Safe Sunscreens for Summer 2014
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Apply Sunscreen Every Day of Your Life, Especially in the Summer! Use at least SPF 15 to Start Sum Protection Working (Photo: ppsd)
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on this THURSDAY, MAY 22.
A sad Fact and yet a very powerful move to Action:
More than 2 Millions Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer each year.
Devastating indeed. What can we do to take protection against ravaging and damaging, when taken in overdose, sun rays?
#1 Use SPF products for our skin
#2 Load on Fruit, Veggies as they have phytonutrients to give us extra boost in protection against cancers
Do you apply sunscreen Every Day? Do you really need to do it?
What sunscreens are better: With higher or lower SPF?
Why Oxybenzone in a sunscreen is dangerous for your skin?
Each year, EWG, the Environmental Protection Group, publishes a list of safe and unsafe sunscreens for us, consumers, to consider when we make a purchase. that is a MUST-GO-TO LIST TO SEE!
Let’s delve into the alphabet soup of a safe sunscreen for the summer. Let’s boost our sun protection for the sake of our health and joy within our families.
Scroll down to read and remember some Sunscreen Facts that may safe your life.
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• Do you use Sunscreen Daily?
• What brands do you use?
Good Morning! I used to get allergic reactions to the sunscreen so I stopped. I don’t have sensitive skin, though I do try to protect naturally (hats, staying out of the sun at prime time… etc)
Good morning, I try to put it on the kids before school.
I dont use it daily. .I am trying to find one that my kids aren’t allergic to
Good morning
Good morning!! I use sunscreen anytime I will be outside more than 10-20 mins during the day (water babies,banana boat and wegmans are the brands I use)
I take medication that makes me more prone to getting sunburn. So I wear hats, sunglasses and use umbrellas. I try to limit sun for myself and my kids.
Good Morning , no I never did as always had dark complexion never burned always just tanned. Am now paying for through moles that keep appearing and growing have already had to have 3 removed as my doctor keeps watch to biopsy for any signs of cancer. But I always did on my kids and now stress how important for my daughter to protect my grandson and use. 🙂
wow!!! i’m also pretty calm about it with my darkish complexion, i guess i shouldnt be
good morning well I must say and hate to admite this but I do put it on my kids but me no I didn’t till recentally I worked out side at a golf course for 7 yrs and no I did not use protection till about a few years ago but still I don’t use it daily and I know I should
Good morning all. I don’t use sunscreen but I make my kids do it.
Morning all, I stayed at my sons school today as a parent helper. Just popping in.
I should wear it daily but I do not. I do however put it on my son in the summer months. I want to find a natural one though. Hoping maybe Laura you have some listed here.
Good Morning to everyone #AMCoffee
Good Morning ladies. Hope I’m not too late!
You are ALWAYS on time!
Check out some astounding facts and tips on SAFE Sunscreens for this year.
I use sunscreen daily. All of my make up has sunscreen in it. Right now I’m using BB Cream!
i do not go in the sun very often i am a very fair skinned woman so i do wear it when i am out!
For Early Birds To Read –>
To Lose Weight Successfully – Hang Your Husband on a Clothesline
Attention: Women Losing Weight, with Men in Their Lives
Hahaha!! I think I’ll try it…
You made me belly laugh 😀
That is great!! Especially so many men think they are trying to help and frustrates and actually can have opposite results on women. As for my ex who always used to get on me about my weight and put me down. Took a lot for me to see did not need in my life and he was actually holding me down! 🙂
My husband is usually the one bringing home the junk food..and I can’t resist
lol well I say my hubby has never said any thing about my weight I do not like my extra weight so I do my best to try and do better he supports me
Okay that is funny. 🙂 lol
cute #AMCoffee
LOL! Yes, I think this could help lose significant weight!
that would be a dramatic weight loss
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1. No spray sunscreens!
EWG pointed out this year that Sprays should be not considered as a safe sunscreen delivery mechanism.
“In 2011 FDA said it lacked data to confirm that spray products are safe and effective. It asked manufacturers to provide proof that sprays form a layer of sunscreen thick enough to protect skin and to show that sprays don’t pose inhalation risks. If the agency does not receive sufficient data to substantiate these products’ safety, the FDA can bar them. But until the agency takes decisive action, sprays remain on store shelves, and many shoppers buy them for ease of application.”
Super-convenient, sure, but they may pose serious risks if inhaled and they make it too easy to apply too little or miss a spot.

I almost restocked but couldn’t get one of the coupons I needed for the “bargain”. I’m glad I didn’t…
I was buying the sprays because they are easy to use, but I stopped a year ago. I was worried about the kids inhaling the spray.
Good to know..I usually buy the bottle.not the spray
I admit I buy the spray …hold my breath…close my eyes and apply and love it is the convienence of it I like
Wow never thought of inhalation yes there is possibility of missing spots with any especially when you have kids that do not like to hold still. Am guilty always bought sprays for girls cause was easier but will definitely pass on to my daughter. Thank you 🙂
no I don’t buy sprays I use the lotion to make sure I get it every where
Wow good to know. I usually buy the spray.
Oh wow, I actually prefer this when applying to my son. Thinking twice now. Thanks
we always but the lotion and apply alot living in the Florida sun #AMCoffee
Wow, that’s good to know. I’ve been using spray’s for awhile. I thought they would give me coverage to areas I couldn’t reach by hand! Yikes!
we for sure use the lotion and the water proof ones
2. Super-high SPFs (SPF 50 or higher) are not your friend.
SPF – sun protection factor – refers only to protection against UVB radiation and has little to do with protecting you from UVA rays – the ones that accelerate skin aging and have been linked to skin cancer.
– NOT much additional protection
– Less Balanced Ingredients in higher SPF sunscreens
“A sunscreen lotion’s SPF rating has little to do with the product’s ability to shield the skin from UVA rays. As a result of the FDA’s restrictions on ingredients and concentrations, U.S. sunscreens offer far less protection against UVA than UVB, particularly those products with the highest SPF. ”
– Consumer Misuse of Sunscreens with Higher SPF
“High SPF products tend to lull users into staying in the sun longer and overexposing themselves to both UVA and UVB rays. Imbued with a false sense of security, people extend their time in the sun well past the point when users of low-SPF products head indoors. As a result, they get as many UVB-inflicted sunburns as unprotected sunbathers and are likely to absorb more damaging UVA radiation.”
Interesting. When I sold cosmetics and dead sea products, many people would ask about our sunscreens because it “only” came up to spf 50. I would tell them that it’s all they need, but I wish I had this exact information – it would have made the argument all the more convincing
Didn’t realize that, but I try to limit time in the sun anyway. We use sunglasses, hats.
Interesting. .I usually buy spf30. I reaply after a few hours especially on my kids…we are pale
I use the higher spfs but still do not stay in the sun very long no matter what Im wearing and whn I am outside more than an hour or 2 I reapply the sunscreen
another did not know, wonder why they make so many of the baby sunscreens with spf of 50 or 55? Of course used to use the baby one on my daughter and she is super light skin and would burn anyway badly.
WOW I did not know that and my grandson is not a outside child but he has light skin I am lucky if he stays out 20 min but I love to be out side but I do not reapply like I should I am very bad at this I must remember to do it
I heard somewhere you don’t need that much and I don’t remember the number which is a good one to use. I think it is 15 but not sure.
I heard this as well a couple of years ago. As a matter of fact if I remember correctly sunscreens no longer go up over 50 anymore. There was no difference was the reason, I think.
I think you maybe right only differences would be price perhaps.
we always limit our time in the sun as well, #AMCoffee
Oh geez, I thought the SPF rating had everything to do with protection. So glad I joined AM Coffee. I’m learning a ton!
that really does make sense and a great point that people would think that it is ok to hang out longer! great point
3. Oxybenzone can mimic estrogen.
EWG Warns us with some dangerous Ingredients in the sunscreen.
“A number of sunscreens contain the chemical oxybenzone, which penetrates skin, gets into the bloodstream and may act like estrogen in the body! It can also trigger allergic reactions.”
Wow, something supposed to protect you can harm you.
maybe that’s why I reacted!! that explains it. It’s great to learn how to interpret the labels…
Crazy..wonder if that is why my kid are having allergic reaction to
One of my kids used to get a rash when using it but doesn’t any more
Wow why i love reading so many of these am coffee when can be on as learn so much never thought of or never knew. Thanks so much for all you share with us!! 🙂
great information but good for you or not well I must say every thing has a draw back so its important that we have these chats every single day I learn something new on here so this is like a school class thanks Laura
I have been hearing more and more about products containing hormones. Like the plastic bottles there is certain numbers not to get. It was on the news a few yrs ago.
This is why I would love to try to find natural sunscreens for my son. Did not know the name of the chemical. Thank you
I didn’t know about this chemical good to learn about it! #AMCoffee
I had no idea. I’ve never even heard of oxybenzone before. I will be sure to look at the ingredients next time I buy.
I will be looking for this now do recommend any products that do not have this ingredient in it?
4. Retinyl palmitate may harm your skin.
EWG Warns us with some dangerous Ingredients in the sunscreen.
On sun-exposed skin, the retinyl palmitate found in some sunscreens has been shown to speed development of skin tumors and lesions.
Retinyl palmitate may harm your skin.
“This ingredient is in about 20 percent of the beach and sport sunscreens and 12 percent of SPF moisturizers in this year’s database. It is used in regular makeup as an anti-aging ingredient. It has been shown to hasten the development of skin tumors and lesions on sun-exposed skin. Data on the potential skin cancer risk of retinyl palmitate have been public since 2010, but most sunscreen makers have not abandoned this chemical as they should. EWG recommends against using sunscreen and cosmetics whose labels disclose the presence of vitamin A, retinyl palmitate or retinol until this chemical’s safety on sun-exposed skin is proven.”
I will definitely look at the labels.
I was waiting for this. In a recent visit to the pediatrician, he told us that recent studies show more incidents of melanoma in those who use sunscreen than those who don’t. He said we should not use sunscreen on our little one, we should just avoid sun exposure. I am worried though – he is a little boy, and I want him to have plenty of outdoors, running around time, and he’s very fair so he could be sensitive. I was also wondering how accurate the study was (did these people spend the same amounts of times in the sun, same climate, same time of day, etc? because as mentioned earlier, sometimes people wearing feel overconfident about the protection it provides…. )
Menu: Interesting. I now want to research and find the supporting documentation.
WoW.. I will be reading labels from now on..glad I dont wear makeup to scary.
You are my scaredy cat!
Some makeup is a great way to adorn yourself, just KNOW what’s in it!
That’s what I was taught by my parents, teachers, grandparents. Thanks to my environment and people in my life, I Learned HOW TO LEARN.
thank you Laura. I love these #amcoffee chats, I learn so much. I used to wear makup all the time and never removed it at night. I just don’t leave my house that often being a stay at home mom of 4 now. about the only time I wear makeup nowadays is on sunday when I go to church
that freaks me out as much as sunburn does-maybe Ill just start wearing sun hats instead
Definitely makes you wonder and more conscious of labels 🙂
well why are they letting them do this they put it out there to help us but then it can harm us so do you have some ones to recommend to use to use that will protect us and not harm us
All politics and money maybe Karen.
Rebecca you may be right.
This is great info. Thanks for sharing. Where else would we here all this stuff if it were not for you Laura? Thanks for all your research you do for us by the way. You are awesome. 🙂
Yes Laura thank you for all the information. I have learned so much from these chats.
I always read the labels and now I can look for these additives! #AMCoffee
Geez, why would they put a chemical like retinyl palmitate into something that is suppose to protect your skin? I’m so amazed by what I am learning today!
5. Seriously – no tanning oils!
Tanning oils are just a bad idea. They barely – if at all – protect you from the sun.
I don’t use tanning oils. I admit when I was a teenager I did, but that was many a moons ago. Lol
Wow, do people use that as sun protection?
Wow..ppl use it for sun protection? I also used it when I wad a teenager to get a tan..never though it was a sun screen, more so draws the sun to you
Yes me to, I never thought it was sunscreen.
same here!!
Love how they smell but have NEVER been a fan of tanning oils (or tanninig for that matter) My grannie had skin cancer more than once and I blamed her daily tanning sessions-she had a permanent deep brown tan)
I would rather be pale than tan with cancer for sure
I have a ex co worker. She would use baby oil to tan with, her and a friend. Their skin looked like leather. She was in her 30’s but looked like in her 50’s
My mother in law still uses tanning oil..crazy worried to much about getting a tan then cancer
Never had to use, not sure I know anyone that does but still good to know.
I never use that stuff I don’t think I ever did or will not for me working out side I get my tan the natural way I have brown hair working out side in the summer m hair by the end of summer is almost blond
Karen. I too. Even my sons hair which is brown is blond by the end of summer. Saves a bit on my coloring!
I used that stuff when I was young. No I just go commando.
we always use lotions for better coverage too #AMCoffee
Finally, something I don’t have to worry about. I don’t really use tanning oils although I did when I was much younger.
i won’t use them nor will i let my kids or my daughter anything to make you something your not is dangerous in my eyes
6. Skip sunscreen/bug repellent combos.
“Studies suggest that in some cases chemicals that filter harmful ultraviolet rays can interact with insect repelling chemicals in ways that decrease sunburn protection. Also, if you apply these products every two hours (as you should for proper sun protection!), you may be overexposed to the repellent chemicals.”
I guess chemicals + chemicals = bad idea!
I didn’t know they made a combo like that. I’m glad we really don’t have to worry about insects here. When we lived in Georgia, there was nuts and mosquitos.
We have mosquitos and nats too
There are natural ways to fend off pesky mosquitos. Read this article.
Good to know..guess we better go buy some of those clip on bug repellent things
I hate how bug repellent smells…Ive used sunscreen /repellent once or twice but never seems to work anyways. I don’t know what wroks for those darn pesky bugs
Me too Jessica. .and it get on your finger and if you eat something or touch you mouth you taste it. gross
Last night my husband was outside. He came in and told me he was getting bit up. He made the comment of starting smoking again so he will not get bit up.
Maybe that is the key, kill your lungs overtime to stop the small amount of time you are getting bit.
Sarcasm here….
Lol-you get bit a little less while smoking but not enough less where its worth the other risks- 😉
That I can believe I never bought the ones that had repellents in them for main reason of adding more chemicals.
I don’t even use bug repellent I cant stand the smell of it I have citronella plants all over to keep them nasty pest away
I was buying the Avon one. Thanks for sharing this all.
I got the Avon one too. After this chat I am wondering if it is actually good for you now.
Beware of their Ingredients LIst!
Read it ONE More Time! From what you know now, you’ll make a good decision based on facts and research.
got it, too many chemicals so we just cover our skin #AMCoffee
Gosh, I didn’t even know they had sunscreen/bug repellent combos. I will be sure to stay away from them. I can see how the idea would sound appealing though.
well i guess i won’t be buying that ever again! back to Avon skin so soft lol
7. Nearly all conventional sunscreens contain cancer-causing ingredients
What to look for in the Ingredients List —>
– Fragrances
– Parabens
– Solvents
– Petroleum Oils
– Alcohols
To avoid this powerful assault of the sunscreen ingredients on your skin – READ ingredients list and pick those sunscreens that are of natural ingredients, have zinc oxide and titanium dioxide-based formulas.
we need a handy business/credit card size list of harmful ingredients to shop with!!! if anyone provides me with the complete list, I’ll be happy to design a card for a free download… (since I would love something like that). Not just for sunscreens… for all foods and products…
That’s a great idea.
Let’s work on this together!
I can provide you with a TON of what should be avoided. But we will narrow it down to the biz card volume. sigh
you can email me menuchacc at gmail dot com
that’s a great thing to do ladies
Yes we do menu…
I think I would be in the store for hours just reading labels
I would color code it by product/ product type so it’s organized….
That’s would be awesome guys. Great idea
True, I already try to check labels on foods. There are so many hidden ingredients that are not good for us in products.
Menu: I was thinking the same thing. That would be fantastic if you developed something like this.
Wow, I’m sure I’ve been using a sunscreen with these ingredients in it. I didn’t know this. I will start looking at labels. It’s become important to look at labels on everything.
So is there a safe brand that you know That Doesn’t use these?
I would like to know to.
i’m asking the same. ( shame they didn’t sponsor today…)
Cancer sucks- and Im sure theres another list just as long of cancer causers we don’t even know are causing it. .. I always check my labels but we don’t really know enough to be home free even doing that with all things we use
Is a great idea wish had list of names of products that were safe and natural when shopping and to share with my daughters as well
We all need to watch ingredients on everything now days.
yes going to the store takes longer to read all the ingredents
Good to know for sure! #AMCoffee
Sheez, someone tell me a safe sunscreen to use! I’m flabbergasted by all this. Seems like your darned if you do and darned if you don’t!
i will be more a ware now that i have read all thiese wonderful tips!
Boost Your Own Sunscreen Power by Changing What You EAT!
You can change how your skin reacts to sunburns and to the sun exposure overall by changing your Daily DIET.
– Eat rich in antioxidants foods, that is the wide variety fruit and vegetables.
What happens is the powerful antioxidants – carotenoids – penetrate cells where they start protecting them from UV exposure.
Disregard NOT this simply daily diet tip! It may save your life.
It all boils down to what we eat…
Everything always seems too
It all goes back to eating a healthy balanced diet. Lots of veggies and fruits. They help the body in so many beneficial ways.
We love our fruits and veggies
I didn’t know food would help protect me from the sun (can they help preotect me from the mosquitos too??Lol)
Wow foods are powerful changing them can even change the way body reacts to sun exposure? Great to know! Thank you 🙂
This is awesome information. Thanks 🙂
I sure am glad tat I have a big garden and we eat off our land here so we know what we are eating and we have plenty of good food right out my back yard
Always try to eat right & healthy #AMCoffee
Something else new I’ve learned. I had no idea your diet could affect your ability protect yourself from UV exposure. Veggies are always the way to go!
pretty soon we won’t even be able to drink the water 🙂
If you avoid Sun, Check your Vitamin D levels!
“Sunshine serves a critical function in the body that sunscreen appears to inhibit — producing vitamin D. The hormone is enormously important. It strengthens bones and the immune system and reduces the risk of breast, colon, kidney and ovarian cancers, and perhaps other disorders.”
“About one-fourth of Americans have borderline low levels of vitamin D, and 8 percent have a serious deficiency. Breast-fed infants, people with darker skin and people who have limited sun exposure are at greatest risk. Many people can’t or shouldn’t rely on the sun for vitamin D. Check with your doctor to see if you should get a vitamin D test or take seasonal or year-round supplements (But Natural Sun Exposure Daily, a bit time each time, would be just OK for all needs of Vitamin D)”
we’ve been giving baby vitamin d drops since the hospital…
I take vitamin D supplements because I’m menopausal anyway. I have my levels monitored.
Guess we need to spend a little more time outside
I w in vitamin D every winter-I hear its a new epidemic in our country (and the sun is the VERY best way to get it)
they do say that and tell me that as well am very deficient am on 50,000 units a week and have blood tests every 3 months also take oscal daily. My problem is first off where we are we don’t get sun very much and now 90% of medications am on say avoid sun exposure. I also do not drink milk. So they are really having hard time to figure out how to keep mine up.
oh I get loads of V -D I am a country gal amd to keep this place going you have to be outside
Where we live we don’t see the sun in the winter months hardly. In summer if it is really warm out side I don’t go out during the day unless I go swimming or take my walks.
Can’t avoid the sun living in Florida #AMCoffee
I think I should start taking a supplement. I do have one of those Verilux lights for SAD. I wonder if that helps?
my DR. suggests at least a half hour everyday of sun exposure to help with depression and vitamin D

Thanks for sharing all the information. It is something we all need to keep in mind and beware of when we use these things. Awesome information today. Love it. 🙂
Thanks, I will share this with others.
Thanks!! I was wondering about this for my precious 🙂
Thank you for the information today. As always You ROCK
Thanks for the topic, I did learn some things, Thanks for the FUN as always #AMCoffee
Thanks!! Will def check these out 🙂
thank you I will be on the look out for these
great they look like great products! thanks for all the info today with the start of the summer festivities this weekend!
Thank you for those will have to look next time am taken to store and see if carry either for my grandson. Have bookmarked to write names down 🙂
We are all winners when we learn and keep our minds and hearts open to new information, new practices, and new connections.
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congrats Menu
Congrats Menu. 😀
yes!! thanks! and thanks for another great topic. I love AMcoffee conversations!!
Congrats Menu
Congrats Menu
WTG MENU!!! Enjoy those new pillows 😀
Lucky lady
WOOHOO it let me comment…had to use my computer
Congrats!!! 🙂
I have some allergies-a lot really and there are sunscreens on the market that actually make me get a worse sunburn then going without. Paraben is one of those! I avoid it like the plague!
any winners?
The winner is MENU, and she is listed!