How Posture Affects Your Physical Body,
And Outlook On Life
Reminders that Make a Difference
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Since my childhood, my mom was reminding me and showing by her own example that good posture is the key to a healthier living. The living without back pain, eye strain, muscle spasms and so much more. I grew up in the environment where my parents were my constant reinforcement of good habits for better health and a reminder to learn more when I am in doubt. I am so thankful for that now.
As it turns out, bad posture affects not only our physical body – it has a drastic effect on our social and emotional well-being. The sooner you watch how you work with all of your media items, i.e., phone, computer, iPad, the better it is for your overall health. It is that serious.
If you are in a sitting position all-day-long – do align your screens with the level of your eyes, position yourself in a comfortable chair with back support, and place your feet on the floor to form a 90 degrees angle with your pelvic area. Slouch not. Remind yourself to get back to the aligned position every time you start moving away from it! It does take discipline to get this habit into your life. But when you really committed to your health – you will do it.
Scroll down to the comments area and see what we all can learn from the drastic effects of bad posture.
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Posture Affects Your Physical Body And Outlook to Life #AMCoffee #HeartThis #Tips #Posture #HealthyLIving
— Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf) November 20, 2017
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What is your opinion and experience on the POSTURE and ways we WORK and SIT these days?
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I’ve always had trouble with good posture. It is really easy to loose that core and keep straight when sitting for work most of the day. I find it really does help to have the screen at eye level. I can almost instantly tell when my screen is off just a smidge.
It is good to have some things that remind us about keeping a good posture.
With me, it comes automatically, as I was raised with my Mom who helped my siblings and me to be aware of our postures.
I never really paid attention to my posture. After reading this I will start paying more attention.
I always find myself slouching and I know it’s probably one of the causes of my back pain.
Hei Peachy Kitchen,
It is NEVER late to stand or sit with your back and shoulders opened up and supporting your entire body.
Make a decision to work on it, and go with it starting today.
What you need to know is that as yo continue to do slouching, a ton of things are going on in the body:
– Less oxygen to organs
– Compensation that comes from different skeletal structures
– Pain as a result of not sitting and standing correctly.
Please get NOT discouraged! Just start doing it.
Thanks for pointing out the importance of having good posture. I am a true believer that waking slumped over definitely impacts your outlook on life and self confidence. Thanks for sharing.
It is so important that we forget until it starts hurting.
Good posture is so important.
I try not to slouch! My mom says I have a really good posture, makes people notice you more.
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What kind of pain can be developed through incorrect posture?
Poor posture can have ill effects that radiate throughout the body, causing back and neck pain, muscle fatigue, breathing limitations, arthritic joints, digestive problems and mood disturbances. It can also create a bad impression when applying for a job, starting a relationship or making new friends.
It affects you health in so many ways, and you wouldnt even think about it til you go see some one and they say hey you need to straighten up or be stuck that way : #AMCoffee
For me personally it’s the back pain that is the worst. I tend to slouch because I am very heavy chested.
Reaction of Muscles and Tendons to Prolonged Position of Incorrect Posture
Any repetitive or prolonged position “trains” the body’s muscles and tendons to shorten or lengthen and places stress on bones and joints that can reshape them more or less permanently. Just as walking in high heels can shorten and tighten the Achilles’ tendonsand calf muscles, slouching while sitting hour after hour can result in a persistent slouch, while standing and walking while slouched can lead to permanently rounded shoulders and upper back.
Although early humans spent most of their waking hours walking, running and standing, today in developed countries, 75 percent of work is performed while sitting. Most people sit going to and from work and while relaxing after work. The longer people sit (or stand) without a change in position and movement, the more likely they will be to develop a postural backache, according to a report in The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.
I try to make a point to get up, stretch and correct my posture.
It is recommended to get up and move every hour!
It was hard for me at first. Now, I am trained to do it every hour or so.
Shame on me I never realized how much I slouch! I guess I have done what has been more comfortable!
This is a great article and I agree with you. I have a very bad posture, hard to fix 🙁
What is a “TEXT NECK?”
“Text neck,” a term coined by a Florida chiropractor, Dean L. Fishman, is a repetitive stress injury resulting from hours spent with the head positioned forward and down while using electronic devices. This leads to tight muscles in the back of the neck and upper back. And those who lean forward while sitting may be inclined to clench their jaws and tighten their facial muscles, causing headache and TMJ — temporomandibular joint syndrome.
Leaning forward or slouching can also reduce lung capacity by as much as 30 percent, reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches body tissues, including the brain, according to Dr. Rene Cailliet, a pioneer in the field of musculoskeletal medicine who died in March.
Additionally, slouching or sitting in a scrunched position compresses the abdominal organs and may reduce peristaltic action that is important to normal digestion and bowel function.
Photo: cbsnews
I worry about text neck with my son. I can already see how much him and kids his age are in the postion of looking down at a screen.
You should!
But when you remind him and show him HOW-TO do it – it would be more proactive and helpful. He will remember these reminders for the rest of his life.
Just do it often!
I think bad posture can definitely effect you, especially as you age. Its important to keep it straight! 😉
I didn’t know text neck was a term, but I was thinking about that the other day and that it was bound to become a medical phenomenon. I need to be careful of that myself.
When I heart about this term, It struck me with reality of it like never before.
Every time I lower my eyes to text – I remember it and make sure that I DO NOT overextend my neck muscles!
So important to make it a CONSCIOUS decision to have a good posture!
Our KIDS are Susceptible to Bad Posture due to Heavy Backpacks
One of today’s most troublesome activities, especially for children and adolescents whose bone structure is still developing, is carrying extraordinarily heavy backpacks to and from school and often throughout the school day. The weight forces them to bend forward, with potentially the same consequences as slouching.
It is time to return the rolling backpack to youthful fashion. I have used one to lug heavy files and books back and forth to work since these packs were first invented as an outgrowth of the wheeled luggage that came into vogue in the 1980s.
For far too many years, I carried everything, including a heavy briefcase and groceries, over my right shoulder, which forced me to raise that shoulder and lean toward my left, clearly an undesirable posture. When carrying heavy items is unavoidable, it is best to balance them on both sides of the body.
It’s insane the amount of big books kids have to lug around now a days. It seem more than I remember having to carry.
The backpacks are insanely heavy!
Kids do not need to haul around so much.
I tried to avoid carrying backpacks when I was a kid because I was scared of getting bad posture. That’s why I found lockers very convenient. Today, I am very conscious with my posture and make it a point to always sit properly, try not to carry heavy stuff, etc.
Totally agree with the problem with heavy backpacks, luckily mine keeps most books at home.
• Standing with a flat back, with the pelvis tucked in and lower back straight (the normal spine has three curves – in the neck, chest and lower back).
• Standing with chest pushed forward and buttocks pushed back (the so-called Donald Duck posture that exaggerates the lumbar curve).
• Leaning on one leg, which puts undue pressure on one side of the lower back and hip.
• Bending the head back and sticking out the chin while looking at a computer screen or television. Instead, lower the screen or raise the seat.
• Holding the phone on a shoulder. Instead, use a hands-free device like a headset or Bluetooth.
I am the worst at leaning on one leg. I do it 95% of the time.
Just remember from this read and remind yourself every time you stand on one leg!
Bad posture can also give rise to breathing problems because the rib cage cannot expand effectively. I sometimes slouch when working on my desktop. I got myself a lumbar pillow to avoid this.
Lack of Oxygen is one of the reason why we get tired and a ton of other things that accompany this reason.
I’ve always had terrible posture – it’s so embarrassing. Honestly, I don’t know what it feels like to stand correctly. I try to “stand up straight” but I’m never sure if I have it right.
The most important thing is NOT to give up on your posture!
Starting with it NEVER late, as you are a living, biological breathing being. The processes taking place inside your body will be accumulating with time.
Here’s what I answered Jeanine above – start with this exercise!
Do this exercise–>
1. Stand with your back facing the wall
2. Make sure you touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulders, and heels.
3. This is how OPEN shoulder posture looks and feel like.
4. Do this exercise several times a day to RE-LEARN Good Posture Feeling.
You will be consciously associating this feeling when walking, sitting and doing other things.
So interesting! I do need to correct my posture! Thank you so much for such a great article!
My posture isn’t the best. I need to figure it out because I know it needs some work. I will have to remember to correct it when I catch it!
To start with is to be AWARE of keeping your shoulders open and neck not to be overextended when you stand.
Do this exercise–>
1. Stand with your back facing the wall
2. Make sure you touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulders, and heels.
3. This is how OPEN shoulder posture looks and feel like.
4. Do this exercise several times a day to RE-LEARN Good Posture Feeling.
You will be consciously associating this feeling when walking, sitting and doing other things.
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