June 4 – Ovarian Cancer Facts Every Woman Needs to Know About
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Every woman’s health is reflected in her beauty, her vigor and energy to do a ton of things for the family, friends, and community. As a woman, I am always looking for and exploring different approaches how to make my life more powerful. Power comes from knowing facts about different things. Knowledge is Power.
Today, let’s add one more powerful pieces of knowledge and make it a reminder to ourselves about a very sensitive subject – ovarian cancer.
Let’s feel empowered, rather than being scared. Let’s pay attention to small details when our bodies call out for it.
By knowing and giving it all to our bodies, we sure would be the best leaders and heroes for ourselves. And our families and friends would thank us for that by supplying their love and… more laundry to do. But that’s nothing when we feel empowered with knowledge to save our lives.
Scroll down for discussion points on Ovarian Cancer provided by WebMD.
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• Do you do your breast self exams every month?
What steps do you take personally towards cancer or any other disease prevention?
Good Morning ladies. Sounds like a very good topic to discuss. I’m happy to be here again 🙂
I hope I am signing in the right place. 🙂
well good morning ladies and yes I do regular breast exams
Good morning all
good morning ladies. great topic. i have had ovarian cancer twice removed. its a scary thing. blessed to be rid of it
that’s great Thia glad you are alright
VERY!! I’ve had parts of my cervix removed twice due to precancerous and cancerous cells 😮 Scary is an understatement
Good morning!! I do monthly breast exams and yearly paps (have had a history of abnormal ones so papas are twice a yr for me)
Good morning! I am horrible at remembering to do self exams! But I do have a pap every 3 years (what my insurance will cover).
Good Morning all. This is an awesome reminder for woman to have exams.
I do the once a year doctors visit and monthly breast check.
Good Morning, yes do regular exams also regular follow ups with all my doctors is scary cancer runs through a lot of my family.
Good Morning! I’m off today! YEAH!
I work in an oncology clinic so I know the importance of self breast exams. I try to do one every month around bath time.
Hello!!!! Always late but never dull! lol Yes, I try to make sure I examine my breasts and skin monthly. The older I get the more I realize how important it is to be pro-active about health. And having a 2 year old son now makes me want to be here as long as I can for his sake. So now I try to eat healthier and exercise more.
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What is Ovarian Cancer?
Current research suggests this cancer begins in the fallopian tubes and moves to the ovaries, the twin organs that produce a woman’s eggs and the main source of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Treatments for ovarian cancer have become more effective in recent years, with the best results seen when the disease is found early.
Ovarian Cancer Symptoms
– Bloating or pressure in the belly
– Pain in the abdomen or pelvis
– Feeling full too quickly during meals
– Urinating more frequently
These symptoms can be caused by many conditions that are not cancer. If they occur persistently for more than a few weeks, report them to your health care professional.
It’s so good to be informed of the warning signs. It’s also frightening. It’s good to know that there are brilliant people researching it and learning more about it.
So true Jennifer. 🙂
Yes, it is important for early detection. The problem is the symptoms are so vague initially.
I agree early detection may save your life and the more we know the better and its great that they have come so far in treating this
It is frightening but always good to know rhw early warning signs
That is why we are here to Empower each other and equip ourselves with tips, FACTS, and early intervention by knowing more and recognizing the Risk Factors and Symptoms.
and thanks to you Laura you bring us some good information
Yes thank you Laura for brings us the information
Very well said Laura.
thanks for discussing this topic. it is sooo important to know the signs
Early detection is a must with cancer and so many warning signs go undetected due to lack of knowledge…Thanks for letting us know what they are
I have never known the symptoms of ovarian cancer before! Thank you for listing them!
I think what I would like to get is some kind of chart that shows the most common cancers (and other health issues) with a list of warning signs. I could hang it in my office at work for the days I just stare off. That way you are aware and it’s right there in front of you! I feel like I’ve heard so many warning signs/symptoms for different disorders but it’s hard to keep them all straight!
It is very important to get the yearly pelvic exams. I was having a lot of trouble with cramping etc and they thought had endometriosis When they went in through my belly button they found I had pulps in my uterus. The can lead to uteron cancer. These symptoms sound like what happens with a fibromyalgia flare-up for me.
Yes it is and I am slacking..I have had one in almost 4 years..probably need to make that call
Yep it is really important Constance.
I wonder what the rate of cancer is before menopause and after menopause is.
Good question Barbara
It is scary as most of these symptoms you can get from many things.
More often than not, symptoms don’t present until the advanced stages of ovarian cancer. So sad, but true!
That’s the saddest part.
Never knew of the warning signs. Thank you. I think a lot of us just ignore the signs our bodies send us. And the fear of doctors doesn’t help either.
per WebMD
Risk Factor: Family History
A woman’s odds of developing ovarian cancer are higher if a close relative has had cancer of the ovaries, breast, or colon. Researchers believe that inherited genetic changes account for 10% of ovarian cancers. This includes the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, which are linked to breast cancer. Women with a strong family history should talk with a doctor to see whether closer medical follow-up could be helpful.
Risk Factor: Age
The strongest risk factor for ovarian cancer is age. It’s most likely to develop after a woman goes through menopause. Using postmenopausal hormone therapy may increase the risk. The link seems strongest in women who take estrogen without progesterone for at least 5 to 10 years. Doctors are not certain whether taking a combination of estrogen and progesterone boosts the risk as well.
Risk Factor: Obesity
Obese women have a higher risk of getting ovarian cancer than other women. And the death rates for ovarian cancer are higher for obese women too, compared with non-obese women. The heaviest women appear to have the greatest risk.
It’s interesting how obesity/diet is a risk factor in almost every health issue I learn about. I’m not familiar with postmenopausal hormone therapy? Is this something to reduce the side effects of menopause? I’ve heard there is a test you can get to see if you have the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations but that it isn’t 100% reliable.
I guess its great that I am doing my dieting now all the great information I get from the chats is awesome and great support here but I can see being over weight has so many health risks its not worth it to be over weight and that is why it is important to know your family history to
I agree Karen, joining these conversations is a daily reminder of eating better, exercising, skin care, foot care, etc. I learn something new everyday!
Post menopausal women gotta be physically active –> exercise + have a diet that is rich in some crucial elements like DHA, Magnesium, phytonutrients and more to create a balanced environment within the body to shift into a new dwelling in our lives.
If you do it consistently, your body would thank you by rewarding you with energetic life.
This is very well said Laura. Great job. 🙂
It is good to know your risk factors.
My mom had the DNA test done recently to see about breast and ovarian cancer because we have a lot of cancer in our familu and she had just gone through having a biopsy on a lump she found on her breast..luckly the DNA test and the biopsy came back good
Constance that is good news thank god
@Constance, what a relief that must have been!
Yes it was..thank god
And when was your last exam Constance. 😛
i had the brca testing done and was very happy to see no gene mutation
@thia I would be interested in having this test. What is involved? Does insurance cover it?
I never would have though obese women have a higher risk! Even more of a motivation to lose weight for those who are obese!
I had no idea obesity upped your risk for ovarian cancer although it makes sense (I thought this specific type of cancer was mostly genetic)
The doctors told me that it you start menopause before 50 , they want you to take hormones until at least 50.
@Barbara, I wasn’t aware of that. Learning about this, I don’t ever want to take them!
M6 mom has been taking them for about a year she is 48
My dads aunt had breast cancer with both bras removed and my grandma on my moms side had a cyst the size of a large grapefruit removed. The cyst was in one of her ovaries. I had a cyst on my right ovary that had burst and I had gotten so sick from it. This was years ago after my last baby.
That is scary Rebecca. .im glad you are ok
Thanks it was that is why exams are important. See how I am stressing it. lol
Scary am heading towards all of these doctor thinks am starting menopause as well as rest.
Obesity seems to be linked with lots of health issues. I was surprised to learn it was linked with ovarian cancer.
I’m lucky it’s not in my families history and have a way to go until menopause. But I do need to get my weight under control for this reason and just my overall health.
Ovarian Cancer Screening Tests
per WebMD
There is no easy or reliable way to test for ovarian cancer if a woman has no symptoms. However, there are two ways to screen for ovarian cancer during a routine gynecologic exam. One is a blood test for elevated levels of a protein called CA-125. The other is an ultrasound of the ovaries. Unfortunately, neither technique has been shown to save lives when used in women of average risk. For this reason, screening is only recommended for women with strong risk factors.
Stages of Ovarian Cancer
The initial surgery for ovarian cancer also helps determine how far the cancer has spread, described by the following stages:
Stage I: Confined to one or both ovaries
Stage II: Spread to the uterus or other nearby organs
Stage III: Spread to the lymph nodes or abdominal lining
Stage IV: Spread to distant organs, such as the lungs or liver
cancer that’s such a powerful word and it is such a bad thing lost my mom to lung cancer 23 yrs ago she was only 49
I agree with you that “cancer” is a strong word. But it gets this way only when we give it our power.
We gotta be mindful when saying it the way we do.
We are in control how much power we give to anything or anybody.
To be equipped with Facts, Knowledge gives us more power.
NO, “cancer” word is just a word. And we need to bring to the surface real facts about it: prevention, risks, treatment. When we know more, the word shrinks.
I lost my aunt about 16 years ago to her second battle with lung cancer, it spread to the brain and several other places the second time. She had two young boys.
That is so sad and sorry for your loss.
Yes its is Karen
I’m so sorry to hear that Karen. I’ve lost a very good friend to it a few years ago.
It sounds like it would be hard to catch ovarian cancer at the early stage? I don’t believe I have a family history of it which slightly reassuring. I wasn’t aware that they could screen for it with a blood test. I’ve never heard of CA-125 before. I’m learning a lot today
cancer is the devil. it takes so many people in so many ways. i have lost so many to it.
My uncles wife just finished treat for breast cancer . luckly they caught it at the earliest stage and she is cancer free as of a few weeks ago
I know it is up to use to do our routine Dr app to make sure we all can be safe and find it sooner rather then later
YOu would think they would have better ways of identifying/diagnosis it in this day and age!
@Amanda I would have thought so too!
Yes that is what I was thinking
So frustrating, The doctors just want to do a pap and breast exam and them get you out of the office. I guess we need to find a doctor that will go the extra mile.
It is a scary thought and that is why exams are so important. Also listening to your body is Vidal.
cancer scares the bejeezus out of me…I lost both of my maternal grandparents to it relatively young (Gram had skin cancer twice,uterine once and many years later we lost her to brain cancer at 59 yrs old….pops had prostate cancer that spread and he passed at 68 yrs)
Thank goodness I always keep up regular exams.
CA-125 is a tumor marker for ovarian cancer. There are other tumor markers for other cancers. For example, CA-27-29 for breast.
So scary. Cancer…any kind. Horrible killers. So many taken to soon.
Ovarian Cancer Surgery
per WebMD
Surgery is used to diagnose ovarian cancer and determine its stage, but it is also the first phase of treatment. The goal is to remove as much of the cancer as possible. This may include a single ovary and nearby tissue in stage I. In more advanced stages, it may be necessary to remove both ovaries, along with the uterus and surrounding tissues.
In all stages of ovarian cancer, chemotherapy is usually given after surgery. This phase of treatment uses drugs to target and kill any remaining cancer in the body. The drugs may be given by mouth, through an IV, or directly into the belly (intraperitoneal chemotherapy). Women with LMP tumors usually don’t need chemo unless the tumors grow back after surgery.
wow invasive procedure it scares me to much I always worry about it
Thats what I was thinking Karen
It is very scary but you have to do what you have to do.
This is also so scary but can be such a reality for many people Just the words Cancer and Chemo frighten me. I remember sitting through a chemo session with a good friend of mine. It wasn’t what I thought. I remember them coming around with a box passing out wigs and my friend trying some on. One of them was blond and short which was the opposite of how Pat’s (my friend) hair was. We had a good laugh. It was a welcome and fun relief. She passed away several years ago. She was in stage 4 by the time they found it.
Jennifer sorry for you but you were there for her and that was good
Sorry to hear about your friend Jennifer. It is a scary thought.
i had a cryosurgery, where they freeze ithe interior walls and hope the cells grow back healthy. thank goodness they did. my annual exam makes me so nervous. now they are “watching and area of concern” so i will have two tests a year instead of one.
Good luck to you thia!
My sister tested positve for HPV and they have found cancer causing cells. It worries my bc she has not been to the doctor in a while
my daughter at 17 had the HPV they got it early but they took a lot out and dint think she would have children she is 28 now and in 2 month my grandson will be born
I think I read somewhere that 3 out of 4 people have HPV. Anyone else heard this statistic? It’s great that they now have a vaccine for it!
I hadnt heard that Jennifer
I think I heard the same thing about HPV. Some can just be carriers of it and that is why it spreads so much.
A specialist at the hospital told me 80% of ALL sexually active women will have one form of HPV or another by age 50 (this was 8 yrs after that shot came out) so 3 out of 4 sounds about right
Again it boggles my mind that there’s no other way to diagnosis it and treat it other than surgery!
Mine too Amanda
This is really scary and thanks for the important info.
So scary.
Ive heard chemo can actually make cancer worse
That is false! Can’t make it worse, but often you feel worse. Means the chemo is working. I am an oncology nurse so I know from experience.
It’s so invaluable to have you here to speak from such vast experience and add the validity to the science!
Thank you so much!
Yes it in
I know your job is hard than just from being a volunteer in logistics at Marquette General Hospital years ago. I was only 16 and seen a lot of people go from cancer. It is a beautiful thing you do and we all appreciate your work Carol. 🙂
Is scary a few years back they removed all my moms insides as thought she had was very glad came back no cancer.
It is important to keep with your chemo regime if you need it. You don’t know if any microscopic cells are floating around in your bloodsteam and can settle in another area of your body.
Such a tough thing to go through. Having a strong support team helps alot too.
per WebMD
Risk Reducer: Pregnancy
Women who have biological children are less likely to get ovarian cancer than women who have never given birth. The risk appears to decrease with every pregnancy, and breastfeeding may offer added protection.
Risk Reducer: ‘The Pill’
Ovarian cancer is also less common in women who have taken birth control pills. Women who have used the pill for at least five years have about half the risk of women who never took the pill. Like pregnancy, birth control pills prevent ovulation. Some researchers think ovulating less often may protect against ovarian cancer.
well that’s something good for us moms who have children I dint know this but I did know this about dogs that’s weird I know about the dogs but no me I did take birth control pills maybe 3 yrs but not all at a 3 yr period
I find these risk reducers to be so strange. I’ve had one child and I have taken the pill for a long time. I guess that is a good thing. I had heard this information before but never learned the why. That’s interesting to hear that ovulating less could be helpful.
not good for me. done with pregnancy and the pill. now i just pray. pregnancy makes the cancerous cells shed and regenerate. hopefully they come back healthy
Strange. .but good to know..I have 4 kids( 3 pregnancies) and to the pill for several years off and on
Well I had 3 babies and breastfed 2 (our 3rd was stillborn) but I’ve never taken the pill!
I really wish I would have breast fed. I tried for about 3 or 4 weeks but just couldn’t get her to latch. I pumped for awhile. I wonder if pumping has the effects. I would imagine so.
Wow I thought it was the opposite with the birth control. Good to know.
I breast feed for 4 years, hope it helps in the long run.
Well I guess Ive got that covered having had so many babies 😉 I only spent about 2 yrs on the pill….but have had a slew of kids and nursed all of them (about 5yrs so far with at least another 1 oncoming)
interesting to know guess is good have had 2 child births and was also on birth control.
I find it interesting that taking the birth control pill can lessen your chances of ovarian cancer. However, years ago they said it would increase your risk of breast cancer.
That;s so interesting woman who have given birth are less at risk.
per WebMD
Risk Reducer: Tubal Ligation
Getting your tubes tied, formally known as tubal ligation, may offer some protection against ovarian cancer. The same goes for having a hysterectomy — removing the uterus.
Risk Reducer: Removing the Ovaries
For women with genetic mutations that put them at high risk for ovarian cancer, removing the ovaries is an option. This can also be considered in women over 40 getting a hysterectomy.
I had my tubes tied in 1990 so I guess for me this is good news I hope
I’m 34. I wish I had children earlier in life but it just didn’t work out that way. I had my first 3 years ago. I’m still on the pill. I’m afraid of the finality of having tubal ligation.
Me to jennifer. Even though I have 4 kids..3 girl and 1 boy. I just cant bring my self to do it..I think its because my mom had her tubes tied after 2 kids and them she meet my step dad when my lil sister was 1 and regretted having it done
That’s what I’m afraid of! I want to give my daughter a sibling (she has a half sister from my husband but they are almost 10 years apart) but I fear having another one because of my age and my first pregnancy didn’t go well.
Thay would be scary jennifer..
i did not know tubal ligation reduces the risk. i have been considering this and now i see another benefit. i am just afraid of the surgery itself.
I had my 3 child by age 22 had tubes tied and have never regretted it the surgery is nothing I was 19 when I had my first child who when born had a whole in her heart at age 1 she had open heart surgery now 28 and other 2 we complicated so that’s why I had it done so youn high risk pregnancy
what was your recovery time and how limited where in you in daily life after the surgery?
Mine aren’t tied…yet. If I am blessed with another baby, I will probably have to have it done since that would be my 3rd c-section and with my last one, my uterus had started to rupture.
Yikes, amanda. That sounds scary. I ended up having a c-section too.
I had a c – section with my twin and never want to do that again..it was the worst
This maybe a good time to mention the NovaSure procedure. This is when they remove the lining of the uterus by burning it. For some women you stop having periods like myself and my sister but for other you have light periods. You also don’t get the sever cramping with this. It was a good for me because of the pulps and serve cramping as while as heavy bleeding when I had my period.
I had 2 C- section.
I had 1 C-section 7 yrs ago
Ive had neither yet
That is what they ended up doing on my mom am sure my day will come with our history.
Well, removing the ovaries is certainly one sure way to prevent ovarian cancer. It is a bit extreme though, and can cause other issues.
It is what I fear because of the hormone thing.
Wow…getting your tubes ties reduces risk? I never would have thought that.
per WebMD
Risk Reducer: Low-Fat Diet
While there is no definitive diet to prevent ovarian cancer, there is evidence that what you eat can make a difference. In one recent study, women who stuck to a low-fat diet for at least four years were less likely to develop ovarian cancer. Some researchers report the cancer is also less common in women who eat a lot of vegetables, but more studies are needed.
oh how I love my vegetables and eat them every day oh I am so happy I started my diet again that’s to you Laura
From what I’ve seen and read for years, diet and exercise seem to be so important is so many health issues (which makes complete sense). I’m always so confused about diets though, low fat, low sugar, low carb, etc. All I know is that fruit and veggies are good for you and help reduce risks of many health issues!
Seems like it is always the answer
diet. the dreaded word… lol. i try to choose healthy but then by the end of the day i must have chocolate or ice cream. i just have no self control for yummy stuff.
I really like frozen yogurt. .I dont really know if it is much better
I hear ya Thia. I think I may be addicted to chocolate ice cream 🙂
oh ya and popcorn too lol
Another reason to eat more veggies! Not sure about the low fat though…lots of mexican food and we all know that’s not low fat! LOL
I really need to eat more veggies..I am going to the farmer market soon to get some yummies
I am eating coldslaw as we speak good fermented food good for me
Yucky coldslaw..have never tasted one I liked I do love my sourkraut and fried cabbage
its good for you
@Constance, me too. I hear raw veggies are the best. We are growing some tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and a few other veggies in the garden but they won’t be ready for several months.
I did get a garden out this year 🙁 thinking about putting some tomatoes and bell peppers in containers on the back patio so I can make my salsa
Fermented foods are of Immense value to our bodies to fight cancers and overall inflammation.
Fermented means that the content of the Initial food has been significantly changed.
Usually, these foods are rich in protein and amino acids that contribute to lowering inflammation in our bodies and feeding it with the readily available nutrients for the cells to consume.
The benefits are Multiple.
If you don’t have a taste for any fermented foods –> Develop the Taste! Try them all, experiment and re-introduce these foods into you life again and again. Never give up. You’ll be missing out on a lot!
That’s really helpful to know, thank you. I’m pretty sure those are lacking from my diet right now.
yes but when the veggies come in they will be so good and put some away for the winter I freeze all mine for winter even bell peppers you can and put them away for winter months when they go sky rocketing and put them in your mealks
Freezing them is a great idea. I also want to learn how to can them.
Did not know this is good to know. Thanks 🙂
I grow a lot of our food and can over 200 jars of food every year.
Amazing how much diet can do for so many things in our bodies 🙂
I do have a low fat diet so I guess that’s a bonus
A low fat diet is good for you in so many ways! Glad to know it prevents ovarian cancer as well.
Yet another reason to put my diet in check. I do love veggies. Just need to incorporate them better.
We are all winners when we learn and keep our minds and hearts open to new information, new practices, and new connections.
Cariloha Socks Go To:
– Barbara Riffe
– Donna K
– Virginia Rogers
– Thia Beniash
– Amanda Alvarado
• Fill out the form below by 10pm EST today.
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Good Luck all. 🙂
Good lucky all
Good Luck All!! Have a great day!!! 🙂
Good luck all and enjoy a healthy live style.
Thank you!!!! 🙂 This is my last morning probably until July unless I can manage to get here while I’m working since it’s summer and slower!
Congrats girls. 🙂
Congrats ladys
Congrats Ladies 😀
Congrats guys!!
Thank you so much!! Congrats to others as well!!! 🙂
Some FOODS are filled with benefits for our bodies, skin, bones, our overall energy. Because if we do not have energy to start with, the day is going very sluggish.
Here are some amazing giveaways on Celebrate Woman Today that correspond with this message.
• $250 in Anderson Seafoods!
Omega-3 DHA is an amazing source of amino acids that contributes to your heart, eyes, brain, all tissues.
Lot’s of studies and usage of DHA in medical practices show significant improvements in all areas of our bodies.
I don’t because I haven’t found one that doesn’t have a fish taste (or aftertaste) that is reasonably priced. The taste of fish and/or seafood makes me gag! Even the smell can sometimes cause it!
There’s a good Costco Brand for DHA that does not have any fishy smell. I myself do not like anything fishy smelling, but these supplements are of essence to us. We gotta find the one that is of good content of DHA and is not smelly. Lots of brands to choose from that are very reasonably priced.
Do you shop at Costco?
I just eat some fish regularly 🙂 I don’t take most supplements (for the same reason Amanda doesn’t) I try and get the “real” thing cuz I lack trust in most of whats in todays market (foodwise,medicine and vitamins/supplements) Partly because of todays high cancer rates and partly because I don’t recognize nor can pronounce a lot of ingredients in them
My husband would like it but I dont eat much stuff that swims
we also eat lots of salmon my hubby is a out doors man I make a killer salmon patty from fresh caught fish
I’ve been seeing this but haven’t entered yet. Got to get over there and get myself in!
Cod doesn’t taste to fishy and I love it cooked anyway different way.
well fish should not taste and smell fishy if its fresh it will not and a lot of ppl don’t know there is a mud vein in them that must be removed and that is where you get that smell from well I have to go see you all later and have a super day
Hei, Karen,
My Fish Connoisseur!
wish i liked seafood. its good for you.
I do not take daily but do love seafood, thank you for sharing!! 🙂
That looks so good! Wish I had some for lunch today!. I love seafood.
I just started taking the Mega Red brand. So far so good.
We cannot over emphasize the Value of physical activity as our leading lifestyle factor that is a Huge Risk Reducer for many chronic diseases.
Here are some posts I’ve picked out for you to get Inspired and Re-Motivated!
– Weight Loss Dilemma (really, really good to give you a smile and re-motivate you)
– Fish Oil, Magnesium, Vitamin D Facts
– Carb Overload? 5 Tips to Get Back on Track, this is an amazing series of posts with my favorite Amy Fournier,
Once you start reading one, you cannot stop. She is Clear. She gives Facts. She helps you to understand and produce the results for your body with simple, yet powerful health & behavioral tips.
Great articles!
I concur! Its mostly the carb overload I suffer from (Im addicted to carbs-lol)
I take fish oil and watch my carb intake..I love my bbq porkrinds I snack on them and also blend them up to make a cruncky coating for chicken
More great info! I take a fish oil dietary supplement. When I was pregnant they said it helps a lot with depression. I will check out the carb overload article. I know i have a problem with carbs…
some great article
I need to add more of Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Fish Oil to my diet. I think this would help a lot with my muscle aches as well.
Great info have been working with doctor on Vit. D deficiency as well as diet. 🙂
I take Fish Oil and Vitamin D every morning on the advice of my doctor. At age 57, I am trying to take better care of myself.
We need to remember again and again that the center of all chronic diseases, including, cancer is INFLAMMATION. Check this video on Inflammation one time more to gain even More Clarity what inflammation can do to your body, i.e., to your life.
These Gems of Knowledge Give You A Rich Chance to Be In Control of What You Do!
Stress has been proved to be a producer of hormones that increase Inflammation. And as we know by now, Persistent, body-wide, low grade inflammation is the starting point for weight gain, as part of the Metabolic Syndrome, of Cardiovascular Heart Disease, Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, and Obesity.
From what Skin Care products you use to Drinking Water, you have a Choice to choose what you put on your skin and into your body.
Chemicals from consumable products end up in many places within the body and disrupt the normal way of cell reproduction and ability to protect our bodies from outside invasion.
Here are our powerful discussions –>
• What Water Are You Drinking?
• Life Elixir
• Beauty Tips
• GMO Free Life
Rigorous physical activity where you increase your Heart Rate produces lowered inflammation!
Even if you are not capable to run, power walking every day would produce cummulative results on the overall bodily inflammation. DO IT NOW. Take Control of Your Life!
More and more studies are coming out proving that Expressing and Receiving LOVE lowers your bodily inflammation and even increases life of telomeres (“things” that determine our span of life).
You are in Control of this process.
Take a few minutes for your reflection moments alone. Then take all that massive Peace inside of you and Pour it Out onto the world around you – your family, friends, your love of your life!
We try to stay away from simple sugars and sugary drinks and we drink lots of water. I usually eat a yogurt a day for the probiotics!
I have been trying to get back into my exercise routine. I have cut back on sodas to about 1 or 2 a week the rest of the time its water and maybe a glass of sweet teas
I have been keeping o track with all these good sourse of information I am getting on the right track
I made it my New Years resolution to drink more water. I figured it was one that I could actually keep, lol. And I have!
Wow, ” Expressing and Receiving LOVE lowers your bodily inflammation and even increases life of telomeres”? That is so amazing! That makes me happy just to know. My daughter is 3 and there is a lot of expressing and receiving love between us!
lowering the stress level is huge to overall health. i have learned to say no and i still feel a bit over committed. but its at a level i can deal with
I am trying to add more exercise as well as reducing chemicals (meds). I am using Kratom (it is a plant like or more like a tea) for my aches and pains over my Hydrocodone. It is a pain relieve, mood stabilizer, and can boost energy.
Still working on most of these!! 🙂
me too!
Four great ways to take care of ourselves! Love the one about LOVE! Love makes the world go round as they say! Makes everything better!