Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Do’s & Dont’s
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Do you feel at times when you shop for a gift for someone that you are clueless what to get for that person? That happens at least sometimes. You are not alone! There are millions who go windowshopping to get gift ideas for their loved ones.
When you know a person, her lifestyle, her character – it shouldn’t be too hard to chose a gift for her. Whether it is hand-made or commercially purchased, do take that extra step to customize it with a beautiful note or decorative accent. It will only enhance the value, i.e., your caring about this person.
With Mother’s Day in the offing, let’s have fun and place some TIPS for those who are still on the lookout for a good gift.
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• What would be the best Mother’s Day Gift your Family (hubby, kids, family members) could give you?
Good Morning all. The best gift is time spend with family always for me. 🙂
Good morning. .I agree Rebecca
Morning everyone,
The best gift would be to have a whole day of peace. Hubby works too much and it is usually just my son and I. I get little whole days if any. Last Sunday he told me he would give me the whole day. I went to a Cardio class in the am, ran to the store and came home. I sat down to do some work I needed to do and bam my son comes into the office. I asked him where daddy was and he told me sleeping!
So I put my son down for a nap and 45 mins later went to find my husband and tell him I was leaving. Yes, he was fast asleep.
Guess, I did not get my day after all!
By the way anyone have natural ways to get rid of house ants. My office walls are crawling with them. I keep smashing them because I can not stand looking at them crawling up and down my wall. I have no clue where they are coming in at.
Maybe that can be a topic one day. Natural pest control
try vinegar maybe?? dunno. I sprayed a bleach based cleaning spray and it worked temorarily. I don’t think you can call that natural..
I hear ya! Peace and relaxation are under-rated…
Yes it is..I cant even go to the bathroom alone. If I lock the door they will knock and ask what im doing and wait for its not the kids its the dogs
Right now for mother’s day I just want something very sit in a recliner, with my feet up, watching old 80s movies..Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, St. Elmos Fire..with popcorn and coconut cream pie.. 🙂
The Breakfast Club, I do love that movie! Labyrinth is my other favorite 80’s movie!
Love those too havent seen Labyrinth in was one of my sister and my favorites
aaahhhhh yeah, we would get along GREAT! Love all these 80’s movies!! You lost me on the coconut pie b/c I’m allergic to coconut.. lol … other than that.. I’d be all over this kind of relaxation day!!
good morning ladies have a super day well I would say a stress free day I did get my mothers ring a few years back I love it
Good morning! I’d just like to have a nearly stress-free day.. I know completely stress free is impossible so I’ll take as close as they can get.
Good morning Ladies 😀 The best gift they could give me (and always do) is our annual mothers day picture where all my kids and hubby bring me breakfast in bed and then all crawl in for snuggles and photos
Awe, that sounds wonderful.
Good morning… sorry I’m a little late!! Been having a rough morning!
The best gift my husband could give me…? The gift of adoption… 🙂
My mom is so easy to shop for. She loves rugs, curtains, and household items. And she is crazy, about watching and feeding birds. So one year I bought she a birdfeeder, and bird feed. And one more thing she loves wind chimes. There all over the house and decks.
Good morning
A spa day
hi! I’m late! a day in bed to take care of my broken down system!!
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Mom Do LOVE Flowers!
With years, we may forgo this gift, but RE-Think it today to give your beautiful Woman, Mom, Sister something she would be in awe as she preps up a yummy brunch for you or enters the house.
Do: How about getting her a gift that will bloom all year? (It will literally be the gift that keeps on giving.) Opt for a potted plant or terrarium instead of snipped blooms.
Don’t: It might be tempting to pick up one of those colorful bouquets at the front of Target on the big day, but: 1) She’ll know that’s exactly what you did. 2) Everybody else will have the same idea, so pickings will be slim.
Photo: 1800Flowers
I have always told my husband to buy my a plant. I cut flowers are a waste of money, they will die. He usually get me a lilly
Lillie’s are so beauty. I love to get plants too. They last forever unless you don’t take care of them. lol
Yeah mine don’t always live.
Cut flowers are a waste unless you went outside and picked them yourself. Then they have a meaning.
I love to pick my own flowers and my favorite flowers are peonies. I suggest getting bugs out of them before bringing them in the house though. You can bring them in and put them in a bowl of water so they are flowing. They smell good and look good that way. 🙂
I have 11 lilac bushes so when they bloom I love to cut and bring some in..they smell so good.
I remember those peonies from my grandma’s house. They were fantastic. The smell was out-of-this world!
She usually had 3 colors: white, dark cherry, and barely pink.
They were in full bloom by early June.
Good memories lie with these flowers. You reminded me, Rebecca.
Was give some peonies last year, they are so pretty, but they dudnt make it through the winter 🙁
All we have around our yard are silly bushes that barely have blooms..!
I love tulips when they come up in the spring. However, for a potted plant I love orchids. My husband bought me one last year for Valentine’s Day. Sadly, I have a black thumb and killed it. This year he bought me another and so far so good.
I cant keep them alive either Elicia. My husband has bought me a few and they all have died
Glad I am not the only one
I would prefer giving a potted plant as opposed to fresh cut flowers. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Fresh cut flowers die and you just throw them away. I’d like someone to get more pleasure out of a gift I give.
I really enjoy mini rose bushes.
my dad bought my mom a rose bush one year – it grew to twice my height. We always had freshly snipped red roses – huge ones, the size of a cantaloupe…
I to love potted plants I told my hubby to not buy me cut flowers and the flowers stopped lol but Iget them from my children I don’t really have a favorite one I love them all I have a lot of different flowers in my beds over 75 diffrenttypes I am a flower hooter LOL
Karen can you come over and do my landscaping! I have no clue where to start. The front of my house faces North so nothing really grows and I want my front yard to look nice. I hate Hostas (spelling no clue) and that is about the only plant people tell me for the extreme lack of sun.
She can come do mine after shes done with your..I am so lost when it comes to landscaping
oh well I would love to help you all out but when you buy your plants you need to see if they need full sun or little sun or if they grow in shady areas that’s the trick and see what your friends around you have and that’s what will grow better for you
I love everything from roses to daisies, lilies and exotic flowers like orchids!
My mother has an amazing green thumb and can raise and bring back to life just about any plant or flower… she has an fabulous collection of potted plants
Angel my mom is the same way. I usually give her my dying plants.
My favorite flower are daffodils (with good ol simple Daisy’s being a close second) I used to get my mom mums for her garden but she has stopped gardening so last year I got her a potted variety and heart stand for her porch (they can easily be brought in for cooler months)
Daffodils are really pretty! Love them… and they’re so photogenic! lol 🙂
I agree. My memories of growing up are closely related to daffodils as the beginning of spring.
My mom loves flowers, she doesn’t have a favorite she loves the all. She got flowers everywhere.
Sunflowers are my favorite
I like to give and receive potted plants, that way they last and can be enjoyed all the time.
a colorful cactus is awesome – it’s very low maintenance …
Moms Always LOVE Pictures!
Have you noticed how they stir up precious memories when you open your wallet and see a picture of your kiddo and family? Or when you walk out or walk in and the house greets you with those framed pictures of your loved ones?
So, dismiss NOT a good Picture!
Do: Instead of cramming hundreds of mediocre photos onto a tiny screen, focus on one outstanding picture. Pick (or take) a high-quality snap and spring for a nice, large print with a tasteful frame.
Don’t: “Mom loves to display pictures. I should get her a digital picture frame.” No. Stop. We’ve been over this; nobody really wants one of those, and even if they do, they realize the error of their ways soon after getting one.
I have framed pictures everywhere. We have a digital picture frame and don’t even use it.
Before my husband and I moved in together I have a lot of pictures. Mostly of my travels and my friends. I was comforting being surrounded by it. I could look at those memories and be happy. Now….my husband is OCD and thinks everything is clutter. My mantle is only allowed to have the two candles and a picture of my son. Does that show how bad it is.
Elicia your husband would have a mental break down in my
I have some up to but my hubby is the same to much clutter but I did have a digital fram I loved it but it got broke I just loved it I would look at it all the time it was the coolest thing in my book
Karen, I knew mine had OCD prior but really never knew it was this bad!
yes but look at his garage its clutter lol
I hate it. It is nice to be surrounded by memories. They are our memories and being put away in a drawer stinks..
I can’t count how many I have. I like them on the walls, in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and the mantle
Just pull one out every few months and put it up..maybe he wont
Mine would notice. He notices everything that I put out new. He made me take the photo of him and my son that I had on our peninsula (aka island) down he called it clutter.
Oh geeze you poor lady
We have about 4 frames on our walls but many on the bookshelves and other places like desks and dressers..
I have a few downstairs and a few upstairs ut most of my family pics are on the computer (I have a digital frame but have never used it (but I really want to -I just never have) We need more framed ones up for sure
My mom got one of those digital frame keychains last year for Mother’s Day from my sister… she loves it… keeps lots of photos of the grandkids on it
That sounds neat. I didnt know they made those..I bet I mom would love one too
I have pictures in my car and purse. I carry them for good luck. 🙂
With 3 daughters and 4 great grandchildren, mom has picture every where. I don’t think she has any more room for one
I have pictures everywhere, living room, sitting room, loft, bedrooms, hallways. I would say around 60.
we’re renting so we have a few standing frames on the top of the desk hutch… we can’t really drill too many holes in the wall. but we do opt for photo keychains and mugs too…
PERSONALIZE! Jewelry + Personal Touch = LOVE
Do: How about proving you put in a little effort by ordering a custom piece from Etsy instead? While it’s true that those merchants may start with store-bought components, you’ll be able to select birthstones and have names and dates engraved, resulting in a one-of-a-kind treasure. At this late hour, though, be sure to check into shipping deadlines by messaging the sellers.
Don’t: Whether you’re shopping department stores or jewelry specialists, chances are you’ve seen a lot of generic “mom” pendants; they’re cute when they come from kids, but they become less adorable if you’re a fully-grown adult.
I have a necklace pendant for my kids so I think I would like a mothers ring or bracelet
I love personalized jewelry. After losing my baby girl last year I want to get her foot print on a piece. I have yet to do it but it is always on my mind.
Sorrt for your loss Elicia. That sounds like a lovely ideal
Thank you Constance
yes sorry sweetie
Sorry for your loss… I wish I had thought of that… I only have a locket of her hair
Thanks Angel, I lost her at 24 weeks pregnant. The only thing that we could get was her footprint. It is locked away safe.
Sorry for your loss as well.
I know they do make lockets that you can put whatever you want in it that are see through. Wonder if that could be a idea.
The feelings about our children are always within us and never will leave us.
Only memories of them can bring relief or get us into a space where we are OK.
I’m sorry for your loss – a precious little footprint is brilliant!
I’m really in love with the floating charm necklaces and bracelets.. I love the hundreds of ways you can customize them.
I have a mothers ring and a grandmas ring but I need it updated as my daughter is having her first child in July so it will need to be added to my ring I love them both so much they are my favorite pieces of jewelry
I’d like something for my mother vs for me… I have no children but she has 2 of us and 2 grandkids.. 🙂
A necklace with all my kids names/birthstones (will be hard to find one that fits them all-lol )
Hmmm… maybe one of those that are like flat discs.. each has a name and birthstone and they all hang on the chain?
That would be fun: the more, the merrier!
I painted a BIG tree on my living room wall and have been covering it with pictures of our family
That is such a great idea.
My husband was against it at first but now he love it. You see in as soon as you walk through the front door
That sounds really cool (bet it looks it too)
I am into rings now because I stopped biting my nails. 🙂
I love the necklaces you can personalize with birthstones.
A necklace with kids names, and would like it to say Forever Family.
I make jewelry so for me it would be beads or a gc to fire mountain gems!! lol I have so much I don’t know what to wear…
Do: Play it safe and get her a gift card to a store she frequents, so she can shop for something she likes, and try it on before she buys.
Don’t: Buying clothes as a gift is a notoriously tricky task. Pick up something that’s too small, and mom will think you think she’s fat. Too big, and pretty much the same thing will happen. And even if you do choose the right size, you may fall into the trap of projecting your style onto mom, and she’ll still either have to return the item or banish it to the back of the closet or the giveaway pile.
My bed. The kids have taken over the rest of the house
Haha, my son has overtaken that too!
LOL …. My 4-legged kids all climb in the bed when I do.. haha
I have to say the kitchen. Sounds strange but that is my space. I love to cook and bake. My son invades all the time but when he is sleeping or out with daddy I get peace there.
I know, when ever I an trying to cook my 4 kids love to TRY AN HELP
Kitchen space is amazing… it used to be mine but now my husband loves to cook and he took over..!! LOL
I don’t have a space that is all mine. Living with my mom, having a fiance and 2 kids, there really isn’t anywhere that I could even claim as my own.
same – no space to call my own. jumping from one temporary rental to another isn’t good for creating spaces – especially when you’re a homing pigeon type who needs to feel settled…
My office is all mine… It’s where I can think, work, relax, read, play online games, Facebook… you name it. Now.. occasionally, my 4-legged children find me and bother me but it’s okay… I welcome their snuggles
In my bed room it has all my stuff and I spend a lot of time here it has all the thing hat make me me
There isn’t anywhere I can call my own-LOL but Im most comfy in my bedroom
lol, even after spending so many months on bedrest!!
Yes-Lol (not my bed!!) Just the room (it has a lock with no key!!) Lol and my hubby hung our 50″ flat screen from the ceiling which doubles as a computer screen from when I was on bedrest 😉
Everyone needs their own space! Even if it’s a little space… hope you can have a space all to your own 🙂
I have found a few good hiding places I call my own (the tree house…garage….my car after dark) that I sneak away to on occasion …I just cannot say they are “all my own” 😉 Only that it takes the fam a while to find me
I love my bedroom, my own private place.
Two places my computer chair and my tub. I guess it would be my bathroom though. I relax most in my tub. I have two one is small there is in my bathroom in my room. It has a huge tub and I can have my whole body submerged.
Hmm, maybe my craft room.
Do: If you can’t afford to take her somewhere nicer than the norm, trade spending money for spending time by preparing a meal yourself. Mom probably does this daily, so she’ll appreciate the effort you put in. Just make sure you pay attention to the details so the result turns out to be really special.
Don’t: There’s nothing wrong with treating mom to dinner, but since this is a special occasion, you should avoid ho-hum options that she might go to on any given day.
We will probably go out so there is no clean up
Practicality is speaking in you! he, he
Yes maam..will probably all go out with my mother in law. My mom and the rest of our family lives in KY
i am cooking. We are having my mom and sister over for lunch. Have no clue what I am even making!
crockpot meals! lol yummy and easy and you can even make a dessert!
Great idea, thanks
I think we’re going to do a picnic in the park with sandwiches so nobody has to cook and we can just enjoy the day.
My husband is working all day/night so it’ll just be me at home.. I also won’t be celebrating it for myself but celebrating my mother.. 🙂 I’ll probably get her a gift card for her and my father to go out and eat
I don’t really know what the planes are so we shall see what they have planed
My mom and I are going out to a buffet style dinner up at a local church 🙂 We both get out of cooking 😀
I am doing all the cooking, Poor me.
That was not something I thought about. I might do that. Thanks for the tip. 🙂
Well Saturday is my daughter’s birthday party, so we’re ordering pizza. Sunday my husband is cooking.
we have a benefit dinner, but unless I’m feeling better by then there probably will just be peanut butter sandwiches again… 🙁
Do: A better idea is to strongly encourage a real getaway to relax, by purchasing her an affordable vacation, be it actual travel (there are always mind-bogglingly cheap cruises) or just a discounted night in a luxury hotel 5 miles from home.
Don’t: Items like foot spas and massage gadgets may seem like presents that will help mom relax and rejuvenate, but in reality those things will probably get used once or twice, then sentenced to life in the garage, because they take up time and space that mom just can’t spare most days.
I am excited for our 1st family vacation next month. We have been married 11 years and have never had one. My husband was in the military so when ever he had leave saved we would go visit family.
Awesome!! I hope you have a lot of fun!
Thanks Angel
If relaxing weekend you are talking about this weekend. It is not relaxing. I have a full day on Saturday and my husband is working so I have to do it myself. Then Sunday we are heading to the zoo in the am and having my mom and sister over for lunch. Busy, busy here.
I just want an enjoyable day where there are no fights, no yelling, no tantrums and just quality time with my family.
I am all with you Cynthia just a peaceful day that is all I want
Cynthia that would be nice..i wish for that too..but I dont see it happening anytime in the next 30+
I’d love to go camping… Just get away for a night or two.. enjoy nature and take it all in… no traffic sounds, no sirens.. no computer… just relax.
Just lots of time with my family!!! A few hours with mom on sunday..Im a simple girl with simple needs-I don’t need any gifts the the time of my family(and their desire to be there )
My family and I love to go camping. I love to just sit by the fire.
Camping is a great idea Barbara. 🙂
I would like to go on a picnic, ride our bikes, and just relax.
I’m dying to take my husband to niagara falls…. every time we planned it something didn’t work out… first it was cold and rainy, then I was pregnant and couldn’t drive to the grocery without needing to pee let alone a 10 hour drive… but if niagara doesn’t work I’d love anything nature related…
I would have to say just watching movies with the family and playing board games. Also just sitting talking about our futures. I haven’t sat down together with family and talked about the future together, It has always been separately.
Winners Will Be Announced Here!
Cariloha Scarf of Your Choice
– Elicia P.
Cariloha Socks of Your Choice
– Jessica Parent
– Barbara Riffe
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Yay ladies
Congrats to all winnners. 🙂
Congrats winners
Wow, thank you.
Oh wow!!Thanks!! I didn’t even know there was winners today 😉
Good Afternoon all!! Sorry missed today, Congrats winners!! 🙂 What great topics and ideas, love the flowers that was my grandma 100% we always knew what to get her she loved all kinds inside and out side her house. My mom on other hand much more difficult especially this year with funds low and she does not care for flowers like my grandma and I mainly because she has 3 cats always worries about eating. We have gotten her many personalized items through the years. My daughter has decided as it is her first year as a mom she is taking everyone out to dinner so none of us moms have to cook so will be different. As for gifts I asked for nothing just excited to spend time with family, as for my mom my daughter said will pick something for her, this has been a bad year for me.and will be from all of us. <3 that I have raised such a caring daughter who is now become a wonderful mother also. 🙂