5 Bad Habits To Break Up With to Make Your Life More Productive

5 Bad Habits to Leave Behind



Photo Credit: Kevin Dooley/flickr

These Bad Habits once were considered a great achievement, an awesome thing to possess. Without some of them, job applications wouldn’t be even considered! Imagine that!

However, time does go by, and changes do take place in life, work places, and in our personal habits as well. Let’s revisit some Top 5 Bad Habits and then look inside of ourselves to admit what we are “guilty” of.

You deserve a better quality of life and living with less stress. Leaving something behind in 2015 like these bad habits could be a huge change in the quality of life you are going to embark on.

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  1. Laura at AMCoffee says

    AM COFFEE – Sign In! HELLO, Everyone!

    Any Bad Habits you’d like to get rid of?

    Please share, so we could support it!

    Thank you for being here!

    Stay with us every morning, win prizes, but mostly, make awesome friends!

    Subscribe HERE to AMCoffe Daily.

    sign in am coffee

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      I am quitting smoking, and want to start living a healthier lifestyle!!! I know I have missed you Laura. Time to round up all of the girls and get them back to AM coffee!!

    • Jessica Parent says

      Id really like to quit smoking and drink less coffee (and more water!!) this year.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Good morning all. I would love to stop stressing on a dime this year and think about things before I start stressing.

  2. Laura at AMCoffee says
  3. Laura at AMCoffee says


    #1 Multi-Tasking

    At one time, multi-tasking was considered one the most important traits in any job application. Everybody was looking for a person with such skill. And all applicants were planting this mention in every single application they filled out.

    These days โ€“ no more the “multi-tasking” trait is considered the best and necessary.

    What studies have discovered in the past decade is that people who multi-task actually do lose Focus, Time, thus, Quality of work done vs when they are not multi-tasking.

    The brain is developing a new way of thinking and prioritizing in such difficult and strenuous multi-tasking mode. It is more STRESS for a person as a result of this so-much-desired trait in a professional environment.

    In 2016, do make your priorities and start focusing on just one thing when you want to truly feel success, see progress and live with less stress.

    CONTINUE READING BELOW, as ALL of it is so much related to MULTI-TASKING.

    bad habits multitasking
    Photo Credit: David Goehring/flickr

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      I’m always trying to multi-task. I do pretty well at it and feel it keeps me sharper. Now sometimes I try and over do it, and that gets in the way of my goals. So its just all about prioritizing!

    • Jessica Parent says

      Lol Guilty of multitasking and priding myself on my ability to do so….never thought it was bad for me

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I find this finding interesting because I used to pride myself on the multi-tasking I used to do. My biggest goal this year is to have faith in myself and others so I can lesson my stress levels.

  4. Laura at AMCoffee says

    am coffee

    #2 Mixing Up Priorities

    Putting your most important task(s) till later, till the last hour of the day, causing a self-induced procrastination.

    Usually, people start with EASY tasks. And there are so MANY of them, that the most important things โ€“ the ones you depend on โ€“ are left UNDONE.

    We all have the willpower that decreases throughout the day, as we get tired and overworked.

    In 2016, Write down your Priorities on the paper and do them early in the day!

    Smaller things that can be done later โ€“ will be done later. As you will go through them in a breeze at the end of the work day!

    bad habits priorities
    Photo Credit: Hero Images/Getty Images

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Once I started running a review group, I really saw how what you have said above really comes into play. Luckily for me I love writing. And keeping a Journal of to do lists, as opposed to jotting it down on the computer, has really kept me organized and less stressed. It may be faster to do it online but I guess I’m just old school! lol

    • Jessica Parent says

      I always make a list but the past few months do not check as many things off of it as I used to….I lack motivation I think

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      This is indeed something I am starting this year with the writing down priorities. I bought a notebook I am using just for this idea that will fit in my purse so I can carry it around too.

  5. Laura at AMCoffee says


    #3 Checking Notifications

    They come in all form and shapes: Emails, most important “flagged” emails, twitter RTs, posts that just gone live, SMS replies and “seen” by the other party, a ton notifications from your calendar and a dozen up apps calling for upgrades, “see the newest & bestest,” and things that you can imagine โ€“ all of that HAS TO BE LEFT BEHIND.

    With ALL notifications TURNED OFF, you will gain:

    – Extra time to do what needs to be done
    – Feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction with your progress
    – Healthy Focus on important tasks
    – Good feel of your Priorities

    bad habits checking notifications
    Photo Credit: M01229/flickr

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      I agree but unfortunately cannot turn off my notifications all together all of the time due to the type of business I have to run. but boy would that make life easier~~~

    • Jessica Parent says

      I am safe from this one as long as I dont sit my butt down at the computer (Then I “have to” check at least facebook which then sucks me in for at least an hour!!) I do not have nor plan on getting a cellphone anytime soon because I know I will form new bad habits (that drive me crazy about others these past 5 yrs or so)

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      This would be indeed nice to do. I for one am going to be doing this one with the extra notifications I really don’t need to see.

  6. Laura at AMCoffee says


    #4 Sitting All Day Long

    It’s been confirmed by many studies that sitting for many hours, weeks, years of life is DETRIMENTAL to our health.

    Yes, people get cancers, chronic conditions due to sitting.

    What you could do to start changing it?

    – Move every hour to an hour-and-a-half
    It could be 10 jacks jumped, quick situps, or simple walking around the block/office or doing a small task in your house.

    – Work at least 15-20 minutes STANDING UP for every 2 hours of sitting.
    There are products that get such accommodations, i.e., for working standing up.
    Celebrate Woman Today has taken this action at the beginning of 2015 and has awesome personal testimony about this “standing-up working” habit to report!

    Check it out here with more details How To Work Standing Up.

    bad habits sitting all day long

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Now this is definitely something that I need to work work work on!! Thanks for your beautiful reminder!! This will definitely be a goal for 2016~~~

    • Jessica Parent says

      My legs hurt if I sit too long…I have to keep moving or I tire quick-lol

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I most of the time have tried all these ideas except the standing up working which I have done but only for very short periods. This I will be trying more for longer periods.

  7. Laura at AMCoffee says



    From my personal experience PERFECTIONISM doesn’t take us too far.

    In this quickly changing world, we need quality and qualified responses to situations. Thinking of perfecting every action would and could be detrimental to what you are trying to accomplish. As it will be a late reaction. And it will be a reaction without confidence.

    Perfectionism breeds FEAR of taking action. And that could lead to PROCRASTINATION. Thus, at the end failing to do what you can do with excellence.

    bad habits perfectionism

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Describes me to a T. I hate to admit that, but it is something I struggle with. Perfectionism causes me much anxiety, which comes from fear that results in procrastination. But I am doing much better about it. This is something I have been trying to better myself on for a long time now. Hopefully 2016 can bring me the gift of not trying to be “perfect”!

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Describes me to a T. I hate to admit that, but it is something I struggle with. Perfectionism causes me much anxiety, which comes from fear that results in procrastination. But I am doing much better about it. This is something I have been trying to better myself on for a long time now. Hopefully 2016 can bring me the gift of not trying to be “perfect”!

    • Jessica Parent says

      Ive had/have definite issues with this (and I am a well known procrastinator too….big shock ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Okay I have to admit that I still have a problem with this one. I will be writing this word down along with procrastination under it and stick it to my desk. This will be my reminder each day.

  8. Laura at AMCoffee says


    Check out These Amazing OPEN Giveaways for 2015!

    open giveaways

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      awesome!! going to enter as many as I can!! lots of nice stuff thanks for the giveaways and for being so amazing laura!! you were a big influence on me transforming my life in 2015 and I look forward to another wonderful new year!

    • Jessica Parent says

      Thanks so much Laura ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I am going to have to check this all out and enter them all. The more you enter the more you win. ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. Laura at AMCoffee says


    Please have a great last day of 2015!

    Wishing you all the Success, Health, and Peace.

    And More Sleep! This is one of the best remedies you can ever have to feel great and to rejuvenate your body!

    sleeping tips

    • Jessica Parent says

      Thank you Laura!!Happy New Year!! Im not going to lie the second half of 2015 sucked and I am happy to see it go ๐Ÿ˜€ Heres hoping for a calmer happier healthier 2016!! More sleep is a must

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Sleep is so important to us all and I know I lack it. It is important to remember that just sleeping for one day does not make up for the sleep you lack for the week either. I have to admit that all of the information here today is everything I am going to be working on in the new year. Thanks for sharing all these tips and the information. Happy New Year to everyone!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. Mandi Gilliam says

    LOL so true but gosh another thing I really need to work on this new year!! HAPPY NEW YEAR LAURA!! <3

  11. This year I am kicking out the main negative person in my life. My mother. She brings me down repeatedly. All I am trying to do is make my life happy and without her it will be. I already feel better!

  12. i’m so ready to be stress free in 2016 and hopefully with right person

  13. Ramona Koon says

    So much great advice! Ty. I do try recognize these, but I too procrastinate, am a perfectionist and I always multitask. I do organize my life with notes, I try to get enough sleep, I even nap sometimes, but like Mandi, with my business I can’t fully unplug.. This year I’m working on eating better and eating less, plus walking more. Happy New Year everyone!

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