Celebrating Father’s Day Weekend #AMCoffee

June 14 –Father’s Day Weekend
We’ll be LIVE 10:30 AM EST



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fathers day
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Grab a cup ‘o Joe and share what’s on your mind for an hour on this SATURDAY, JUNE 14.

Did you know that the first official Father’s Day was designated as a National Holiday, the 3rd Sunday in June, only in 1972 by President Nixon. It took decades for people to rally to make this holiday an official holiday not only in our hearts but on the calendar as well!

Fathers play an important role in every person’s life. Like Mothers, Fathers have their own influence on a growing child. Both parents are significant and contribute their side, their soul into the upbringing of a child.

Obviously, we do have our own stories to tell when it comes to our family history. With all respect to that, we honor Fathers who play an active and formative part of their children’s lives.

Let’s hop and remind our brain what we covered and learned in the past week. As we know, Practice Makes Perfect!

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• We will be drawing winners at the end of #AMCoffee

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  1. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE – Sign In! HELLO, Everyone!

    • Can you share any good memories of your Father or Father figure in your life? Or may be your hubby is one of the Greatest Fathers on Earth!

    sign in am coffee

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Good Morning ladies. I think this is one of my first Saturday AMCoffee Convos! Glad to be here. I have this funny, silly memory of my dad when he lived with us. I used to have this competition with him kind of. I would crawl up onto his lap and pinch is arm. I would look him straight in the eyes and wouldn’t stop until he said “ow” or “ouch” or acknowledge that it hurt. Lol. I was only 3 or 4 at the time. He still laughs about it. He told me what goes around comes around. Well, a couple months ago my daughter did the same thing to me!! My dad thought that was just hilarious!

      • Raye Wiedner says

        lol when our parents say “I hope you have kids just like you!”…….it seems to come true a lot of times. That story made me chuckle!

    • Raye Wiedner says

      Good morning lovelies! The best father figure in my life was my Uncle Wade. He was a huge teaser, constantly picking on everyone for a laugh. When my daughter was 3, we were visiting my grandmother, and Uncle Wade was there and picking on my daughter constantly. He stole her shoe and was holding it away from her and laughing when my grandma asked Panda (my kid)…”Do you want Grandma to spank his bottom?” She said yes! and he promptly gave her the shoe back. A few minutes later, when Grandma was not watching, he tickled Panda’s foot. She tossed her shoe into his lap and yelled “Get him Grandma!” Ornery seems to run in this family!

      • kaen hinkle says

        good morning ladies well I can say my hubby is the best father he is giving careing loving and just the greatest dad a child could ever want he made sure his children were provided for and gave them his time and his attention as adult children they still tend to need him for advice and guidance and is never put his needs above his children or mine

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        Aw, cute story. Sounds like a great uncle. My brother Nick, is a really great uncle to my daughter. She just adores him.

      • That is ADORABLE…..& funny. =)

    • Good morning and Happy Fathers Day. My dad passed away 4 years ago. It still seem strange to me, That I don’t have him here to buy a card for or I cant go visit.

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        Sorry to hear that Barbara, my dad wasn’t around much when we were kids but at least he’s trying to make up for it now that we are adults. I can’t imagine not getting his phone calls every other week.

      • kaen hinkle says

        sorry to hear that Barbra it is worst on days like this to

      • I am going to just take a moment and regroup myself, And thank God that I had a father for the years he was here with me and not look at the negative.

      • Sorry about your dad Barbara….my dad & step-dad are both in Heaven as well. I am so blessed to know that I will see them again. I just think of all of the magical times that I had with them…while they were still here. Hugs to ya. <3

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Good Morning All, never knew my real father so was basically raised by my mom, when I was in middle school my mom met my step dad who passed away last year. One of my funniest memories is when he answered door and there was a guy for me and he was with a car of his friends and my step-dad looked at him and said she is not going anywhere with you, Did not think was funny then but now I do was very protective of me and my mom. 🙂

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Good morning all. I have to talk about my father who would give you the shirt of his back if he could. He taught us all to look out for others who needed it.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I remember taking road trips with my dad over the summer to my grandparent’s home. We would stop and sightsee along the way. We still take road trips together…just not every year anymore!

    • Jessica Parent says

      Good Morning! When I was little my Daddy would come in and sit on the edge of my bed and rub my back until I was almost sleeping….I shared a room with my little sister so he would go back and forth between us until she fell asleep (I remember fighting my rolling eyes to keep him there longer) Mom used to come in and yell at him that we needed to get to sleep but he’d tell her “What do you think Im doing?” Lol (We were pretty big before he stopped 11-12)

    • wendy c g says

      Good morning. My hubby is an awesome father. He works hard to provide for our family. However he always makes time for the kids. He helps with homework, attends school events. He is a great role model. I’m very lucky to have such a great husband.

    • Katrina A. says

      Hello all. My dad was in and out when I was young. But my Grandparents helped raise my sister and I and my Grandpa was the best. He has 4 daughters and was always surrounded by girls. But he kept himself busy with woodworking, his tractors and trinkets. At one point he was into gold panning and taught my sis and I on a camping trip. He worked hard all his life to provide for his family. He was in the Navy and then became an Ironworker. There’s no one thing but he is a great father, grandfather, great grandfather, husband….everything.

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Wow! Long time no see ladies!!! I’ve been sick and sleeping past AMcoffee 🙁 but i finally made it! Glad this one is going all day! My favorite memory with my dad was bonding on video games and he fed my collection of TY beanie babies. He would come by (mom and dad divorced) but he would just drop by with all of these pristine conditioned Ty beanie bears (I only collected the bears) and he was so excited to see me so happy! I didn’t see my dad a lot as he worked a lot and mom always made things difficult for him. But he always managed to be there for me in one way or another. And now as an adult my favorite memories is the excitement on his face, when he is being grandpa and playing with my children. My dad born in 57 still loves cartoons and the kids just love him! My other father figure was my grandfather and he was always first to instill my morals. I miss him so much. He past ten years ago because of a blood clot in the brain after a dialysis treatment gone wrong. I love and celebrate his life this weekend as well!

  2. CoffeeTime says

    #AMCoffee Today and Daily
    Retweet, Repin, Shout-Out!

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  3. CoffeeTime says



    When feeling stressed and irritated, smell something that you like: herbs, flowers, soothing lavender.

    Scientists attribute a reduced level of stress to a chemical Linalool, a fragrant substance within many plants and plant oils. When inhaled, Linalool reduces stress-activated Neutrophils and Lymphocytes (2 types of white blood cells) in the body to near-normal levelss. It also restrained the activity of more than 100 genes that go into overdrive during stressful situations.

    The saying STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES is up to the very point that we must smell plants and flowers to keep our stress level where it needs to be –> at bay!

    De-stresses in our life besides smell.

    As we are talking about leveling stress with pleasant smells, here’s a post with some more POINTERS to a less stressful life.
    Very simple ways, but as we know by now —> WE NEED REMINDERS!
    Let’s refresh for a moment, just one full moment, what we can and should do during the day to keep our COOL!

    Just GLANCE at this post to get the VISUAL SNAP of titles. Your brain will register the information you’ll benefit from.
    That’s another technique to empower our brain to be more effective and more knowledgeable! But we’ll have a separate conversation on this topic!

    smell roses

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I learned a ton from that conversation. In fact, I went to the store yesterday and got my oranges to carry around! I also got some tea to help me with stress. I had no idea that chewing gum could help. I’ll have to try that!

    • Raye Wiedner says

      I bought some white sage to bundle and burn this weekend to both freshen and cleanse my house.
      I also got some eucalyptus and bundled it to hang in the shower. I love the smell and it helps with sinuses. Hubby had a stuffy nose, and this will help. I love the fresh smell, it helps me focus and feel peaceful.

      • kaen hinkle says

        I have took the advice and yesterday and today with all the prep for the baby shower I will say I am calm as a cucumber that’s for all the pep talks it has really helped me out thank you for all the support you give to us ladies to help us with every day life Laura you are a amazing ladie

      • Jennifer Hiles says

        I’d like to try the sage, where do you get it?

        • Raye Wiedner says

          You can usually find it at health food stores or new age stores, Jennifer. You just light the bundle, then blow it out and spread the smoke through your home. It’s been used for centuries for it’s antibacterial properties as well as spiritual cleansing. I don’t know if you attend reenactment rendevous or not, but I can always seem to find it at those as well.

          • Jennifer Hiles says

            @Raye, I’m intrigued. What is a reenactment rendevous?

            • Raye Wiedner says

              The ones I love are the mountain man reenactments. There are also civil war themed ones. The participants set up camps and stay the week or weekend (or however long the rendevous is set for), in campsites that represent the lifestyle back then. They can’t have lighters or plastic bottles or anything that isn’t appropriate for the time period. They have activities to represent that time period as well. The last one we attended had an Indian attack, and black powder shoots, and plenty of people showing how to do handicrafts from the period. They’re so much fun, and there are always lots of vendors selling amazing goods. The last one, I bought sage bundles, hand made soaps, necklaces, and a couple of toys for the grandie.

              • Raye Wiedner says

                Jennifer, if you can see my photo albums on facebook, I have a few photos of a rendevous in an album called Ft. deChartres Rendevous. If you can’t see them, feel free to send a friend request and I’ll add you. 🙂

              • Jennifer Hiles says

                Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun! I’ve never heard of anything like that around where I live. I live in Northwest PA, I’ll have to search the internet and see if I can find something like that locally. I’ll friend you on fb, would love to see the photos!

    • My daughter bought me orange cupcake tarts for my candle warmer the other day, It smells so good. But I think in the future I will buy flower scents instead. When the family smelled it they thought I was cooking and thought the where going to get something good to eat. WRONG. lol I don’t like to cook.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Amazing what smells can lead to, love the idea of smelling nice scents for de-stressing 🙂

      • I will put a pot of water on the stove some times and just sprinkle some cinnamon in it…..heat it on low and it makes the whole house smell wonderful….and its a lot better for me when I have stress….then eating some thing sweet. =)

        • Raye Wiedner says

          I’ve done that as well, Cris. I like using cinnamon sticks, apple slices, orange slices, and evergreen. It makes my whole house smell clean and fresh. I love the tiny little crockpot style warmers, I can fill them with water and toss in fruits and greenery and not worry about them.

        • Jennifer Hiles says

          @Cris, that sounds like a great idea! I’m going to try that. I’ve read that cinnamon (when eaten) helps to metabolize sugar. Anyone else heard that?

          • Raye Wiedner says

            I’ve heard that as well, Jennifer. Hubby is diabetic and his doctor recommended I feed him cinnamon when we were having trouble controlling the diabetes.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      So true. My kids and myself would sleep with their dads shirts when he was out of town working.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I’m going to have to start drinking more tea and less coffee! I already chew gum throughout the day (but to keep me awake! LOL) but didn’t know it helped with stress (knew about chewing after meals helping with bacteria). I also LOVE dark chocolate but don’t eat it every day!

    • Jessica Parent says

      One of my favs this week 🙂 I need to de-stress more….I love smelling flowers and herbal essence body wash /hair products seem to de stress me too (but Im sure the hot shower is playing a role there too)

    • wendy c g says

      I use lavender a lot around bed time, and bath time.

    • Katrina A. says

      I need to learn to like tea. I have never enjoyed it but it has so many good benefits. Ugh….I will have to try it again. It’s like cough medicine to me. lol

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      Those are amazing tips!!! I definitely am someone that seems to stay over stressed! I also have an anxiety/panic attack disorder, so I am definitely taking notes! Thank you for the helpful information. I had no idea things like lavender just the scent alone could relieve stress. I have noticed that burning citrus candles is something I find a lot of peace in as well as chewing gum! I’m not a big tea drinker but maybe I should be!

  4. CoffeeTime says

    FOODS that affect your Dreams

    – Spicy Foods
    – All foods that give you personally indigestion: cheeses, dairies if you’re lactose intolerant
    – Big meals
    – Coffee

    It’s as simple as it can be –> our bodies need to digest all these foods before it actually tells the brain, “OK, take over and start all the cleaning and rejuvenating in this house!”

    Personal issues like lactose intolerance, acid reflux can trigger negative dreams, as the body will be fighting to put out these “fires” in your system vs. not having a peaceful “cleaning, rejuvenating” process instead.


    You know your body. Allow at least 2 hours before bed for the food to settle down and not to affect you much during your sleep hours.

    Even snacking before bed could be a culprit. Once you taste anything, your insulin will be released into the body to supply enough of it to match the potential sugar inflow into the blood. But because you did not actually eat much – you just tasted something sweet, for example, – there won’t be any sugar to put out by insulin friend!

    Where is this insulin go? —> INTO YOUR FAT DEPOSITS!


    If you eat, then eat a couple hours before bed. Tasting something would promote too much insulin floating in your blood stream.


    If you did not have a good dinner or a healthy snack, you are going to be hungry when you sleep.

    Low blood sugar levels will stir up some dreams of food, probably, and eventually will wake you up.

    It is not a good idea to be hungry. Eat a good dinner and have a healthy, low glycemic, snack 1-2 hours before bed.

    Foods with Tryptophan, the amino acid found in turkey, bananas could contribute to your sound sleep as well.
    hundred foot journey recipe

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I’ll have to try eating some bananas if I get really hungry late and don’t want to eat a meal. I’ve also heard from friends that if you stop eating past 7, it’s really great for weight loss. I’ve got bad acid reflux , I didn’t realize that could effect dreams.

      • kaen hinkle says

        I to tried the banannas but I am trying to quite eating before bed and sleeping with great soft smells to have good dream

    • Raye Wiedner says

      After reading this last week, I’ve started making supper earlier and being mindful of what I eat as a snack after, and when I eat it.

    • I try to have dinner ready by 6:00 and usually everyone will have a little snack before bed. I really need to stop the snack.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Very good to know I have noticed difference just drinking coffee in morning instead of all day, ( still do 3 cups though) . 🙂

    • Jessica Fisk says

      I’ve been on this fix lately of eating 3+ bananas daily. I have stopped eating late at night because I noticed weight gain.

    • For me the switching from popcorn to some protein has really helped with my sleep. Great tips.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I don’t usually have any problem sleeping! It’s the waking up I have problems with! 😉 I already don’t eat before bed although I will sometimes snack but that is rare. My no-no is the coffee. I will drink it up until I go to bed.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I have to not snack before bed and not drink coffee after 6pm.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Haha, @Amanda, that’s funny. Waking up is most definitely the hardest part!

    • Jessica Parent says

      Its the coffee I really need to cut back on-I drink it morning noon and night -I try tea instead but feel unsatisfied 😉

      • Raye Wiedner says

        I had the same issue Jessica. I had to keep trying teas until I found a stronger one helped satisfy me more. I like lighter teas for daytime, but at night, I prefer dark, strong tea.

    • wendy c g says

      I just bought bananas after reading this before. I don’t care for them, but I’m trying to get healthier.

    • Katrina A. says

      I really need to practice the not eating 2 hours before bed. I’m horrible!!!

    • Mandi Gilliam says

      I had no idea how much food can effect your dreams! I only seem to have nightmares when I do dream, but I don’t dream often 🙁 I wonder why?

  5. CoffeeTime says

    How To Make Your Life More Plesant – Live Without Procrastination!

    To effectively deal with PROCRASTINATION, we need to understand deeply-hidden reasons WHY we do it. Sometimes people do recognize these Why’s, sometimes they don’t.

    Procrastination is a HABIT. If we were able to form and cling to it. Then we are able to get rid of it. It takes dedication and commitment to do what is right for you when it comes to Procrastination.

    These small steps would help you to re-examine your thinking process and deal with Procrastination in a very positive and affirmative way:

    Be concrete. Don’t say, “I’ll start the report in the morning.” Say, “I’ll outline just the three main points of the report while I drink my morning coffee, before I look at mail.”
    Be realistic about your time. We tend to be optimists about the future and think we’ll get more done than we do. Try jotting down all the things you have to do into your datebook. Include tasks like shopping for food, doing laundry, working out. That way when you make a plan to do something, you can get a true sense of what time you’ll have.
    “Pre-empt that which tempts,” Pychyl says. Shut off all the things that are a click away from distracting you. Social media and texting require little effort, give you a lot of mood reward, and suck time. Make them a reward after you finish.
    Know and accept that when the time comes to do the task, you won’t want to — and get past that. Just starting, even in the smallest way, creates progress. Then a sense of progress fuels well-being. “It’s an upward spiral,” Pychyl says.
    Start with the hardest tasks. Willpower is a muscle. You’ll better resist things that distract when you first get started.
    “Time travel” in your mind’s eye to when the task at hand is done. Think about how good you’ll feel.
    Pace yourself. Set aside time to make a little progress every day. College students who had to complete small amounts of work before they could go to the next level did better on tests than those who were given all the study material at once, a 2011 University of Kansas study found.
    Be kind to yourself. Praise yourself for taking the first steps. Assure yourself that a “good enough” effort is great, and better than putting things off.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I used to have a terrible problem with procrastination, especially at work. I would just put stuff off until all the sudden, everything needed done and I hadn’t even started, which created an incredible amount of stress. I changed my attitude about it and decided, as soon as I get a new task, I start it immediately. I need to develop the same attitude at home. I had read an article before about this and learned some tips like, open your mail and deal with it as soon as you get it instead of letting it pile up. I also learned that making your bed as soon as you get out of it gets you in the helps with organization and kind of encourages getting things done.

      • kaen hinkle says

        that’s so true do the hardest last first so you get it out of the way then the rest will be easy I know I have heard this a long time ago and do it helps a lot so and I don’t like to wait I believe you got to get it done minght as well start now to get it over

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Need a lot of work on this, but I do know would be less stress if did not put so much off 🙂

    • Just getting started is the problem, once I get started I can finish it. Just taking the first step is so hard. Sitting here typing I can think of a few things I could be getting done. But I promise I am going to accomplish a few things today,lol.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      This is one of my worst traits. I always think I have plenty of time and end up rushing to get things done. I have started doing something I read about a while back……when I see something that needs done, I tell myself Just DO It and then you can relax! It’s helping a lot.
      Things can get out of hand fast if I procrastinate, and it’s just not worth all the stress it causes, so it’s one I’m working on really hard.

    • Jessica Fisk says

      It is hard for me when I see someone procrastinating because I’m a neat freak. Everything has to be done ASAP by me. I normally don’t wait for someone else to do something.. If I see it needs done I get right on it.

    • I agree….I could get on fb or twitter or do my contest entries and sit in front of the computer the entire day….now I have switched it around…I get every thing I want done….BEFORE social media….and use it as a reward to getting it all accomplished. Makes me happier to have finished so many things each day. Social media can most definitely be a time suck.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      @Jessica, oh how I wish I was a neat freak! I really want to be, it’s just not in me i guess, lol

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      As I said the other day, I procrastinate because I am LAZY! I know this! I would rather sit and do nothing once I get home from work and on weekends because at work, I never know what will happen – sometimes we are busy, sometimes nothing but it is always draining. I just want to relax and do nothing when I am off. Today though I HAVE to clean for Father’s Day tomorrow! LOL

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      My whole family growing up were all procrastinators . Being in the Army helped me with that a little but I am bringing back old habits I don’t like. I am trying to get back in my groove.

    • Jessica Parent says

      Hahaha-but that is my middle name 😀 Half of my children too-I am working on it but have a feeling I will always procrastinate 😀 (I think I enjoy it a little too- You know “why do today what I can put off …..til tomorrow or Forever?”)

    • wendy c g says

      I believe it is a habit. My husband has procrastination down to a science, lol.

    • Katrina A. says

      I’ve been working on it and it seems to get better with practice. Thinking how good I feel when I’m done helps alot. Lowers my stress level when I stop putting things off. Because then they are done so I don’t worry about it.

  6. CoffeeTime says

    Beautiful Hands Start With Your Daily Care Routine!

    And this routine does not have to be boring!

    Here are the pointers to help you to remember and gently push you in the direction of creating a normal-life skin care regiment for your hands.

    1. Moisturize!
    Keep your favorite hand creme or lotion by the soap dish. Every time you wash hands – put a pea-size amount of that moisturizer into your hands.
    As natural oils are stripped off our skin when we wash it with soaps – we need to help skin to replenish them by putting protecting layer of lotion.

    2. Sunscreen
    When you’re out – sunscreen on! It is true to your facial skin and to your hands as well! And if you do a lot of driving, your hands and arms are exceptionally exposed to the sun! Take care of that skin daily.

    3. Good Nutrition
    You are what you eat. And skin knows it! Feed yourself a good-balanced diet, and your skin everywhere would thank you.
    Some supplements with collagen would provide additional resilience and looks to your nails and skin as well. Just make sure you choose supplements without any additives, coloring, toxic ingredients.

    4. Provide Some Extra Pampering with Hand Masks
    You can find a lot more masks here under Coffee #4 and #5 here.
    But here’s one for your regular use:

    Hand Mask with Avocado
    1/2 Avocado
    1 Tbsp olive oil
    1/8 cup of sugar
    1-2 drops patchouli essential oil

    Mash avocado very well, blend in oil and essential oil, then stir in sugar.
    After your hand mask is ready –> apply it!

    Rub your hands together well, scrub every inch of them! Leave this avocado mask for about a minute on, then rinse under Warm water. Follow with moisturizer of your choice.

    Repeat this routine 1-2 times a day for 3 days!
    hand masks

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I really can’t wait to try these recipes. They sound awesome and I so much prefer homemade recipes so I know what is actually in them. It would be fun to have a girls night and make the foot, hand and face masks!

      • kaen hinkle says

        this was a eye opener for me and knowing the not to use my paraffin is not good to use and make sure I take care of my hands with Moisturize! is something I must do and the brown spots to

      • Raye Wiedner says

        That’s a great idea, Jennifer. It would really be fun to make for a girl’s night!

      • Jessica Fisk says

        I agree with homemade recipes are better because you know what is in them.

    • Virginia Rogers says

      All of our skin care needs seem to come back to moisturize and diet 🙂

    • Alright , I will do this today, I will put lotion beside my soap in the kitchen. I just hope no one puts lotion in the dish water, lol.

    • Raye Wiedner says

      I made the recipe the night I read it and it made my hands feel fabulous!

    • Jessica Fisk says

      Gotta get stuff to try this today.

    • Yes as soon as I am done washing or cleaning things (actually any time my hands hit water) after they are dried I put on my Jergens daily moisture lotion….it keeps them soft & smooth…..but I am going to try this recipe above.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I was going to make this and went to get the avocado…we ate the last one the other night! LOL Gonna have to buy more when I go shopping this weekend!

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I guess I baby my hands before I go to bed usually. If I clean I will put lotion or something on my hands after I am done though.

    • wendy c g says

      I love these recipes, so simple to use.

    • Jessica Parent says

      Gonna get me some avocados on Monday

    • Katrina A. says

      I have never thought to put a mask on my hands. Hmm. I never worried about it much but the older I get the more I can see a change in them.

  7. CoffeeTime says

    Father’s Day Weekend Recipe Share!

    Please your Recipes, Tip, something special you do on Father’s Day, so we all may adopt it, too!
    fathers day recipes

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      Aw, cute breadsticks! We made my husband a card using half of my daughter’s hand print , added some eyes and a photo of her. The hand print with the eyes looks like a deer and we put “Daddy’s Little Deer” on it. It turned out really cute.

      • kaen hinkle says

        we have a bbq and the children come over but my hubby is a work aholic he has a project he like to keep on it but we try to make it special for him and he loves peanut butter cookies so we make them for hm

      • Katrina A. says

        We always do a hand print thing but that’s too cute doing the deer thing!

    • Virginia Rogers says

      Awwee what a neat idea, I never really had the opportunity when was younger to do anything special like this, with my step-dad I was older and he always enjoyed a small local Italian restaurant so we would take him there every year. 🙂

    • My family always went to mom and dads for Fathers Day Breakfast. My dad always requested Buscuits and gravy for breakfast. And then played horse shoes with dad all afternoon. I miss doing Fathers day with dad. I will feel a little lost tomorrow with out him. Just a thought, Maybe I will go to the cemetary tomorrow , And come home and make buscuits and gravy for my kids.

      • Raye Wiedner says

        I’m so sorry for your loss Barbara, but I love the idea of making the biscuits and gravy for your kids to keep the tradition alive. What a lovely way to honor your dad!

    • Raye Wiedner says

      We usually go to my daughter’s house so we can celebrate with my hubby and hers, the two fathers in the family. We have a big bbq and just enjoy each others’ company. I usually try to make some craft with the grandies to give their dads, it’s a special time with them.

    • Jessica Fisk says

      My Husband fires up the BBQ pit and I get stuff ready. We play Horse shoes and listen to music. The kids play in the water outside as long as the weather is good.

    • We will be taking the hubby out for dinner….where ever he picks….I won’t go wrong with it that way. LOL Have a wonderful day ladies. Take care.

    • Jennifer Hiles says

      I think we are going to have a BBQ and make steak and shrimp kabobs! They are my husbands (and my) favorite! We add all kinds of veggies, pineapple, steak and shrimp and cook them on the grill or over the fire. They are so awesome! Any suggestions for things to add? We normally use onion, peppers, tomatoes, pineapple, steak and shrimp. I’m always up for trying something new!

      • Raye Wiedner says

        Sounds delicious! How about adding whole mushrooms and squash slices? We love those.

        • Jennifer Hiles says

          Oh yes, I forgot mushrooms, we do add baby portabellas, they are delicious. I’ll have to try squash, Never tried that one before. Thanks Raye!

      • Katrina A. says

        Have you ever done grilled pina colada? You grill the pineapple slices, top it with coconut ice cream and drizzle it with rum infused caramel. YUM!! Rum is optional of course…lol

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I think we will BBQ here for my dad then in the evening go to my in laws for my FIL. Not sure if my MIL will be cooking or if they will be BBQing. Nothing really special. Nothing I ordered for Father’s Day has come in so dh and my dad will be getting their gifts late! 🙂 Father’s Day kinda crept up on me this year!

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I don’t have anything because my dad is a candy guy just usually get him something sweet to eat. I thing the bread thing above would be a great idea with cheese on it. Thanks for sharing.

    • Jessica Parent says

      We just hang out on Father’s Day!! Bonfire….smores…lots of cuddles (My Dad and hubby are both candy guys so they usually get a bunch of that too) We usually go out to dinner too with my kids,Hubby and Daddy

    • Jessica Fisk says

      This sound yummy

    • wendy c g says

      Our kids usually make a handmade card for dad, and we make breakfast for him Father’s Day morning. He works hard during the week, so for Father’s Day we leave him alone and let him rest.

    • Katrina A. says

      My fiance has to work the late shift so I might make a big breakfast this year. And we might walk downtown and stop by A & W for rootbeer floats (the first A & W was opened in my town :). I always help my son make crafts for my hubby to be but he’s 2 so they usually end up looking like a big brown blob.
      If I really wanna be nice I will make him his favorite cheese ball. It’s just cream cheese, miracle whip, pepper, shredded cheddar cheese shaped into a ball. Then you top it with crushed nuts (press them into it). He loves it!

  8. Good Saturday Morning All. Posted this on my fb page & tweeted.

  9. Jessica Fisk says

    Good morning every1. Long night we had a storm hit and my Female Chihuahua hates the storms.

    • kaen hinkle says

      ok ladies I will cheak back later after the shower got go now have a super day

    • wendy c g says

      Poor baby

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      My big German Shepard Dudley hates thunderstorms. He always is right next to me when we have one.

      • Amanda Alvarado says

        Oh don’t get me started! Our MALE German Shepard is terrified of them too…the past 2 times we’ve had them, he’s dug out and we found him running around – thankfully he listens and followed us home. Our FEMALE is still in the backyard, pretty as can be like nothing ever happened. Thankfully she didn’t follow him out because she would be a PITA to get back in – she’s not so good at listening! LOL

  10. wendy c g says

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Father’s Day weekend, with lots of live, fun and great memories.

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