Good Morning!
We’ll be LIVE Conversing On
March 7, 10:30 AM Eastern
AM Coffee Schedules Are Here
Grab a cup ‘o Joe and share what’s on your mind for an hour on this Tuesday, March 11.
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• We will be drawing winners out of each highlighted comment thread: A big image represents a stand-alone Comment Thread
• All Winners will be announced on this page under Celebrate the Winners Comment Thread
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Tuesday, March 11, Discussions
• How To Get People Stop to be so Into Social Media?
• What Do You Think About Being Friends with EX?
• How Do You Feel About Kids/Teenagers Posting on FB and the Verbiage They Use?
What To Do?
• Comment and Say ‘Hello’ to all who will be here with you
I am here good morning
Good morning everyone, let’s have some fun today!
Hello 🙂
I wonder where every one is
I wonder same thoughts.
But we had a great time, just a few of us.
All prizes will be going to you, GALZ!
yes it was fun thanks
I wondered the same thing. I’ve send out messages too, but it seems everyone I’ve contacted is either working or at school. (I love that so many of my friends and family have returned to school though, I won’t gripe at them. lol)
Hello! Didn’t know we had a party today!
Hi Carol. We sure do, jump in and chat with us.
good morning
Good Morning to everyone. Hope to have a good day and take a walk. suppose to be 60 today. I am from Indiana so you never know until it happens.
Winners Will Be Announced Here!
• Come back at the end of the coffee hour and see if you won.
#1 Winner 10:50am is Michelle Passwaters
#2 Winner 11:15am is Karen Hinkle
#3 Winner 11:30am is Raye Wiedner
Congratulations Michelle and Karen!!
congrats Michelle and Raye you all have a great day it was good talking to you all and it was most enjoyable
Thanks Karen, it was good talking with you as well! I hope to visit again soon.
Thanks CoffeeTime! I do appreciate it, and I really love these discussions.
yeah! Raye winner number 3
AM COFFEE #1, 1 WINNER –> Drawn at 10:50AM EST
How To Get People Stop to be so Into Social Media?
Here’s what one of our fans shared, “how to get people to stop being so into the social media stuff.. i know its fun and addictive but we didn’t have stuff like this 15 years ago, and teenagers are missing out on so much more this world has to offer.”
What To Do?
• Share your personal perspective on this
• Provide your insights into how we could enjoy Social Media, yet remember of good times together
• How big of a chunk social media interaction takes up in your day?
• What would be your solution to make our kids and grown-ups more active, interactive and communicate more with each other?
First off I want to thank u for choosing my topic! This is very important to me because I have to children 2 and 4 … What I’m trying to do is teach them about the important of family and friends at a young age so that’s what they become interested in as they age. I do what I can since they are so young but I limit my time on the internet and also t.v and do the same with them I do let them look at stuff on Facebook like family photos and play kid games. But I try to get kids into activities so they will have hobbies and experience other things in life and enjoy what the world has to offer. People are so disconnected these days and they think are aren’t because they see everyone life on Feb but the reality is they can sitting right next to the person and comment on their status and never interact with the person. I don’t want my children sucked into this … It ruins self confidence because no eye contact is made and u come off as rude and I don’t want them to lack in social skills
I am a social media nut but I am also 47 and have adopted my 5 yr old Autistic grandson so he is not for social event so this is how I get my social life or I would be lost LOL but we do go out to events but they are short as he cant take all the noise I think the kids today are on social media to much when you go to dinner I see the family is all on the phones get rid of them when you are out for family time JEESSH you can always make time for family without devices
Social media is my outlet. I live in the boonies, pretty far from anyone. I’m also a full time caregiver for a disabled hubby who takes up most of my time. Social media is how I keep in touch with everyone since we can’t get out much.
It’s my lifeline to the outside world.
I do think some people are too addicted to social media when they can be more active with one on one time with the people in their lives. I get pretty aggravated when I do manage to get time with someone in person, but they spend half that time checking their phones. It sends the message that something else is more important than the time we have together. I understand it if there is a possibility of emergency, or one needs to check up on kids or something, but when it’s simply texting for pleasure, it’s very rude.
I think kids should be limited on time they’re allowed to spend online or in front of the tv for anything other than homework, not that it shouldn’t be allowed, but that it shouldn’t be the biggest part of their day.
My grandie earns time online by doing his chores and extras around the house…once he hits his limit for the day, he has to do other things. I think it strikes a pretty good balance for him.
I find it very sad when I see my neices sitting in the same room as the rest of the family, but they are not at all involved because they’re too busy texting and checking facebook to even realize what’s going on. They’re missing out on a lot of good family connection.
@Raye I understand you 100 %
Oh I definitely do, Karen. It’s so easy for tv and social media to babysit kids, but it’s not good for them. Or for us either! If we don’t interact with our kids, we’ll never have the close family relationships that are vital to them growing up.
yes well my grandson is autistic so we have to inter react with him often and its a lot of work to do but the rewards are worth it
I have social anxiety and panic attacks so it is extremely hard for me to get out to meet media is all I can do and i have realized that my 6 year old daughter is seeing this..i only allow certain times for her and her games and videos, but she sees mom on all day when she gets home…maybe not good parenting but how else do i keep up with whats going on ? 🙂
I have tried to explain to people (my fiance most importantly!) that you are not getting these moments in real life back. The status you are about to post isn’t important, but the childhood of your children is! Enjoy real life, you cant ever get these little moments back!
It is so important and brave to stand you ground!
Many women succumb to their spouses and are not able to tear away from those poisonous relationships even when they’re divorced.
Assuming your position as a Respected Individual is of utmost importance. Raye said it so well!
Has anyone seen the tv ad where the man is trying to get his ladie’s attention in a cafe, but she’s busy texting? He looks around and everyone there is either on their tablets, computers, or phones. He finally has to text her to tell her to ‘look up’ , so that she can see he’s giving her jewelry.
I laughed, but at the same time, I was saddened because it’s such an accurate depiction.
I haven’t seen that commercial. But the point is far from being laughable.
What were they advertising: jewelry or a new texting device?
You know, I THINK they were advertising jewelry, but to be honest, I’m not sure. I was so bowled over by how accurate the ad was, I didn’t even think about what it was for.
AM COFFEE #2, 1 WINNER –> Drawn at 11:15AM EST
How Do You Feel About Kids/Teenagers Posting on FB and the Verbiage They Use?
What To Do? –> Share and Comment
• Are you sometimes appaulled what kind of lingo kids use with each other?
• Can you share from the personal experience, yours or friends’, what’s going on in the online “kid” communities?
• Do you consider it a norm and trend of “time and age” that kids use strong language with each other online? Does it transfer into a real-life interaction?
• Do Parents have influence at all What kids say and how they verbalize it?
I am comepletely in shock when I see some of these kids post I just cant believe some of the stuff I read and see I don’t want to see that stuff or read what they say with all the words they are using come on you know who you have and u should respect who you have as a friend or family members parent do have some say to a certaint point but if you say any thing to them u will just be deleted as a friend so I wish it were more strick with the swerring and some of the pics I see just make me sick
I wouldn’t say I’m appalled but shocked! Some of things teenagers post on Facebook are rude and mean. Family and family friends see this stuff and it makes the teenager looks bad and so does their family! And by acting like that online they act like that in real life maybe to hope up to their reputation to friends or maybe it just becomes a habit and I do think parents influence this a little by not disciplining their child for doing such things or doing these things them self.
I’ve been pretty stunned at some of the things I’ve seen from teens, both family members and kids of my friends. I do understand kids will talk differently with one another when away from parents, but I don’t think they’re considering who is actually seeing the things they say and do online. Some of the slang is the worst to me, I’ve never agreed that racial or sexual slurs can be a form of ‘affection’. It simply horrifies me, but I also know they’d never use that language in my presence.
I do think parents influence what children say and do in public, but I don’t think they’ll ever know what kids say and do when in their own groups.
What kids say is very often a reflection of their surroundings, Family included.
Yes, they may mask their behaviors when they’re around with family members.
However, when parents are intuitive and do have relationship with their children, they can have access to their kids through communication.
That is why it is so important to keep close to our children and be interested in their lives, genuinely interested in it, starting since they are little.
I agree with that totally. I was very surprised to find out how many parents don’t even know the names of their kid’s friends.
or if they have them on facebook and keep and eye out but even so they can block them to see only what they want them to
My 15 year old uses one occasionally but we have a rule…i get the password so i can go on and see what he is doing and also snoop to see what his school mates are like..i know the kids hes allowed to hang out with but if i see one on FB that i don’t care for then he knows not to even ask..i monitor his more then mine lol
I know its easier said than done, but I think kids should be kept away from social media for as long as possible. for one, the internet can be a very dangerous place! But also because they dont have the common sense to know waht is appropriate and is not appropriate to write online. some of the things I see my young cousins typing is awful! I cant believe some of the comments, posts, and pictures!
Knowing that a lot of employers are now checking social media during the hiring process, it concerns me too, that some of these kids don’t realize what they could be doing to their future!
Totally agreed on that.
Again, all comes to Parents talking and educating and building that communication bridge with their kiddos.
I would agree with you on that.
My toddler is engaged with iPad and the educational games that build his reading skills, developing creative thinking and alike.
We do limit time on how much he spends on even educational stuff, though I do love seeing results they produce in his learning!
He hasn’t been on the Internet yet. He doesn’t know what it is. He is familiar with games on his iPad, that’s it.
Of course, with time, we’ll go through this online familiarization. But it can wait for now. It’s unnecessary for him at all.
I don’t like the verbage of our youth. Not like when I was a kid.
times sure have changed from when I was a kid just to have a tv or phone in the house was like cool
AM COFFEE #3, 1 WINNER –> Drawn at 11:30AM EST
What Do You Think About Being Friends with EX?
• What is your perspective when people stay friends after they break up marriage?
• What benefits such friendly relationships could bring?
• Do you know anybody who does in in your surrounding? Share stories, please.
I think its great people stay friends after the marriage has needed as long as it wasn’t abusive. I am friends with my exof course we have a daughter together but we are friends on a personal level not just because of her. I understand his issues and why it did not work but he is a good person and I gave so many years to him ihe is a part of me and I’m not willing to give up on our friendship and I do what I can to help. He has also lived with me and my fiance when he needed a home. Yes it was a little weird but he is my daughters father and I don’t want to see him on the streets. He has very little support and I know what that’s like.
These kinds of relationships benefit you by building your character. It makes you kind hearted and people see the good in you and that makes u feel good about yourself.
I think its amazing if people can stay friends with their exes. some people just have better relationships when theyre not actually in a relatinoship. This person was someone that you truyl cared about for an amount of time, and those feelings are going to just POOF and disappear even if youre not romantically involved anymore. These people know so much about you, and care about you and your well being, so being able to be friends with them would give you a close friend who will really have your best interest at heart. I think it’s nice to be able to do so, especially if there are kids involved! I’ve seen so many divorces end so nastily and it’s the kids that suffer the most!
If there are kids involved I am all for it. Don’t want to pit the kids against one parent or the other.
interesting I don’t know this personally but I do know some who still have friendships with EX AND WHEN THEY HAVE KIDS I GUESS YOU DO HAVE TO BE some what friendly and if u work at it it can be ok but some do not have that because the break up were real hard I guess it up to each one
I think a lot depends on the relationship and how it ended.
I seriously think if you have children together, you have to at least be civil and somewhat friendly, for the children’s sake. I don’t know about actual ‘friends’ in some cases, but I think, as parents, you need to learn to put any animosity aside and focus on your job as mom or dad. Even after your kids are grown, you are both still part of their lives.
I have become friends with exes in the past, but it did take work. You have to let go of any bad that happened in the relationship and learn to move forward.
I love coupons. They save me so much money.
My ex and I are still on fairly friendly terms, but I wouldn’t say we’re actually friends. He does call from time to time just to talk, but not that often. He’s called when he had questions, like when he was sunburned so badly he got sun poisoning. He still trusts my opinion on a lot of things.
We weren’t always at this level, at first he would try to boss me around (like he thought he could in the marriage lol), or he’d start complaining about past issues. It took many many times of me saying “If you have something you need to talk about concerning the kids, that’s fine….but my personal life and our past is off limits”. Gradually, over the years, we’ve been able to talk more about just our every day lives usually without crossing boundaries. I even visited him when he’s been hospitalized for health issues. It took a lot of work and determination, but it’s worth it.
Our kids are grown, and we now have grandies. If we want to spend time with them on holidays and special events, I think it’s unfair of us if we can’t all be together at once.
i am still very good friends with my ex because we had a child together. life is easier on the children if they see us parents getting along. kids go thru a lot when parents divorce so we decided to make it as easy as possible on my son. my current husband and ex also communicate which i think is very important…..but keep the focus on the childrens matters
Yes it’s all about having a HEALTHY Co-parent relationship! I totally agree with you here!
Love saving money so that I can do more fun things with my family!!
Hello to all.
Hey Jennifer!! Good morning!
New here good morning everyone
Good morning and welcome to the am coffee conversation!! 🙂