Moving Is Equivalent of Living Well
Reminders that Make a Difference
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It is the acknowledged fact that physical activity and vigorous exercise do reduce markers for deadly quartet: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, and Obesity.
Just recently I came across the title for an article that “Lack of Exercise More Deadly Than Obesity, Study Suggests.” Let’s touch upon the points discussed in the article and reference it to the study that looked into this no-exercise issue.
But before we continue to flash out some of the talking points in the comments section, know that ===>
If you Do sit a lot during the day due to your work, what really works, and is proved, is short bursts of physical movement like 10 squats or quick walk around the block, or 10 Jumping Jacks, or simply doing some physical activity around the house.
Remember to do those breaks FREQUENTLY – I do them every 60-80 minutes, 1.5-hour on average. These short bursts of physical activity would do you a lot of good in How you feel all-day-long, your overall well-being down the road, and would increase productivity and work load flow significantly.
The only proof is in the pudding! ===> DO IT and Live More Vibrantly!
– Ulf Ekelund, Ph.D., senior investigator scientist, Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, U.K.
– David Katz, M.D., M.P.H., director, Yale University Prevention Research Center, New Haven, Conn.
– Samantha Heller, M.S., R.D., senior clinical nutritionist, New York University Medical Center, New York City; Jan. 14, 2015, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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Did you know that Sitting could actually lead to more damage to our health than such conditions as obesity?
good evening and yes i did know this a great friend Laura told me this
Retweet, Repin, Shout-Out!
all done
Movement Is Truly Your Lifeline
The Report that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on January 14, 2015, states clear that Lack of Physical Activity/Exercise leads not only to a much worse, no-energy living, but rather to higher death rate, thus shorter life span.
“The message from this study is clear and simple — for any given body weight, going from inactive to active can substantially reduce the risk of premature death,” said Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center.”
Are you Active during the day FREQUENTLY, not just engaging in a one-time workout routine?
well i am very active with all the distractions i have i am always on the move
Do SMALL Steps Every Day
The positive effect of the Physical exercise in the study was seen by normal weighted, overweight and obese subjects.
The Chief Investigator in the study Ulf Ekelund noted that…
“Efforts to encourage small increases in physical activity in inactive individuals likely have significant health benefits.”
He also noted that eradicating Inactivity in the population would reduce the number of deaths twice as much than in the case of eradicating obesity.
That means that Physical Activity has a DRAMATIC effect, swift effect, on our bodies and health overall.
The lesson for all to take ===> Let’s ACTIVATE our bodies for that brisk walk, jumping jacks, or quick squats several times a day!
that sounds like a great plan to me
ResulTs Will Follow When You Make A SMALL Step – PERSISTENTLY
With regular physical activity, the body undergoes AMAZING, no less than MIRACULOUS, adaptions!
Aerobic Exercise Does All This to You ===>
• Ignites the body’s immune system
• Improves mental function
• Boosts energy
• Strengthens muscles and bones, and
• Reduces the risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes
“IF You Do Not Move ===> You Would Not Be Able To Move!”
Take your natural body’s ability for movement and use it as your incredible option, your chance to improve the life you live Today.
i know this is great i guess having these grand kids in my life are a good thing they keep me moving
Comfort Zone Can Be Re-targeted!
Here’s a post for those of you who would love to venture out of the comfort zone this year!
New Year, New Exercises. Venture Out Of The Comfort Zone
Check Out Some Cool & So Cute Gift Ideas for your Kid’s Parties, Birthday Favors and Stocking Stuffers!
These cool toys and games are so versatile and FUN. We played at home with a group of kids of different ages, and all of them, without exception, enjoyed these toys. Grown-ups are all game, too!
All of them come from the company that wants to entertain with Small Stuff!
them are just to darn cute