Surround Yourself with Spa-Like Luxury with a few Simple Steps #AMCoffee

Surround Yourself with Luxury
We’ll be LIVE 10:30 AM EST



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spa-like luxury

Grab a cup ‘o Joe and share what’s on your mind for an hourΒ today

Life is hectic. Life throws its stones or flowers onto the path we are trotting day after day. And frankly, we need some extra sleep, some extra time for ourselves, some joyous moment to just breath in and breath everything out! Yes, it feels so good.

What could be added to such a deep relief and feeling good again that we don’t have to go far to feel the way we need and want.

Let’s touch upon some things we can easily do every day. Or if it sounds like a laborious process for you, do it frequently enough, so you can feel the beauty around you. So that you have enough strength and energy to face decision-making moments when they dart at you.

Why not surround ourselves with the daily Luxury that would rub off anything we do. Feeling it, enjoying it – will make you happy, less stressed.

So, what are we gonna talk about? Food for sure. Clothes. Jewelry. Well, things that we can surround ourselves that would make us feel like Winners.

Scroll down to see discussion points and contribute yours. Our generous sponsor eCloth has been very supportive of us, women, to create a healthy, chemical free environment in our homes with items we use daily!


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  1. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE – Sign In! HELLO, Everyone!

    β€’ What do you consider LUXURY in your life? And you wish you had, but you think you cannot allow yourself to splurge on?

    sign in am coffee

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Good Morning everyone! So happy to be here again! I had a spa day once (massage, hair cute, mani-pedi) and it was one of the best experiences of my life! They are a bit expensive though.

    • Karen Hinkle says

      good morning beautiful ladies have a great day Hmm this is hard because I am not a giving person to my self so I don’t know I guess just a relaxing day just doing something for me but what I don’t know wow this is hard

      • CoffeeTime says

        We gotta work on this department!
        Remember that our Luxurious life comes from the ability to LOVE –> that includes yourself!
        The point being made –> you need to embrace the FACT that you are so deserving of every luxury there’s out there. When you’re at peace and relaxed, everybody around else will be in this state of peace.
        What a true Luxury to experience!
        C’mon now and think of a truly Luxurious Experience for yourself!

        • Karen Hinkle says

          I know Laura but as I was raised I am a giver not a taker yes you are right I know this but it is hard I would love to have a spa day but it makes me feel bad I should not feel this way but that is how I feel but I do love the amcoffee its brings me joy

          • Raye Wiedner says

            Karen, I recently heard someone say that as caregivers ourselves, we have no right to neglect our own needs and wants, because then we aren’t our best for those we’re caring for. It really hit home for me.

          • same here! it’s a time to relax that we can hardly allow ourselves. But sometimes giving ourselves this relaxation is for those around us as well!! we are more pleasant and more functional once we give ourselves a breather and indulge a bit.

            • Raye Wiedner says

              So true menu! I have always had a hard time remembering to take care of me, so that I can take care of others. When I do take that me time (even if it’s just time to meditate, or enjoy a cup of coffee in peace), I find I’m so much more relaxed and refreshed and a much better caregiver. I have more patience and love to give then.

            • Karen Hinkle says

              I will be waiting for it Raye

      • I am not either karen. .its eaiser for my to give to other then to myself..thats why I have my husband…he does that stuff for me cuz he knows I wobt for myself

    • thia Beniash says

      wow. i have never heard of e cloths before. that sounds absolutely terrific. i am a cleaner and these would be fantastic for the kitchen. the thought that they get rid of ecoli with just water? i love it!
      oh, btw, good morning ladies. its rainy here today and i can only stay a little while. we have an ice skating party to go to. great day for it!

    • thia Beniash says

      i know i already said good morning but i thought i would share a funny short story..+++++++you will laugh so if you are incontinent, be prepared…+++++
      ok so my daughter goes to the nurses office because her chapped lips really hurt. the nurse puts medicine on it and by the end of day they feel and look much better. i asked my daughter ” what did the nurse put on your lips? they look great?” my daughter looks at me with a not so sure look and says ” i think she called it gasoline”. bwaahaaahaaa hee hee

    • Raye Wiedner says

      Hi everyone! I’m so excited to finally make it this morning!! Years ago I received a book as a gift, and it changed my life. It taught me to recognize and enjoy the small luxuries as well as the big ones. One of my favorite luxuries is a bubble bath with candles and a glass of wine…….I also take small luxury breaks with flavored coffees.
      The luxury I can’t really see spending the money for is a spa day. I’ve truly enjoyed it when I did, but I find I can pamper myself at home and feel just as relaxed in the end. (although I admit, a massage is a terrific treat that I can’t do myself) lol

    • Good morning. .I would have to say a mani pedi amd a haircut

    • Good morning! I would love to splurge more on a good camera to take better photographs of my family, but can’t afford it

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Good Morning!! Right now am opposite of most, most dream for a day home doing nothing, I would just love a day where I could drive again and go out on my own, besides getting a ride to the doctor or grocery store.:)

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      Good morning! Anything for myself is a luxury, really. I don’t splurge on myself at all but I’d love a spa day. It’d be nice to go for a day of pampering where I get a massage, pedicure, manicure and maybe even a facial.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Good morning all. I consider a luxury to be spending time with my family. I would like a luxury of a hot tub though.

    • Jessica Parent says

      Top of the morning πŸ™‚
      I wish I had a new mattress (wanna try one of those posturpedic ones or sleep something or another lke I see on tv)

    • Jessica Parent says

      Oh and I Love starting the day with a long hot shower

    • Debra Carozza-Lynch says


    • Good evening Im late but I finally made it. A hot-tub, I’ll never get one but want one.

    • Katrina A. says

      Hi! Luxury to me is just a simple relaxing bubble bath with nice salts and soaps. Nice scented candles and a big soft towel. I’m simple. Extreme luxury I don’t feel I deserve like the best shoes or fancy diamonds. I would enjoy a 5 star vacation though! lol

    • Carol Yemola says

      HI! I would love a pool. I hate the heat in the summer and we don’t have air conditioning. I so wish I could win a pool because my hubby won’t buy one.

  2. CoffeeTime says
  3. CoffeeTime says

    Start your morning routine with steps and products you love.
    It could be simple soap, lotion, candle. Or maybe you would enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea in a chair or standing outside inhaling that fresh morning air.


    – Lowers stress level before you even start a day
    – Gathers your thoughts and focus allowing you to make good decisions
    – Grows love within you: for yourself, your time you allow to spend to gain this strength to spend during the day

    coffee time

    • Karen Hinkle says

      well I can say I do this in the morning before my grandson gets up I enjoy my coffee and I love to watch my birds I have pleanty of feeders for them I really enjoy this or I sit on my back porch and watch out the fields and see the deer and turkeys this is real relaxing to get ready for the day

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        I need to start getting up a little earlier to do this. I have an hour commute and have to be to work by 8 so I get up about 6. That doesn’t leave me enough time to get my daughter and I ready, drive and enjoy a morning. I normally drink my coffee on the drive and put my makeup and lotion on when I get to work! It’s always so hectic.

      • thia Beniash says

        a bird feeder is truly relaxing to watch. we bought one over the summer and filled it up, hung it up and sat there waiting for the first bird. it was like winning the lotto. we where sooo excited to say the red robin come bob bob bobbing along!

      • Raye Wiedner says

        Our mulberry tree is producing so many berries this year that it’s sagging from the weight, we have tons of birds out there enjoying the fact that they’re getting more than I can reach lol.
        This morning, when I stepped out on the porch, I saw the tree full of birds, and 4 stray cats looking up longingly at them. I had to laugh, there’s no way the cats can get to them, but a blue jay was at the top, looking down and scolding them all.

      • I love watching the hummingbirds

    • thia Beniash says

      i truly am always running out the door in the morning. i love to relax in the evening. put the kids to bed and off to my craft room i go. that is where i find peace and relaxation. its the only time i can cut out of the day for just me. its late by the time i get in there and i stay up late but i look forward to that time all day.

      • Karen Hinkle says

        I to Thia like the night time when grandson is in bed I love the peace and quiet the night bring here so calming

        • thia Beniash says

          the night calm is a beautiful thing! at that point the days work is done. i cannot relax in the morning because i think of all the things i must do and cant completely enjoy anything until its all done. do you listen to music or just enjoy the silence. i go with silence, except for the sound of the silhouette cameo cutting out projects.

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        I can relate thia, I feel the same way!

      • I cant wait to get our upstairs finished out so I can have my craft room..I don’t get to do much now its just to much trouble to get everything out take it to the kitchen and then have to put it all back up so the kids don’t get into it

    • Raye Wiedner says

      I put a table and chairs on the porch as well as a rattan swing, so I can sit out there in the middle of nature and enjoy a peaceful cup of coffee. It seems like if I can sit out there in the mornings, do my meditation, and get centered, I can plan my day and everything goes much more smoothly.

    • Yes! a pampering morning routine makes you feel good, and helps you get the right start on your day!! I think a morning walk is great too!

    • I used to get up early and go for a walk..not so much after 4 kids. My husband brought me a chocolate caramel almond coffee this morning..yum

    • Virginia Rogers says

      I do this daily, not sure on the stress level though I do enjoy my coffee πŸ™‚

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      My day usually starts in a mad rush to get my 4 year old ready for school, followed by a half an hour to calm down. I can’t relax until I’ve had a GOOD cup of coffee. I have special coffee for my “me moment”.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      My day starts with a cup of coffee then putting dogs out and smelling the fresh air. After that I turning on the computer.

    • Jessica Parent says

      I love the smell of coffee in the morning…the only thing that beats that for me is the smell of my new baby πŸ˜‰

    • Jessica Parent says

      Posted in wrong place up above-this is where I meant to tell you I love starting (or ending ) a day with a LONG Hot shower πŸ˜‰

    • Debra Carozza-Lynch says

      I actually go to sleep (tho not suggested) with a lit candle- a soothing scent of vanilla, ambers)- and when I wake up in the am- it forces me to get up to blow it out. My children make sure im wide awake by either— screaming on the top of their lungs or running around like little banshees- and that’s on the weekend when I can sleep! when I HAVE to be up to take them to school- it amazes me theyre not available to wake me! what I neeeeed unfortunately is that 1st cup of coffee to wake me up. so- thanking God for my Kuerig – I make it immediately. gets me moving!

    • I love a hot shower in the morning, I love all the fresh scents of bodywash and shampoo. I then have one cup of coffee before I can start doing anything.

    • Katrina A. says

      I always feel better after an uninterrupted hot shower. I like to lather up with the soap I used while on vacation in the US Virgin Islands, I close my eyes and breathe in the scent and it takes me back to those relaxed, care free days on the islands. And my weird thing is I like to have a bottle of ice water on the counter so I can drink fresh cold water in the shower. Weird but it makes me feel like a 1000%.

    • Carol Yemola says

      I love sitting outside early in the morning during the summer with my coffee and listening to the birds and enjoying the fresh air. Such a great way to start the day.

  4. CoffeeTime says

    Put together, step-by-step, a collection of magazines with IMAGES that inspire you, that serve you an ample FEAST for your Eyes and Heart. That bring you JOY!

    From my personal experience, I’ve got dozens of such beautiful magazines that I sometimes go through just to be inspired or get new ideas or simply to relax.

    Studies show that visual stimulation that comes from pleasant things allows you to relax. Besides that your creativity center is being activiated.

    Simply put: When you are not stressed, all things are just fallin’ into place!

    Go here for a moment and see with your own eyes what I mean!

    chiffon wedding dress
    Photo: dress2015

    • Karen Hinkle says

      OMG them are beautiful I see what you mean I am the same way with my flower books I love them they do get my mind working

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      oh wow, so many gorgeous dresses! I absolutely love the Chiffon Strapless Empire Sweet Train Appliques Draping Ruffles Wedding Dress!!!

    • thia Beniash says

      makes me want to get married again. lol. beautiful dresses! i find looking at great images does not relax me…it gets my mind into high gear creative mode. i love pinterest and try not to pin anything i wont really do or use. i have one board that is titled to do soon. these are things that dont take much time and i can refer to it when i have the time.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      Such beautiful dresses in absolutely amazing settings.
      Since I was a teen, I’ve always kept 3 ring binders with pictures and quotes I cut from magazines that inspire me or bring me pleasure or peace.

    • I love them..I think that was my favorite part when my lil sister got mRried.. was looking at all the pretty dresses and center pieces

    • IT’s like a childbirth class πŸ˜› seriously, I enjoy relaxing with beautiful pictures of creative crafts and things ppl do. I think sometimes beauty mags can stress people out with the high end products they promote and the unattainable levels of beauty. therefore, I love reading beading magazines and such. And inspiration… Love Raye’s idea with the quotes – I used to do that as a teen – I should start again.

    • I also used to collect photos to paint. While I stopped a while ago, with no space to paint anymore, I should really start again, if just for the inspiration of the beauty of nature. Especially since now many of the photos would be ones I took myself.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Absolutely beautiful dresses!!! I honestly don’t do a lot of magazines, but try to do a lot online as my relaxation time πŸ™‚

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      I remember, in art class in school, we used to make collages of what we wanted in life. That would be a perfect project! I could cut images of people, places and things out of magazines and make a scrap book from them. When I’m feeling stressed, I could bring out the book and go to my “happy place”.

      • Raye Wiedner says

        Cynthia, one of my college classes had us make a ‘dream’ board. It was basically a foam board covered with what you’re talking about. I have a friend that kept a smaller version on the inside of her pantry door, so she could look at it daily and focus on her goals and the things that made her happy.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      This is true and with the looking at the jewels is another also. I enjoy reading the different blogs every day because you never know what you will find.

    • Jessica Parent says

      This dress is stunning (unfortunately I don’t have anything to “hold up” a strapless-they do not stun on me…but the above model is gorgeous in it!!

    • Debra Carozza-Lynch says

      I like the one you picked the best and posted to FB, Laura. The image of her sitting down. of course- it makes me remember my wedding. if I had to do it again- it would be so different. its wonderful how times/tastes change your opinion! (16 years)!!

    • Katrina A. says

      #1….I’m engaged and all of these would be my pick! Love them.
      I need to put together a dream board or inspiration board. Just things to look at that make me feel good and inspire me.

    • Carol Yemola says

      Those dresses are beautiful! And the scenery is so serene. Wish I were about to get married instead of already being married 36 years! LOL

    • The photos do look peaceful.

  5. CoffeeTime says

    Add Some Luxury Into Your Personal Care Routine!
    Having a couple of luxurious, high quality towels, bath sheets, slippers, gowns of silk, or even hair bow with precious stones – or whatever you fancy! – would add a moment of personal luxury into your life.

    We’ve already covered some brands and products they serve us to add comfort, joy, beauty to our life.

    Check out a simple, yet so desirable eBody Luxury Collection from eCloth.

    Simply stupendous! Simple Luxury Indeed

    – Each item uses Micro-dry technology for quick extra absorption
    – All towels and mitts are anti-bacterial, as they absorb 99% of bacteria including E.coli and Listeria using pure water, NO EXTRA CHEMICALS!
    – The luxury comes from the fluffiness and softness of these microfibers

    eBody luxury collection

    • Karen Hinkle says

      wow I enter it I would not know how to do this but I would sound nice to pamper my self one in my life and this would be cool thanks I am starting to think I have neglected myself and need to do more for me but I just don’t

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I’m not very familiar with ebody products (until now). I just love that they they absorb 99% of bacteria! That would be such a comfort in itself. I really would love to have the Luxury Bath Towel to surround myself in luxury every morning!

    • thia Beniash says

      woohoo. i just entered all 95 entries. that is one FABULOUS package to win!

    • Raye Wiedner says

      These look and sound like fabulous products to pamper ourselves with! We’re definitely worth it!

    • These sound and look awsome

    • I’ve never tried these types of products before! I’m a big believer in DIY including spa routines, and products like this make it possible! Entering to win now… and checking out their site. be back soon !!!

    • Virginia Rogers says

      They do sound very luxurious, definitely entering thank you, could spend all day in one!! πŸ™‚

    • Entered

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      I could really use some of that in my life! If/when I pamper myself, I don’t always think about towels and clothing.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I have entered and I love it because I do enjoy my baths. The tub is one place I do relax. Ty Laura.

    • Jessica Parent says

      Ohhhh….Thank you I am entering now πŸ˜‰

    • Debra Carozza-Lynch says

      thank you- this would be wonderful to have and try out- I wouldn’t share with anyone! mine mine mine!

    • Katrina A. says

      Already entered! Love it! I must say a simple thing like a nice towel makes a world of difference. I got a nice one for Christmas last year and it make me feel like a queen.

    • Carol Yemola says

      I already entered yesterday! YEAH! I’m finally ahead of the game!. I would love one of those luxury bath towels.

    • Entered a few days ago.

  6. CoffeeTime says

    Bring In Some Exotic Dessert Into Your Daily Life!
    C’mon, if you allow yourself to indulge – and indulge into something Royally, i.e., Tastefully – you would create an ambiance around your life’s desires that would bring more peace, more joy, and more luxury into your daily life.

    Go to this page and tell me which French Macaron you’d like to try!

    french macaron

    • Karen Hinkle says

      French Macaron Designer Dessert that one you have pictured above looks so dang sinful but looks good

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I would love to try something like this! It reminds me of Seinfeld episode when Elaine eats the royal cake her boss has in his fridge at work and then tries to replace it. lol. Eating something royal, designer or indulgent occasionally would feel sinfully delicious!

      • thia Beniash says

        my fave is a decadent chocolate cake with chocolate mousse. oh yum. i missed that episode but i can just picture elaines face. loll

    • thia Beniash says

      great photos! i am a pastry chef but dont make a lot of macaroons. i never thought of painting on one. welp that is going on the to do list! i made one that was a pistachio macaroon with vanilla filling and it was outstanding!

      • Karen Hinkle says

        wow Thia that’s so cool I love to bake as well would love to be able to have a chef come and help me cook awesome meals

        • thia Beniash says

          you can. check with a local culinary school and i am sure a student would love to make a little side cash and teach you some wonderful meals.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      The French Macaron Designer Dessert looks so indulgent topped with fruit. I was recently in the city and stopped at a candy shop and indulged in one luxurious, fabulous truffle. It felt like such a special treat.

    • And we’re back to the macarons!! lol. I’m so hungry now. Want a macaron with my coffee. Will dig out a regular cookie from the freezer instead.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      On my goodness who could choose, that cake looks amazing wish could put into my daily diet!!! πŸ™‚

    • Im gonna go with the one pictured get cake too yumm

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      I would love chocolate with chocolate and more chocolate Macarons

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I love the Macarons on Valentine’s Day. They look so bright and beautiful. I bet they taste good too.

    • Jessica Parent says

      The one above!!!! Oh my goodness-It looks delicious!

    • Debra Carozza-Lynch says

      my sons favorite is macaroons. ive been craving a fresh baked vanilla cake with white icing now for 3 days!!!

    • Katrina A. says

      I like the rainbow ones. Yummy. I also like simple luxuries deserts like homemade whipped cream to dip fresh picked strawberries in.

    • Carol Yemola says

      OMG! I’m so hungry now! I would love to have the French Macaroons in a Box. So many to enjoy!

    • They all look good but we where talking about a balance diet yesterday ,lol

  7. CoffeeTime says

    While researching the subject of the benefits of music on our well-being, I’ve discovered and confirmed over 20 benefits of music alone (all backed by studies)! That means whatever you do, you probably will do it better and with more motivation when you add MUSIC TO YOUR ACTION LIST!

    Music helps us cope with pain and adds the power to our mental and creative processes. If you think this is not LUXURY – PLEASE RE-THINK!

    Here are some benefits of music you can start taking advantage of right away!

    – Eases pain
    – Motivates to exercise and improves endurance (that’s why you see those earbuds in runners’, bikers’ ears!)
    – Improves sleep quality
    – Helps to eat less
    One study found that playing soft music (and dimming the lights) during a meal can help people slow down while eating and ultimately consume less food in one sitting (perhaps because slowing down helps them to be more mindful of fullness cues). Here’s the link to the study.
    – Enhances blood vessels function
    “Scientists have found that the emotions patients experience while listening to music have a healthy effect on blood vessel function. Music both made study participants feel happier and resulted in increased blood flow in their blood vessels.” Here’s the link to the study
    – Relieve symptoms of depression
    “When you’re feeling down in the dumps, music can help pick you up (much like exercise). Research suggests the kind of music matters: Classical and meditative sounds seem to be particularly uplifting, whereas heavy metal and techno can actually make depressive symptoms worse.” Here’s the link to the study.
    – Improve cognitive performance
    “Background music may enhance performance on cognitive tasks. One older study found that listening to music allowed test takers to complete more questions in the time allotted, and get more answers right. More recent research suggests that whether or not music improves cognitive function depends on whether the music first improves a person’s emotional state.”

    Here’s a very insightful article on How Music stimulates Emotions via Specific Brain Circuits.

    In Summary, music has overwhelmingly wide benefits that you and I can jump into and start enjoying in our daily lives. Luxury it is to be able to HEAR the music that HEALS, INSPIRES, ENCOURAGES AND SUPPORTS US.

    listening to music
    Photo: jonlieffmd

    • Karen Hinkle says

      when I am feeling down I do listen to music it picks me up and gets me back on track but I love my music it is great for the soul I always relay on it even when I drive and you know what my grandson who is no verbal well he is getting there as far as talking but I can thank a hug part from music you know he don’t talk much but I put the county music on this boy will sing its amazing it has helped him so much

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      That was incredibly interesting and inspiring. I know many of them to be true by experience. Especially the “exercise and improves endurance” I know when I run with my .mp3 player with fast music I get bursts of energy. It makes the whole experience so much better. I want to try the slow music while eating and see if that makes a difference for me. I also would like to try the music while at work. Sometimes I just blank while doing something creative (I edit video).

    • thia Beniash says

      my kids have actually learned to appreciate all types of music, except rap. when they are being creative or just want a quiet mood they put on classical piano music. i just love it. they are only 7 and 11 so it impresses me that they would do that. do your kids do that? just wondering.

      • Raye Wiedner says

        That’s fantastic Thia. I raised my kids on all types of music and I went through one daughter’s ipod a while back and found rock, classical, jazz, blues, oldies, sinatra, irish folk, country……all sorts of things. I considered it a parenting win! lol

        • Thats how I raise my kids..except that screaming crap and r
          Hardcore rap..thats not enjoyable to me..

          • Raye Wiedner says

            One of my kids listens to rap (I blame her boyfriend lol), but the other doesn’t like it.
            My grandies are now listening to all sorts of music too, so the love of all genres is being passed to the next generation. Makes me happy.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      When hubby was in the hospital after his accident, they had a channel on their tv with lovely light meditative music combined with gorgeous natural scenery. It really helped to calm him and ease his pain. I got together with a friend who is an amateur photographer and put together some dvds with music and her photos, so that when he came home, I had that in my arsenal of caregiving tools. His anxiety levels were extreme, so it was invaluable to be able to soothe him by putting that on the tv.
      I have certain music I clean to and exercise to, because it seems I’m much more energetic when I blast it as I’m working. In the late evening, I put on light classical to calm us and help us get ready for sleep. I did that to my kids when they were little and my youngest still falls asleep if she hears that type music lol.

    • I live with music. I have a hard time focusing and for years it helped me get through work by removing all other distractions. It saved me in school, It’s helped me through the worst insomnia. It helps me get my life together on a day to day basis. It’s the biggest gift I’ve ever received.

      One note: it’s important to choose the right kinds of music!!!

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Wow great to know guess I do this one daily, am not a tv watcher always play music on low during day. πŸ™‚

    • I love listening to music when doing my house work..I seem to get more done faster ans definitely motivates me tp exercise more and longer

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      I’ve personally noticed several benefits of listening to music.. It does make me move and clean faster. I’m also in a happier mood and bring my kids in on it. It’s a great time to sing and dance with them.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I love listening to music when I am down because it helps to lift spirits. I like listening to the 80’s rock music. Reminds me of when I was younger and the fun times back then.

    • Jessica Parent says

      I’ve always loved listening to music-I never realized there were so many health benefits to it though!

    • Debra Carozza-Lynch says

      my life is surrounded by music and the love of music. I have a BFA in theatre- and ive been a singer since im 4. I now sing for church. I love it- it brings me closer to my faith- and I enjoy that I can bring others closer. Music cures the soul- I recently told someone…”close your eyes and listen to this song- really listen to it. the words. the melodies…and let your mind follow the patterns….it will ease things that are stressing you.” it is so true. a friend of mine has a degree in musical therapy- it amazes her everyday how autistic children respond to certain musical patterns. I can not imagine my life without the wonderful art of MUSIC.

    • Katrina A. says

      Music does so much. When I’m down playing “happy” music helps. I try to play loud music (radio station) while I clean. Keeps me going. So many songs bring back memories (good and bad). Some songs can express a certain feeling in a way I could not. And playing music is therapeutic. I love to play the flute. Want to learn guitar and piano someday.

    • Carol Yemola says

      I put my radio on as soon as I wake up in the morning. It stays on all day until TV time in the evening. I find myself singing out loud when no one is around and I always seem to have a more productive day!

    • I agree, listening to music always help. but not in the car ,fast tempo music makes me drive

  8. CoffeeTime says

    Bubble bath, Candles and Wine
    Aromatherapy is a huge positive ingredient for many conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, stomach upset, and menstrual cramps. Even migraine can benefit from certain essential oils. But overall, the scents are used to alleviate our bodies of stress and put us in a more relaxed state.

    Again, as we know stress is a huge factor in many chronic diseases, including weight gain. Relieving our selves of stress would add one more piece of luxury to our daily living.

    What are you favorite aromatherapies, candles, scents?

    Do you burn candles frequently or wait for a special occasion like a holiday season?


    • Karen Hinkle says

      I love love my candle I burn them all the time but I am a sweet scent kinda gal I also just started to sell the Hidden Treasure Candles as a Rep they are such awesome candles and all soy and they burn all the way dow and so many different scents

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I like to wait for special occasions but it sounds like I should use them more often. I tend to enjoy “baked good” scents, maybe I should switch. I actually don’t know which scents are suppose to alleviate scents?

      • CoffeeTime says

        Sometimes ‘waiting’ doesn’t do us good. In this case waiting=delaying OUR JOY!
        Try something even without scent! It’s the magic of flames that can put you in awe! And it’s such a beauty to have a few candles in your tub when you have your spa-like dip!

    • thia Beniash says

      oh how i want to jump into that picture and take a bath. lol. i love a hot bath with candles and a good movie.. hee hee. gotta love the electronic world. ipad+netflix+ccandles+steaming bath=leave mommy alone for the next hour an a half….that includes you too hubby. i come out of there a much more relaxed and energized person. better for all.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      A bubble bath with candles and wine is one of my favorite luxuries! I tend to go with earthy scents like sandalwood and patchouli to relax. For a lighter mood, I like jasmine or honeysuckle. During the day, I tend to go with more invigorating scents like citrus. I love candles, and use them often to enhance my mood and surroundings.

    • I don’t know why but I rarely do candles. I do love though lavender. It has true stress melting benefits. I’ve also had mandarin and cedarwood scented products that were also great for relaxation.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Cannot do bath at moment but do love candles mixture, fresh scents, tropical, some flowers and food scents as well, I burn different ones daily πŸ™‚

    • I love citrus, apples and cinnamon , lilac and fresh clean sents

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      I love clean scents such as clean cotton, baby powder, fresh linen, etc.. I burn candles on a daily basis and I own a lot of them!

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I love burning candles with gardenia and melon scent. These scents remind me of summer. They had something on Dr.Phil I believe about the music and flower aromas relaxing you from stress.

    • Jessica Parent says

      don’t drink regularly but wouldn’t mind a glass of wine on rare occasions and cant burn candles because it sets off my sons asthma (but I miss my candles-I used to burn them all the time!) My favorites were always food inspired-vanilla,apple,cinnamon,pumpkin,cotten candy πŸ˜‰

      • Raye Wiedner says

        Jessica, do the electric candle warmers bother his asthma? They have the same aromatherapy effects and you can even use regular tarts in them.

    • Debra Carozza-Lynch says

      YES YES YES: thisssss is my ultimate happy relaxing place. in my tub- with candles and a little andrea bocelli or Pavarotti- and I transcend into a world of happiness and tranquility. my bath milk, salts are alllll aromatherapy based. nothing calms my mind and body more.

    • Katrina A. says

      I love burning candles, wax melts but try to not over use them as they are quite expensive. I love relaxing scents like chamomile and lavender. Recently I realized I like tropical scents to give me a boost. More of a morning scent.

    • Carol Yemola says

      I don’t need a special occasion to burn a candle. I burn floral scents during the spring and summer, harvest and cinnamon scents in the fall, pine for Christmas, and clean cotton scents during the winter months. I love them! And they make me feel happy!

    • I just got a tart warmer and the only thing I have tried so far is the babypowder, smells so good.

  9. CoffeeTime says

    Add Spa-Like Elements to Your Daily Routine
    As we are fortunate today to have eCloth as our sponsor, I’d like to point out their eBody Luxury Collection that would add that element of spa-like luxury to the comfort and enjoyment for you to experience daily, without leaving your home.

    Do remember, that All eBody products boast of Millions of micro-drying fibers that quickly wick away moisture and lock it inside their structure – absorbing 4 times more moisture than cotton at twice the speed.

    Go to the eBody Luxury Collection and pick top 3 favorites you’d like to try in the LUXURY of your home to feel, to smell, to experience the calming effects of their soft, highly absorbent spa-like products.

    ebody luxury collection

  10. CoffeeTime says

    Luxury of Healthy, Germ-Free Living
    As your healthy is directly connected to Food, Water, Personal Care products, Cleaning products and a million other things you come into contact daily, it is our goal to move towards a CHEMICAL FREE living and enjoy what Nature created for us in the first place with ample health.

    You may want to take into account that eCloth has categories of products for almost any area of your life that would contribute to a Chemical Free living. And staying in good health is the best LUXURY we can afford and share with our family and friends.

    Today, we’d love to spread some love and give away several sets of General Purpose Cloth + a Kitchen Pack to our fans.

    Look at some amazing qualities these eCloth products offer to us!

    I took the description straight from their site!
    – Offer perfect, chemical-free cleaning for all hard kitchen surfaces using just water
    – Unique non-scratching Scrubbing Pocket quickly and safely removes hardened messes using just water
    – True Chemical Free Cleaning – Kitchen cloth fibers attract moisture and oil and trapping dirt/grease/grime and proven to remove over 99% of bacteria from hard surfaces with just water
    – Glass & Polishing Cloth used dry on water dampened surfaces brings a smear-free, lint-free finish to windows, mirrors, stainless steel, chrome, granite, marble, and all other shiny surfaces

    ecloth kitchen bundle

    • Karen Hinkle says

      that was truly amazing would help cleaning a bit more easy

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I left a comment. Sounds like a wonderful product/company!

    • thia Beniash says

      i wold love to use the kitchen cloth and the glass cloth. does it really not leave any lint?streaks? if thats really true i could probably save the huge mess that i make on my hands from using newspaper on the windows. heck, at that point i could cancel that paper. lol.

    • wow, those look amazing! I commented on the post!

    • Raye Wiedner says

      I got a couple of cheaper microfiber cloths as a gift a while back. I do love them, but I don’t think they hold a candle to ecloth. I’m constantly amazed though, at the amount of cleaning I can do with the ones I have, and just use a small amount of water. Thia, they truly are lint free, and leave things streak free and shiny. My mirrors have never looked so good!!

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Commented they truly sound amazing!!! We all could use less chemicals in our lives for sure!! πŸ™‚

    • These sounds wonderful. .

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      Living as chemical free as possible is very important for myself, my family and our planet.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I would love that they have non -scratching pockets and you don’t have to use nothing but water. The pet line is awesome and you can tell by Laura’s two beautiful babies that they love the pet line. πŸ™‚

    • Jessica Parent says

      They sound AMAZING!! I sont think they’d last me 6 yrs (since Id have to wash them twice a week probably -thanks to 5 messy boys) but I love that they are effective without needed added chemicals to get the job done

    • Debra Carozza-Lynch says

      I have 4 dogs, a messy hubby and 2 boys (ages 14 and 8)- ANYTHING that would help me to clean (esp the kitchen) would be a GODSEND. I wish I could say they clean up after themselves- but alas- no. I like to stay chemical free with ALL my products- face, body and house- laundry…everything…so this would be wonderful to try out. sounds like id be a fan for life…

    • Katrina A. says

      What an awesome cloth! Going on my wish list.

    • Carol Yemola says

      I am trying to stay away from chemical use. Any product that will help me clean and do that is the product for me! And since I have a septic system, I would love to find a cleaning cloth that will clean my bathroom, especially my shower and tub, without the use of harmful chemicals.

    • Wow, cant believe they would last 6 years.

  11. Karen Hinkle says

    good luck and thanks Laura you are slowly opening my eyes I love the chats

  12. Jennifer Hiles says

    Thank you #AMCoffee. Participating in these chats have really helped me. I went to the grocery store the other day and ended up with a cart full of veggies and fruits (that never happens) and it was because of all the chats about diets, cancer, skin health, foot health, etc., etc. They are a daily reminder for me to treat my body better so thank you.

  13. wow! this is an amazing prize, something I can really use! hope I win today!! been out a few days, looks like I came back on a great day! will be out again tomorrow but hopefully back sunday. Thanks again for another great AMCoffee.

    • CoffeeTime says

      Tomorrow is a jack-pot day! I would miss you! But come over later, as I would leave a couple of prizes for our later birds at #AMCoffee!

  14. Virginia Rogers says

    Thank you so much, another great topic, love when I can be here in the mornings with my coffee!!! Good luck all and have a great Friday!!!! πŸ™‚

  15. Amazing prizes..good luck all

  16. Cynthia Dubuque says

    Good luck everyone! Amazing prizes!

  17. Rebecca Swenor says

    Good Luck all and Congrats to all winners. πŸ™‚

  18. congrats!!

  19. Jessica Parent says

    Congrats Raye , Thia, & Cynthia ….Wonderful prizes!!! Im very curious to how effective chemical free cleaning can be…you ladies will be able to find out fast πŸ˜€

    • Raye Wiedner says

      With the cheap ones I have now, it’s very impressive. I’ve never been able to clean a window or mirror without leaving streaks til I got one. They’re fantastic on my stainless appliances too. I can’t wait to get these, they seem to be so much better quality. Perfect timing too, since I’m trying to really get the house spotless for sale. πŸ™‚

  20. Debra Carozza-Lynch says

    thank you laura!!

  21. thia Beniash says

    congrats raye and cynthia! i am sooo looking forward to trying these cloths out in the kitchen! i will report backk how effective they are. think i will even try it in the car! my windows get sooo icky. thanks E cloth and Laura for giving me the chance to try a wonderful product. I am a house cleaner and will show my boss these cloths on glass. we waste so much money on paper towels its a shame.

  22. Katrina A. says

    Nice prize!!! Congrats winners!

  23. Carol Yemola says

    Thanks so much for having a drawing for those that work during the day! It is so very much appreciated!

  24. Cynthia Dubuque says

    Thank you so much! I can’t wait to try them πŸ™‚ Congrats to Raye and Thia!

  25. Virginia Rogers says

    Congrats to all!!! πŸ™‚

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