Allergy Triggers
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Allergies are an abnormal reaction of our immune system to various irritants. What to some people can be like a normal way of living, to some it causes harmful reactions within the body.
Pollen, mold, dust, mites could be the triggers associated with an abnormal reaction of our immune system. Can we live with allergies? Yes, we can and we do. Each case is very individual. The most important thing is to be Aware of your allergic reactions and find out the best way to control them.
Let’s remind ourselves of Allergy Triggers, Reactions and Ways to Control severe allergic reactions.
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Good Morning everybody….my coffee tastes terrible today but the weather is FINALLY nice and I’m having pizza for breakfast (not a Taco but almost as yummy) so I’m not gonna let it ruin my day 🙂 Can we really build immunity to our allergies??? For me its medicine-I hate being allergic to something that is supposed to help me but tries to kill me instead
Good morning! I have horrible seasonal allergies that are really started to act up. I’d like to learn the best ways to keep my head clear.
Good Morning all. 🙂
Allergies I have dealt with forever. I have to go get allergies shots before noon today in fact.
For the past day, I’ve been miserable. It’s been a very severe reaction to whatever allergens are floating out there. The body was shaking, the eyes were almost shut and I could barely do anything. Today is a bit better but swelling is on the up side.
Yuck- Hope you feel better soon! Do you use eyedrops or zyrtec to help with them? (Eyedrops-Alaway really help my 9 yr old that has pretty harsh seasonal allergies)
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whoops blame on migraine 🙂
Seen on Today show that if you eat honey I think a tsp a day, but it has to be non processed, it will help. The bees pollinate everything or just about .
It should be a local unrefined/unprocessed (i.e. raw) honey. The theory is that you are allergic to the pollen in your area so local bees collect the pollen from the local flowers/plants, etc and bring it back and honey is made out of it. You then start taking this honey and your body builds up immunities to the pollen you are allergic too.
Morning! I wish there was an easier way to test for allergies in kids!
morning! the honey thing is with raw local honey. My mom has awful allgergies and has been doing it for years – it’s like an antidote and pollen is a local thing… I’m curious as far as foood allergies are concerned – I’m busy introducing different foods to my 6 month old and afraid to try some of the popular allergic ones!
Thank you WebMD for concise and helpful info!
To make good choices in any situaiton, you gotta gather and know the facts: What happenes (symptoms), Why it happens, and How it could be addressed.
What Happens During an Allergic Reaction?
First, a person is exposed to an allergen by inhaling it, swallowing it, or getting it on or under their skin. After a person is exposed to the allergen, a series of events create the allergic reaction:
– The body starts to produce a specific type of antibody, called IgE, to bind the allergen.
– The antibodies attach to a form of blood cell called a mast cell. Mast cells can be found in the airways, in the intestines, and elsewhere. The presence of mast cells in the airways and GI tract makes these areas more susceptible to allergen exposure.
– The allergens bind to the IgE, which is attached to the mast cell. This causes the mast cells to release a variety of chemicals into the blood. Histamine, the main chemical, causes most of the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
I do know I get the migraines from mold in the spring when snow is melting. Fresh air is not so good for me during this time. The dark stuff on the snow is dirt and mold. My sons Doc had told me this few years ago because my son is allergic to every mold almost.
I consider myself quite blessed that I do not suffer from seasonal allergies but 2 of my boys (9 & 16 yr olds) suffer pretty badly this time of year. My 16 yr olds eyes swell so bad they protrude a bit (even with eyedrops and prescription meds)
Can he start with the allergies shots if insurance covers it?
He’s been allergy tested but because of the asthma attacks his allergies induce they do not recommend shots-I admit the older he gets the better it gets (both allergic reactions and asthma)
Wow he must have sever asthma than. They make me do a test thing before I get my shots and it is usually around this time of year because of my allergies which cause the asthma attacks. I don’t have the blow test all the time. Maybe try the honey think than.
Make sure to ask doctor about the honey before you do anything though.
Thanks Rebecca-we will have to ask them about the honey 😉
I never realized all of that was occurring . Now, the question is, how do we stop that from happening?
The best way to keep away from allergies is to Stay Away from the Triggers, like pollen, mites, dust, food items.
But in real life, it is very challenging to do so.
Shots may help in some severe cases.
All up to the doc to say.
But at home try to stay clear of the items that cause Allergies.
The things is –> Do you know in YOUR case What causes your allergies?
That could be determined with the tests, too.
I have never really suffered from allergies but our kids do! My ds has weather induced allergies – when it goes from hot to cold to hot to cold which is all the time pretty much during the winter. Dd just has regular seasonal allergies.
My migraines act up with the weather a lot and here in UP of MI we never know what weather is going to do. I call them my meteorologist.
We go from 90s to 40s in a few hours! This winter was one of the worse in years – it happened at least twice a month and never really warmed up but for a day or two at a time.
I sometimes get a cold that I think is allergy related but my mother suffers terribly all season. It’s interesting to hear how and why it happens
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What Are the Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction?
Common symptoms of an allergic reaction to inhaled or skin allergens include:
– Itchy, watery eyes
– Sneezing
– Itchy, runny nose
– Rashes
– Feeling tired or ill
– Hives (a rash with raised red patches)
Other exposures can cause different allergic reactions:
Food allergies. An allergic reaction to food allergens can also cause stomach cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea.
Insect stings. The allergic reaction to a sting from a bee or other insect causes local swelling, redness, and pain.
The severity of an allergic reaction’s symptoms can vary widely:
– Mild symptoms may be almost unnoticeable, just making you feel a little “off.”
– Moderate symptoms can make you feel ill, as if you’ve got a cold or even the flu.
– Severe allergic reactions are extremely uncomfortable, even incapacitating.
Most symptoms of an allergic reaction go away shortly after the exposure stops.
The most severe allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. In anaphylaxis, allergens cause a whole-body allergic reaction that can include:
– Hives and itching all over (not just in the exposed area)
– Wheezing or shortness of breath
– Hoarseness or tightness in the throat
– Tingling in the hands, feet, lips, or scalp
Anaphylaxis is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms can progress rapidly, so head for the emergency room if there’s any suspicion of anaphylaxis.
I didn’t know about the tinging in hands, feet, lips or scalp. I wonder if that tingling in the hands is what I had last week but I thought it to be more of a burning itch. It happened when I tried a new deodorant. It drove me nuts. Took a couple days to realize what it was that I was reacting too.
I personally am only familiar with Anaphylaxis.The couple of medications I am allergic to send me into anaphylactic Shock (I died once at 12 but they obviously brought me back)-It is not fun and for me is every form of reaction listed above all at once (and usually VERY Fast!).My whole body shuts down,veins collapse,immediate vomiting and diaherra.
I have seasonal allergies that cause my eyes to itch, my throat to tickle and my head to be congested and a slight runny nose. Freshly cut grass makes my eyes itch, head congestion, coughing, sneezing and my nose run horribly. I’m allergic to wasp and bee stings only to the point I get localized swelling and slight trouble breathing, sometimes with a rash around the sting site. My niece is so allergic to cashews that if you eat one and touch her, she has a reaction and needs her epi-pen.
Ds has only had one allergic reaction and that’s when we mix benadryl with an antibiotic (Amoxil) but it was just a very itchy rash thankfully. Dr. just stopped giving him Amoxil as an antibiotic! Now that he’s an adult, he hasn’t had any reactions (that he’s told me about! LOL)
My youngest had very bad sever reaction to Cephsil and had to be rushed to docs office. He was around 2 yrs old and he was incoherent. I put him in the car than rushed him to docs office they seen me care him in and got doc from room with other patient. They gave him a shot of benidryal and did nepilizer on him. I was of coarse freaked because he was my baby.
When I introduced my son to dairy the other day he started gagging and then threw it all up. My mom said it’s because I’m supposed to start with full fat yogurt but my dr said cream cheese is ok (it was a familiar food with cream cheese added). I’m wondering now if that’s a reaction or maybe it was too thick for him… I’m scared to try again he gave me such a fright!!
That’s what we found in the WebMD on connection between Allergies and Eczema.
The Eczema-Allergy Connection
Doctors used to believe eczema was just a sign of an allergic reaction – your body overreacting to a harmless allergen, like pollen or dander.
Now most experts think eczema is actually a problem with the outer layer of your skin. Instead of working as a barrier, your skin is “leaky” and lets in germs, irritants, or allergens.
While most experts don’t believe that eczema is purely allergic, it’s clearly connected to allergic conditions like food allergies, hay fever, and asthma.
– Up to 80% of kids with eczema develop hay fever or asthma later in childhood.
– 35% of adults with asthma or nasal allergies had eczema as kids.
– If a mom has allergies, there’s almost a 1 in 3 chance that her baby will have eczema.
– 37% of kids with moderate to severe eczema also have food allergies.
When it starts. Kids who get eczema at a young age may be more likely to have allergies or asthma later.
What are the things you can do to lower the severity of symptoms and put these reactions under control?
– Breastfeeding. There’s some evidence that breastfeeding your baby for the first 6 to 12 months may lower the risk of later allergies or asthma.
– Diet changes. If your baby has a high risk of allergic problems, some doctors recommend changes in diet. You might hold off on solid foods until your baby is at least 6 months old.
– Treating your child’s eczema is key, too. It’s not known for sure, but some doctors think that aggressively treating eczema could help prevent the progression to allergies and asthma.
To keep your child’s eczema under control, you can:
– Get allergy testing. If you can pin the problem on a specific allergen, you can figure out ways to avoid it.
– Use a moisturizer. Go for thick creams and ointments that stop the skin from drying out.
– Keep fingernails short. Your child will do less damage to the skin from scratching.
– Avoid irritants. Always use unscented soap and laundry detergent. Stay away from cigarette smoke.
Watch for problems. If your child’s eczema seems to be getting worse – or he or she develops allergy symptoms, like congestion or a runny nose – see a doctor soon. The sooner you get treatment, the sooner your child will feel better.
That is interesting because both my boys have asthma but they don’t have eczema that I have noticed. The both have allergies like mine too. My youngest child I breast feed and doesn’t get sick as much as his brother. I get the eczema on my shins and I end up scratching in my sleep. My sister was just telling me last week that the eczema is associated with allergies which makes sense. If I haven’t had my shots in a couple of weeks I will brake out on my shins.
None of my children had eczema but 2 have allergies and the oldest boy suffered pretty severe asthma as a young child (that one was only breastfed for 2 mos due to my milk supply immediately drying up the day after I got the Depo shot-always wondered if that played a role as my other boys were breastfed from 5-20 mos)
Wow! I never knew there was possibly a link between eczema and allergies… It makes me want to ask my mom if I had eczema as a child. I think 1 of my 2 sons may have inherited my allergies. He constantly has a running nose and slight cough. Then again, a lot of toddlers have those problems. I should make an appointment to have allergy testing done.
Oh yes we deal with this with our dd. She also has dermatitis…all over her legs and arms! Luckily it doesn’t usually itch her too bad (that sounds funny…itch her?). Her Dr has said to stay away from milk and we try but that girl LOVES her yogurt and cheese! I also have eczema but no allergies (that are known…I was allergic to milk when I was a kid though).
YOGURT & Cheese are very different from milk!
These are Fermented products.
For example, Kefir is 99% lactose free and is a great product for kids and grown-ups as it has calcium and Live bacteria!
Do feed your babies yogurt, cheese, kefir and other fermented milk products!
Theres that kefir again (which I heard of for the 1st time here last week) Is that something the regular grocery store/walmart stock?)
YES, every store like Publix and Smith’s, Kroger’s carry Kefir!
I grew up with it! So, there’s a lot of it in me!
It is the best fermented product out there. Acquired taste. But now they make flavored versions, too.
I drink it plain!
Look for the Brand: LifeWay. Best of best. The owners are Russian immigrants who started the company in 1976 and have the formula of the best recipe on Earth.
My humble biased opinion! he, he.
Lol-I’ll definitely check it out- I just found out through the link on Celebrate woman today that the grocery store a hop ,skip and jump from me carries it- Gonna have to check it out. (I’m finicky but even if I don’t like it maybe my kids will 😉 ) Thanks
The only place around here to find Kefir is Sprouts and they are EXPENSIVE! The Dr told hubby (he’s the one who had taken her in at the beginning of the school year) that she was to avoid all milk and milk products including goat milk and other animal milks. Almond and coconut are ok. Last time I had her in there, it completely blew my mind to ask him about it (she had a ruptured ear drum so I wasn’t thinking about the milk allergy/eczema connection). So there must be something in the milk that is causing the reaction. I know at first we completely cut it out and her arms cleared up completely and her legs started to but then we started giving her some yogurt here, pudding there, a little glass of chocolate milk here and cheese there! 🙂
A bottle of LifeWay Kefir is about $4.00 each
I put my health beyond the money. Think how much it costs to “correct” a problem medically, and the it seems like heaven!
interesting I know a family where each of the children have multiple allergies, asthma and eczema…. so there does seem to be a strong connection.
What To Do when severe Allergic Reacions aka Anaphylaxis Occurs?
Sings of Severe Allergic Reaction or Anaphylaxis Symptoms may Include:
– Hives
– Breathing issues
– Gastrointestinal issues
– Persistent vomiting and diarrhea
– Decreasing blood pressure
Key to stay safe –> AVOID IT! READ LABELS and Know the triggers of your specific allergy.
READY PREPARED INJECTORS WITH Epinephrine are a MUST to carry with you at all times.
No matter where my niece goes, no matter who takes her, they have to take her epi-pen with them.
I also carry my rescue inhaler with me. That’s all I need, currently, for my most serious allergic reactions.
Thankfully we don’t have any allergic reactions that are this serious! Ds did carry an inhaler during winter for when he would have a wheezing flare up from his allergies.
I’ve had to change Dr.’s a few times because I have had anaphylactic reactions 4-5 times in my life but they do not want to prescribe me the epipen once every 3 yrs (say its a waste of insurance money since I haven’t had a reaction in about 17 yrs)Last reaction I had though I was told by both my Primary and attending at the hospital to keep one on me the rest of my life. For those unfamiliar they are huge (thick) needles full of epinephrine you stick in your thigh upon an anaphylactic reaction…I had to give myself about 5 in my life (between the ages of 12-18).Very unpleasant 😉 But Very helpful in treating the allergy while waiting for ambulance to show up
I think you should also let others know about it if you or a child have a serious allergy so that they shouldn’t accidentally expose you…
I have/do (unless I don’t trust somebody because at least with my allergy they could literally kill me with it “accidently/on purpose” -Lol ) Just residue of it touching my skin or sniffing it sends me into anaphylactic shock 😉
yikes, didn’t think of that! let’s hope you don’t have any real enemies…
I don’t think I do anymore but have learned you can never be too careful (my daughter had a family member that used to send her home with it on purpose-that’s when I figured out the allergy could be used against me)
I have my inhaler handy most of the time when I know I am going to need it for example cutting the grass. I have to use my inhaler before and sometimes after working outside. I had a leak in my bedroom a couple yrs ago and had the black mold in ceiling. I was so sick from sleeping in my room. I had the migraine plus sever vomiting which could not even keep water down. It was official. Stopped sleeping in that room and got better after couple days.
That is something we need to be aware of –> MOLD!
Mold scares me -I’ve seen one too many 20/20 episodes ….freaks me out because you might not even know its there (and the average person doesn’t rip their walls out to check under them for it)
Okay sorry Galz got to go get allergy shots before noon. Great subject and conversation. Have a great day all. 🙂
Good GRL!
Ask the doc if you could do them at home!
Ok I will. 🙂
Good morning.I would like to know why as people get older they can have allergies when they never had them before.
Allergies happen or worsen not just with age. There are so many factors, that figuring them out is almost impossible for those who seem overall healthy.
Allergies are is a response of our body to the attach on our immune system. The attacks can originate in food, dust, even FURNITURE we live on, and, of course, the outside allergens like pollen and pollutants from water and air.
With age, our immune system could weaken and respond to the attacks that cause allergic reactions much quicker.
That is why with age, we can experience more frequent allergic reactions that seem never end. Our immune system responds quicker due to its wear and tear, thus faster response time.
Check out one of the articles that points out at furniture as one of the causes for allergies.