What Is Youth Elixir That Keeps Your Body Going? #AMCoffee

May 3 – Your Best Yout Elixir
We’ll be LIVE 10:30 AM EST



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water youth elixir
Grab a cup ‘o Joe and share what’s on your mind for an hour on this Saturday, May 3.

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To look youthful, to feel energized we need to do a lot of things in life. And that’s what all that upbringing and schooling is about – to learn how to navigate, find facts and apply them to your benefits and utmost health.

WATER is one of the factors that keeps us going, literally. We can live without food seven times longer than we would without water.

Water flushes out toxins ensuring our non-stop functioning.

Water allows us to increase our energy as we go throughout the day. Since our brain is mostly water, drinking it helps us think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert.

Let’s sing the praise to WATER this morning and beyond. Often water is substituted with soft drinks, juices, smoothies. Yes, it’s OK and even necessary to add more nutrition to your body. But hey, here’s what we’re missing if we lack WATER in our life.

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• We will be drawing winners out of each highlighted comment thread: A big image represents a stand-alone Comment Thread

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  1. CoffeeTime says

    AM COFFEE – Sign In!

    • Greet And Meet this Morning!
    • Have you been ever an avid Water Drinker?

    sign in am coffee

  2. CoffeeTime says

    Winners Will Be Announced Here!

    • Come back at the end of the coffee hour 11:30am ET and see if you won.

  3. CoffeeTime says
  4. CoffeeTime says

    am coffee

    WATER Promotes Weight Loss

    – Removes by-products of fat
    – Reduces eating intake by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals
    – Reduces hunger – your natural appetite suppressant
    – Raises your metabolism and has zero calories!


    • Elicia P says

      A lot however there are some days I do not drink enough

    • Karen Hinkle says

      I can say I don’t drink to much water I know this is a big reason who I don’t drop my weight the way I should but I don’t like it

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I drink at least 2 32oz bottles a day.

    • Allyson Odell Hunter says

      Trying to drink at least 3 glasses a day, which is a huge improvement for the person who rarely drank any!

    • Angie MCKie says

      I drink 12+ glasses a day. I’ve got a water bottle I make sure I refill 4 times each day!

      • Karen Hinkle says

        that’s great do u all drink tap spring or flavored I need some suggestion so I can start to drink it

        • Angie MCKie says

          I use Mio and Crystal light. They can be bought in drink Isles usually. If I drink plain Tap it has to have a lot of ice!

      • Allyson Odell Hunter says

        Wow! That is impressive! I feel like I’ve done great when I get in a few glasses, but I have health issues that would probably improve with more water. I’m trying to get better, but I can see that I need to try harder! Way to go, getting in your daily recommended amount and more!

        • Angie MCKie says

          I bought a couple contigo water bottles that have measurements on the side and try to keep track of how many bottles per day. I try for at least 4!

    • I try to drank a lot of water

    • Isis Sample says

      try to drink at least half my weight in ounces of water.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I don’t really keep track but I have a water bottle that’s around 24-30 oz that I take to work and I usually finish it. Then I drink water when I’m home and a 16 oz glass before bed.

    • wendy c g says

      About 8 glasses a day

    • Carol Yemola says

      I have been trying to drink more water but can do a better job of it especially since I am trying to shed a few pounds. Probably drink about 4 glasses on average.

  5. CoffeeTime says


    WATER Improves Skin Complexion

    – Moisturizes your skin
    – Keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth
    – Gets rid of wrinkles. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around!

  6. CoffeeTime says


    WATER Maintains Regularity – Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

    Like anything else, our organs need lubrication. The bulk of the digested foods is sitting inside the intestinal tract for much longer if there’s no WATER to move it along and eliminate.

    Just think about that “train” loaded with toxins that is scheduled to leave the station, but it can’t due to the absence of the mechanic. So easy to fix! Get mechanic inside the train and MOVE it!

    • Karen Hinkle says

      I don’t have a problem with that but it makes scence to me

    • Elicia P says

      Water is good for digestion. In fact when my sin was little and I noticed he hadn’t pooped for a day or so I would give him a small amount of water and by the end of the day he pooped.

    • Isis Sample says

      yes i couldn’t agree more. i recently had my gallbladder removed and realized through research the importance of water for your digestive health. i try to drink water with every meal. and when i get sick of it, i add some lemon which not only adds great flavor but has so many benefits to your health as well.

    • Allyson Odell Hunter says

      My system seems to work better when I drink water regularly. I also feel better, probably since the toxins are moving through, instead of being left behind.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      Maybe that is why I don’t have a problem going. 🙂

    • Angie MCKie says

      That is very true!

    • I also noticed a difference in when and how often I went when I stopped dranking sodas and only drank water. I was very regular

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      This is one of the reasons that dd usually will only get water with her meals! For her lunch, I only pack her water – no juices or milk!

    • wendy c g says

      This is so true. Water is such a simple thing, but helps with some major things.

    • Carol Yemola says

      I knew about water reducing constipation. So glad I don’t have that problem! LOL

  7. CoffeeTime says


    WATER IS YOUR Natural Headache Remedy

    – Helps relieve and prevent headaches – migraines & back pains too – which are commonly caused by dehydration.

    One of the clinical investigations/studies published in PubMed states the following: “We speculate that water deprivation may play a role in migraine, particularly in prolonging attacks.”

    A headache can be induced by water deprivation.

    When you have a headache, and you know it is not from something else – drink your precious water!

    • Karen Hinkle says

      maybe that’s why I have headaches

      • CoffeeTime says

        That’s for sure a very important detail you gotta investigate by … drinking water throughout the day. And when you do get a headache, drink a glass of water ASAP. Usually, within ten minutes it should go away.

        • Karen Hinkle says

          I will give this a try for sure I do know its important to drink it but I don’t like it but as we tell our children its good for u I need to do it to lol

    • Elicia P says

      Haven’t heard this. Good to know!

    • Isis Sample says

      absolutely, my mother always said, if you’re upset just sit down drink a bottle of water and breathe. works every single time!!! i always feel better after

    • Allyson Odell Hunter says

      Never thought about that, but it makes sense.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I learned this a long time ago. If I do not drink enough water I get real bad headache.

    • Angie MCKie says

      When I start getting a Migraine the first thing I do is drink a large glass of water, most of the time I’m way behind on my water consumption for the day

    • This is probably why I have had headaches here lately. I have been slacking on my water consumption

    • This is probably why I have had headaches here lately. I have been slacking on my water consumption

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      Never heard of this before! I will try drinking more water on the few occasions I have a headache!

      • Amanda Alvarado says

        After thinking about this one, I bet that’s why after being outside in the 100+ heat and sweating at work, I usually end up with a headache! I usually gulp down water (yes I know bad) and it goes away in a about 10-15 minutes!

    • wendy c g says

      Awesome to know that, I never thought about it. But I only drink water. Maybe a coffee but no sodas.

    • Carol Yemola says

      I also knew about reducing the headaches. Great info!

  8. CoffeeTime says


    WATER Boosts Immune System

    A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and chronic diseases.

    Just think how much toxins will be flushed out with each and every sip you take. Visualize it. Feel it. And most importantly, PRACTICE IT REGULARLY!

    I have encountered a lot of people who think that drinking water would raise their already high blood pressure and affect their health.

    It is counter intuitive, but the fact is that water helps to flush out toxins and ease the pressure in all of our bodily systems.

    • Karen Hinkle says

      wow all this from water my body is missing so much I must put it in my diet

    • Elicia P says

      Sorry but I find it a bit humorous that some think water will increase their blood pressure. Our body is made mostly of water so how the heck would that work!

    • Isis Sample says

      yes visualize it and feel it! couldn’t agree more. my body feels like a fit machine on water, i love it!

    • Allyson Odell Hunter says

      People really think it raises their blood pressure? Perhaps they want to blame it on water, so they can justify eating all of the wrong things that actually do raise it.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      That is why I drink a lot of water so I don’t get sick.

    • Angie MCKie says

      If anyone has a rough time drinking their daily water they can use crystal light, mio or just slicing fresh fruit up and putting it in their water. The little bit of flavor makes it better!

    • Why would it raise your blood pressure…its water. I love ice cold water

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I try to drink a lot of water throughout the day and during the winter when it’s cooler, I have a hard time! Now that we are in the 90-100s again, I will be drinking a lot more water than I have been! 🙂

    • wendy c g says

      Water is great for alot of things.

    • Carol Yemola says

      Never knew about how water helps the immune system. I have a cold right now. Maybe if I drank more water I wouldn’t have gotten sick. Just wondering ……

  9. CoffeeTime says


    WATER Prevents Cramps & Sprains

    Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.

    – With cramps, remember to drink everything warm – leave cold water out! Warm water along with warm raspberry tea truly helps the cramps go away.


    • Karen Hinkle says

      well if and when I do drink water I need it ice cold and I don’t have a cycle no more but that’s great to know

    • Isis Sample says

      yes, i actualy saw an acupuncturist who reccommended teh same thing. try to remember that warm circulates the body as cold makes you frigid. hot teas are good for you (keep the suga to a minimum if you can or substitute honey) but actually luke warm water, or room temperature water is also better for you than that nice cold glass of ice water. youll really feel a lot better!

    • Allyson Odell Hunter says

      Good to know. Warm water wasn’t something I would have thought of drinking for cramps. That would have helped years ago!

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I was going to mention that. Leg cramps can be prevented for sure. I hate waking up in middle of the night with a cramp in the leg and you have that huge knot in it.

    • Angie MCKie says

      Thanks for that info! I’ll pass it along to my niece!

    • Interesting. .I do drank hot tea when I am ovulating. .it helps a lot

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I drink a specially formulated tea made just for cramps! 🙂

    • wendy c g says

      I don’t have that issue. I’ve had a hysterectomy, but I will share this information. Thank you.

    • Carol Yemola says

      My joints ache a lot. Water might help!

  10. CoffeeTime says


    For your inspiration & Resolution –> Watch a quick video here and come back to tell me your WATER PLAN for the week! Or may be for life!

    • Karen Hinkle says

      that was really awesome I could feel it was great I will but water in my daily routine

    • Isis Sample says

      water is a huge part of not only my diet but the family as well. our pediatrician even agreed that the kids should not be having juice at all really. that water and milk is perfectly fine. and that cutting those sugars out really is best for their bodies. we love water and always carry it with us wherever we go as a family. it’s a great healthy habit to have.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      I actually enjoyed the art of that. I think our bodies tell us when we are lacking something we need. I always tell people to pay attention to your body. I am glad I drink water all the time and I always make sure my kids do too. One of the first things I as people when they say they are constipated or say they have a headache is, ” How much water have you drank?’.

    • Angie MCKie says

      That was neat! I always carry a reusable container for water and try to drink one every hour!

      • Karen Hinkle says

        I know all my children are water drinkers even my grandson he oly drink water milk and little juice

    • Allyson Odell Hunter says

      My water plan needs to be increasing my intake. I’ve been guilty of not drinking much at all. It will be interesting to see if some of my health problems improve by doing so. No matter what, it is going to be a lifestyle change for me that I should have started years ago!

    • That was cool..I would go see a show like that

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I will be drinking more water this week (well more than I normally do!)

    • wendy c g says

      We all drink water, even the kids. I send it in their lunches. Pediatrician and dentist agree water is better for kids than juice.

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      I plan on carrying water with me everywhere I go. With warmer days coming, hopefully, I won’t forget!

    • Carol Yemola says

      That’s it. You’ve convinced me! I’ll drink water before and after every meal and at least one glass in between. I’ll also drink water with my meals.

    • maggie barnes says

      I’m having a massage today and I know that I have to drink alot of water to get the toxins in your body out after the massage

  11. CoffeeTime says

    pattern handbag indy

    Would you like to win a Pattern handbag created by Tiffany Lehrmann?

    We will have a couple of giveaways just for that!

    Today, we’ll give away a Pattern Cosmetic Bag.

    What To Do?

    Go & comment on this post if you like these designs for women’s handbags and WHY (important to know, as we are polling your interest in a new, very unique product line)
    – Come back and Tell me in this AMCoffee thread if you would want it for yourself or someone else.

    I will draw a winner for 1 Pattern cosmetic bag from this thread only!
    Comment here for sure if you want to be considered!
    Will allow you all to enter during the day, and will announce the winner by 10pm EDT today.
    pattern cosmetic bag

    • Karen Hinkle says

      oh I would love to win one I don’t buy things for me I tend to get my daughters hand me downs but I don’t mind they are new to me thanks for the chance

      • Allyson Odell Hunter says

        I buy for everyone else, but myself too! Always the giver, sounds like you are as well. However, the second bag is really sweet, and I wouldn’t mind having it to put my things in.

    • Rebecca Swenor says

      i would keep this for myself and I love the colors.

    • Angie MCKie says

      I really like the cross body bags. They are really nice when you have a child you are chasing it frees up your hands!! I like the brighter colored patterns as well. The brighter the better!!

    • Oooo I would live to win..I think both are very pretty..I couldnt use a cosmetic bag..all my makeup is in a baggie..lol

    • Loving that orange and purple combination

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      I would love this for dd. Now that she’s in dance, she has her makeup for recitals and I’d love to give her a beautiful bag to keep everything in!

    • wendy c g says

      Love it, so cute. Good luck everyone.

    • wendy c g says

      For myself, would make a great beg for traveling with the kids on summer break. So bright and colorful. Love it

    • Cynthia Dubuque says

      I would love to win this for myself. Most times, when I win something, it’s for someone else!

    • Carol Yemola says

      Boy! Those bags a beautiful! I really like the pink and brown cosmetic bag with the zipper. Cute and functional. I need a small cosmetic bag when I travel. Tired of trying to dig my make up out of a ziploc bag.

    • maggie barnes says

      These cosmetic bags are Gorgeous!! If I win one then I can get rid of my OLD ugly beauty bag that’s stained!!

  12. Isis Sample says

    OMG that green on lime green fabric is brilliant I love the nice bright bold color! I enjoy designers who bring back earth’s vibrancy and beauty in their designs. it gives it an organic and beautiful look.

  13. would love to win the pink bag they are all pretty thank you

  14. CoffeeTime says

    Look what Sharon won from one of our parties –> LOOK HERE

  15. want to win

  16. I love the pink bag .

  17. CoffeeTime says
  18. I want this bag for my self it’s too pretty to give away, I’m selfish I guess.

  19. Yes, I had my water today, my Dr. says I should be drinking lots of it because of taking meds for hypertension. I prefer water to soft drinks.

  20. Our family drinks a lot of water daily! We like to add fresh citrus for added refreshment. I would love to own the tote bag! Would be perfect for the summer!

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