemed to work. not sure on the science behind it or if i was just lucky.

    • Never had either before… however!! I have seen people have athlete’s foot NOT on their feet before!

    • thia Beniash says

      my dear best friend had to have surgery to remove plantar warts. he said he could barely walk.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Not sure if this is similar to what I have the dr. said have plantar s faciatis on left foot?

    • My husband gets athletes foot, I think its because of wearing work boots and he works at a ski resort and wears 2 pair of socks in the winter because of the tempature.

    • Jessica Parent says

      My hubby and daughter get athletes foot regularly (daughter also gets planter warts)…Hubbys clears up easily but she always needs prescriptions to clear hers (and they always return)

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Never had either but know people that had both. It is not pleasant.

    • Katrina A. says

      My hunny has athletes foot….like chronically. It’s a none stop battle. I got rid of my planters warts w/Dr. Scholls callus remover applied after a bath or shower and then duck taped my foot up. It looked silly but they spread so bad I had to. It did the trick. A few weeks later I was able to pull the mother root out and the rest went away on their own. It was narley!

    • Katrina Angele says

      My hunny still deals with athletes foot to this day.

  8. CoffeeTime says


    Fungal Nail Infection

    Occurring when microscopic fungi enter through a break in the nail, a fungal infection can make nails thick, discolored, and brittle. If left untreated, the nail infection won’t go away — and can be hard to treat. Thriving in warm, wet places, the fungi can be spread from person to person. Topical creams may help mild cases but antifungal pills are the best chance of curing a severe infection.

    • Karen Hinkle says

      I know I thought I had this but my DR said it wasn’t sure and glade I here it takes a long time to treat it

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I think I have this but have never seen a Dr. about it because the treatment is too long. It doesn’t bother me and no one else in the house has it so I live with it. It’s not painful and just makes my toe look ugly!

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      This does not sound pleasant. I’ve seen the funny commercials for it though. The “model” guy lying on the table with the dark “embarrassing” toe and his only line is “Oh Man!” It’s not suppose to be funny but it’s so silly that I laugh every time.

    • glad I don’t have this!

    • I’ve seen people with this before and they’ve told me it’s embarrassing and painful.

    • thia Beniash says

      years ago, i stopped wearing fake nails after i got a fungus. my nails were paper thin and it was painful. never again fake nails.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Never had but sounds painful.

    • Jessica Parent says

      My dads nails are yellow,cracked and brittle (GROSS!!) He refuses to get them looked at and just writes them off as UGLy feet….but Im pretty sure hes got fungal infections in his feet (maybe if I show him this he will see a dr about treating those funky toes)-he says they don’t hurt or anything -just ugly from his dad-Lol

    • Thank God, I haven’t had any issues with this.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      So glad I don’t have this thanks for the info.

    • Katrina A. says

      Yet another foot issue my hunny faces.

    • Katrina Angele says

      We have such a long routine for toe nail issues with my fiance. His feet/ toenails are prone to be just nasty if not cared for.

  9. CoffeeTime says



    When toe muscles get out of balance, they can cause painful toe problems. While some people are prone to hammertoe, other risks include tight footwear. Hammertoe generally causes the middle joint of the toe to bend downward, with toes appearing raised near the foot. Well–fitted footwear with the correct amount of space in the toe box, shoe supports, and surgery may offer relief.

    Ingrown Toenail

    A toenail that has grown into the skin, an ingrown toenail can result in pain, redness, swelling, even infection. Cutting nails too short or not straight across, injury to the toenail, and wearing tight shoes are culprits. For mild cases, soak the foot in warm water, keep it clean, and wedge a small piece of cotton under the corner of the ingrown nail to lift it off the skin. Minor surgery can remove all or part of the nail.

    • Karen Hinkle says

      oh yes I hate to get in grown nail they hurt so much but I learned to trim my nails the right way to help prevent this from happing and it was good to have a person who worked at he foot Dr to

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I have an ingrown toenail that I got when I was pg with my oldest dd. I went to a foot Dr to have it taken out and he just screwed it up even more. I’ve been afraid to go to another Dr. since. It’s only painful now if it’s stepped on or I stub it.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I finally had to go to the foot doctor to get my ingrown toe nails fixed. I actually have a terrible story about it. I’ll try to be brief. 🙂 So, I went to the doctor but they had a new PA, a young man named Dan. He looked at my toe and instead of referring me to the Podiatrist, gave me an antibiotic to take for a week (meanwhile they were so infected and I could hardly walk) and then brought me back into the office to fix it himself. I find out when I get there that he has never done it before. I had no idea what it involved so I just went along with it. He gave me multiple shots in my toe but it still wouldn’t numb so he went to get the other dr. Then i ended up with 2 dr’s and one PA in the room discussing. Finally the main Dr. took this huge needle and stuck it UP MY TOE! I didn’t know what he was about to do so by reaction i jerked my foot back. He grabbed it and said I had to stay still. Then he did it again. It was the most painful thing! I can’t even explain. I was in tears. Then they tried to cut the toenail and couldn’t!!!! I ended up be referred to the Podiatrist after all that agony. It took him about 4 minutes to fix each one!!!

    • I get ingrown on my big toe every couple of months. I’ve never done the cotton ball method before.. I do have a friend who had his entire big toenails removed on both feet.. his problem was so severe and that was the only treatment.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      have had ingrown is very painful for sure.

    • My son had to have both big toenails cut off, and the doctor said if the continued to do this he would do a procedure to make the nails never grow back. Thank God he hasn’t had anymore issues.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Okay had an ingrown toe nail before and they are painful.

    • Jessica Parent says

      I have had ingrown toenails and boy they are not fun!!!My hubby “digd” his out with his pocket knife which seems just even more so -Mine eventually fixed itself thankfully but I think my hubby should have a dr fix his (my little bro had a very successful surgery on his severe ingrown big toe yrs ago)

    • Katrina A. says

      I love cutting my nails waaaaaay back. Surprised I don’t get ingrown nails.

  10. CoffeeTime says



    How are masks for your feet different from others? The texture of the skin on your heels and soles is tougher than that of any other spot on your body, even your elbows. To promote softening, foot masks are often packed with rough, grainy particles for effective exfoliation. (So don’t use a foot mask anywhere but on your feet — it’s too harsh for the rest of your body.) Another appealing element: cooling ingredients to relieve your barking dogs.

    Use cool to lukewarm water, add peppermint oil, and Epsom salt. Soak your feet and let them relax.

    TIP –>
    • Before any mask use scrub.
    • After any mask use your regular cream

    Here are some masks for your precious FEET by our blogger toxxic!

    Rose feet scrub
    A few dry rose petals
    3 tbs of glycerin
    3 tbs of brown sugar
    A few drops of mint essence and tea tree oil
    Mix brown sugar and glycerin, add tea tree oil and mint essence, then rose petals. Mix well the ingredients. Ready for use! This scrub can be stored in a fridge and can be used multiple times.

    Honey and vinegar feet scrub
    3-4 tbs of sea salt
    1 tbs of any vinegar (grape, apple..)
    1 tbs of honey
    Mix honey and vinegar, then add salt. The scrub is ready for use!

    Refreshing cucumber feet mask Precious Cukes work wonder on our faces and feet, too!
    1 fresh cucumber
    3 tbs of sour cream
    2 tbs of freshly squeezed lemon juice
    Blend cucumber, add sour cream and lemon juice, then mix it well. Apply the mask on your feet and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

    Cottage cheese feet mask
    2 tbs of cottage cheese
    2 tbs of sour cream
    2 tbs of honey
    Mix well the ingredients and apply the mask on your feet for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
    masks for feet
    Photo: heres to your health

    • Karen Hinkle says

      I am leaving now but I will come back later

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I LOVE foot scrubs!! I think I may take a nap and catch up on sleep since I am off again. I was up from 5:30am Friday until 2:30pm Saturday working around 24 of those hours so I’m still exhausted and have had a headache that just won’t quit! I’ll check back later!

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      This sounds amazing. I would love to try a foot mask!!!

    • I use scrubs only on my feet, the rest of my skin is too sensitive. There’s one that I love – made by a company I used to work for, but it’s too expensive for me now that I don’t work there anymore. 🙁 It’s STRONG and practically like a foot massage.

    • I’ll probably try the rose and cucumber ones…. I’m not so sure about cottage cheese.. lol

    • thia Beniash says

      loving the foot scrubs. cucumber sounds great and so does the rose. the cottage cheese however..not so much. lol. now i think i have been inclined to do this tonight with my foot bath hubby got me. oooh, cant wait.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Awesome, thank you for the recipes! I would love to try the Refreshing cucumber feet mask!

    • Virginia Rogers says

      they all sound so relaxing, I know when my aides come they massage daily with lotion and helps a lot. 🙂

    • This sounds wonderful. I am happy if I get time to but foot cream on.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      My heels are awful. They are so dry. I used the mask concoction I made for my face on them yesterday and it seemed to work great. It was the strawberries, heavy cream, avocado, and honey.

    • Jessica Parent says

      Relaxing just reading about them- I used to do foot scrubs and soaks and must admit I miss that little extra pampering (think its time to try a foot mask 😉 )

    • Katrina A. says

      I need to bookmark this so I can test these out on my feet and my man’s.

    • Katrina Angele says

      Glad I found this again. Really want to try these again!

  11. Karen Hinkle says

    I am in thanks

  12. Jennifer Hiles says

    Cool, thank you! I will. 🙂

  13. entered… however, the link for following on twitter “itsfreeatlast” is wrong – the first letter “i” is missing so the twitter page isn’t pulling up correctly

  14. thia Beniash says

    got a few entries, will do more later

  15. CoffeeTime says

    We are all winners when we learn and keep our minds and hearts open to new information, new practices, and new connections.

    Cariloha bamboo handbags Go To:

    – Barbara Riffe
    – Karen Hinkle
    – Jennifer Hiles
    – Amanda Alvarado
    Please click on the prize to choose your bag style.

    • Fill out the form below by 10pm EST today.
    • Add any information on Color, Size, Style where and when it is appropriate.

    amcoffee prize winners

  16. Virginia Rogers says

    entering, thank you 🙂

  17. Jessica Parent says

    Thank you!

  18. Rebecca Swenor says

    Thanks for the info on the giveaway. 🙂 Awesome

  19. Katrina A. says

    Already entered 🙂

  20. Helloo! I have to admit I don’t.. I really need to try and pay more attention to them as they are crying out from being ignored!

  21. I normally go a couple of times a year for a pedicure but it’s been almost a year this time!
    I love pampering my feet but I find they are usually the last to get done unless it’s summer.
    With my feet hidden in boots and shoes all winter they are easy to forget and now I have noticed my toenails and chipped and look awful 🙁

  22. I have to be honest I never really pay attention to my feet.. besides painting them LOL these are good info thanks!

  23. One of my favorite things about Spring is that it is the start of pedicure season. It is so relaxing to unwind and relax while ending up with adorable tootsies!

  24. I have back issues so I make sure to take extra good care of my feet. I try wearing comfortable and supportive shoes whenever possible.

  25. Bonnie @wemake7 says

    My feet definitely take the back seat before anything else. I do paint them occasionally but could really take care of them more.

  26. I have heard of masks for the face, but for the feet, now that is interesting. I don’t pay as much attention to the feet as I should.

  27. I have to be honest. I have been neglecting my feet all winter long. I know I will regret it comes summer time and sandal season!

  28. I was not a member of the group when this was posted–I will enjoy reading this with my coffee. Hope everyone is well and in good spirits–most of the kids should be back to school by now. I pray that they all have a safe school year.My grandaughter just arrived at Disney in Orlando for her internship –she will be there until Jan.–we are all keeping our fingers crossed that Hurricane Irma doesn’t hit Florida– she is in Orlando. We are very concerned about her safety right now–but I understand that Disney has precautions and looks out for their employees.She has never gone away for any extended period of time–and being a little homesick and the hurricane–I am sure she is frightened. I am praying and missing her so much–Iam her grandma and she is my right hand man. Sell so much for that–ya’ll have a wonderful day and God Bless! By the way–I am in Ohio–

    • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

      So great to hear from you!
      Yes, please, enjoy all these Coffees with information on our FEET!
      We will know by Thursday where Irma will be hitting and moving.
      Have a great DAY and Enjoy your AM COFFEE!

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