Foods for Stronger, Glowing Skin #AMCoffee

Anti-Aging Comes With Proper Care
Skin Care Reminders


AM Coffee is a great way to learn about many things. It is offered for information only. It is not to diagnose or treat any health condition. Any health concerns should be taken to the doctor’s right away.


We have been talking lately about our skin, the largest organ that protects, nourishes and gives us a personal, very unique look. Every season brings its awesome opportunities to improve on our skin, make it stronger and more resilient to the environmental pollutants, oxidative stress, and learn a few tricks of caring for skin that actually improve its texture and brightness.

Another thing that is important to us all is to be exposed to the information and different sources that will help us to crystalize our own conviction about how we could deal with our own skin situation. Here’s a roll of things that negatively affect our skin, thus we need to be aware of them.

• Sun Exposure – UV light
• Air Pollution – dust and particles of different sorts in the air
• Smoking – that is a no-brainer, with over 5,000 micro pollutants in cigarettes
• Alcohol – abusing this agent will get any skin into trouble
• Medication – certain meds have side-effects on body and skin
• Stress – hormones circulate and affect the skin
• Sleeping positions – don’t you have wrinkles sometimes on face, chest, arms when you sleep in certain positions?
• Repetitive muscle movement – habitual frowning, squinting can easily produce lines
• Lack of exercise – exercise supplies oxygen and nutrients to skin and organs
• Poor nutrition – no nutrition to the cells, no power for then to rejuvenate the body, skin included

What we need to be aware of is that a great majority of outside factors are under our control. Knowing which they are and what effect they produce on our well-being and skin, we can change our lifestyle habits and living conditions, creating a powerful prevention mode in our living.

Today, let’s touch a subject of Foods that deliver an exceptionally rich impact on our skin health. The micronutrients these foods carry inside can effectively contribute to a healthier, glowing skin. The top priority is to create an antioxidant environment for our skin to be able to rejuvenated itself. Antioxidant is the opposite to inflammation. And we do know that inflammation is the beginning culprit of many more serious health conditions and diseases.

Learn About Bright Skin – Please RETWEET


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  1. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    Citrus fruits are among the richest natural sources of Vitamin C, which is much more than a potent antioxidant.

    Vitamin C protects the cells throughout the body from free radical damage, and plays an important role in the formation of collagen, the main structural protein in skin, helping keep it healthy, firm, and tight.

    Vitamin C has been shown to help repair photoaged skin and provide wrinkle relief. Here are some of the powerful Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits:

    Grapefruit – Click Here to read more in one of our AM Coffees
    Ugli fruit

    grapefruit health benefits, am coffee , amcoffee

    • i guess i must eat more i dont eat enough Good Morning ladies raining here today

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        Grapefruit is one of the BEST fruit out there which affects blood sugar levels in a positive way.
        Thanks to its acidic levels and unique nutrients that scientists still do not know all of them, Grapefruit should be included frequently in our diet.
        And skin will thank us, too!

    • I love fruit foods, other than grapefruit. I even add some of the fruit juice in my morning oatmeal.

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        Hei, creative Cook!
        I would like to find out HOW-TO of your breakfast oatmeal, Barb!
        I am experimenting with different things this summer.
        Your input would be valuable!
        Thank you, sweetie!

        • I make my own, orginal oatmeal, a couple spoon fulls of vanilla yougart and then squeeze the juice of what ever fruit I have that day and mix.

          • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

            I’ll try it your way! Will share my experience!
            I learn when I watch – that’s how I learned to COOK by watching my mom and grandparents.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      We love clementines, oranges and tangerines! We can usually eat them year round too!

  2. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

    am coffee


    Orange-colored fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of ß-carotene, which is a member of the broad group of nutrients classified under the umbrella of vitamin A.

    Like other carotenoids (e.g., astaxanthin, lycopene, retinol), ß-carotene is a highly effective antioxidant that possesses photoprotective properties.

    Take a look at the MACULAR DEGENERATION and different nutrients that play an important prevention role.

    In fact, ß-carotene plays a promising role in protection against sunlight damage, and it has been shown to protect against sunburn. Try out some of THESE:

    Sweet potatoes

    sweet potatoe, skin health, womens health, amcoffee, am coffee

    • and them are good for us and i love all them posted above i love when the cantaloupe come in the garden so sweet and juice

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        Growing up, my grandparents had both cantaloupes and watermelons. They were coming ripe in late August, though. It was such a long time for us to wait for these delicacies! We never had then enough.
        Now, we can go and buy anything all year round. Wow!

    • I see sweet potatoes on the list, what about white and red potatoes?

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        I would eat RED potatoes WITH THE SKIN!
        Getting rid of the skin leaves a potato a poorer food to eat.
        The RED potato SKIN is a golden trove of fiber, B vitamins, iron and potassium. Half of the fiber of this potato comes from the skin!

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        They are rich in Vitamin C. Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C (45% of the DV), which is more vitamin C than one medium tomato (40% DV) or sweet potato (30% DV).

        • Did you know you can , Can potatoes, There is nothing better than getting a jar out in the middle of January . They taste like they can right out of the garden.

          • Barbara i freeze my potatoes we cut them up into fries slices to make fried potatoes and the small one for soups they are the best

            • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

              You gotta give me step-by-step instructions to try your recipe!

              • Laura you clean the potatoes wash them i leave the skin on because they are so tender when you take them out of the garden then we cut them in fries and slices or small whole one and then power boil them for 3 min then put them in cold water to stop the cooking process then drain them i put them on a towel to dry real good dry them then i put them in my seal a meal and freeze them so good

          • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

            How do you can potatoes?
            I’ve never done it!

            • Take the small ones that are to small to do anything with. Wash really good and place in canning jar with 1 tsp of salt. Fill jar up to 1/2 from the top. Put a seal on and hot water process for 3 1/2 hours.

            • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

              This sounds excellent. I’l do it!
              Thank you!

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      Aside from the sweet potatos, we eat all of these! We even have a papaya tree in our backyard!

  3. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    Dark green leafy vegetables are BURSTING in a number of skin-nourishing nutrients, including Vitamins C and E, which work together to protect the body against UV radiation and oxidative stress.

    Vitamin E also protects the collagen in skin from “cross-linking,” which leads to stiffness, loss of elasticity, and rigidity.

    Here are some of the best nutrient-rich dark leafy greens:

    Swiss chard
    Turnip greens
    Beet greens
    Mustard greens
    Collard greens

    dark green leafy veggetables, skin health, womens health, amcoffee, am coffee

    • Instead of using lettuce in salads I have now switched to spinach. I just make sure to remove the stem.( I don’t like that part.)

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        We have NEVER used lettuce in our salads.
        I always buy different leafy greens and mix them for our DAILY raw salad base.
        Then, I add any veggies on-hand.
        BUT, lettuce cannot be Boo’d completely!!!
        Lettuce contains moisture, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sugars.
        The minerals and vitamins found in lettuce include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc along with vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B-6, C, A, E, and vitamin K.

        In Summation, LETTUCE is a great watery salad base that provides a rich environment for HYDRATION OF OUR SKIN. Chew on it when you are thirsty! BUY ORGANIC!

    • i plant all this in my garden and put some up for the winter i love my greens

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        Geez, Karen,
        I would love to come and visit with you!
        It would be like a trip into my childhood, probably.

        • Laura i was raised like you and i am just keeping the tradition alive for my grand kids to see where the food comes from just like my grand parent and parents did

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      Kale, swiss chard and spinach we usually use in smoothies and sometimes salads. The others I’ve either never heard of or have no idea how to cook them!

  4. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    This FRUIT contains vitamin C, ß-carotene, and vitamin E, as well as the bright red carotenoid lycopene, which is the most dominant carotenoid in the human skin.

    Lycopene works synergistically with ß-carotene to protect the skin from UV radiation and sunburn. Research suggests that lycopene plays a very prominent role in mitigating oxidative damage in the skin.

    NOTE: Lycopene is better absorbed when tomatoes are heated!

    tomatoes, lycopene, beta carotene, amcoffee, am coffee, skin health, oxidative stress

    • I’m good on this one, Planted over 50 tomato plants this year . Plan on processing whole tomatoes and making home made spaghetti sauce. My family loves soups that have tomatoes in them.

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        At this point of my life, we do not have a luxury to have a garden. So, I buy organic and from local sources when it is possible.
        But I grew up with a ton of TOMATOES canned in different form and shape. That was a golden era of my childhood.

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      We love our tomatoes!! Now what exactly do you mean by heating them? Like cooking them or just letting them sit out and warm up?

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        I meant Cooking Tomatoes make lycopene more available to our cells!
        You can boil, grill, heat with pasta!

  5. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says



    Yes, this is one of those cold-water fish that is truly magical for skin health and glow!

    Salmon is one of the fish that has a great variety of nutrients from Omega-3 DHA that is readily available for absorption to the powerful caroteinoids.

    Salmon is a very good source of the powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant astaxanthin. Several studies have been conducted demonstrating astaxanthin’s ability to nourish the skin, demonstrating its ability to protect against UV-induced photodamage.

    In a series of studies, Japanese researchers found that 6 – 8 weeks of supplementation with astaxanthin led to improvements in skin wrinkles (e.g., crow’s feet), age spots, skin elasticity, skin texture, and skin moisture in both healthy men and women.

    Salmon is also one of the best dietary sources of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to nourish and protect the skin.

    Find a way to eat salmon once a week or supplement with quality Omega-3 DHA source.

    omega-3 DHA, amcoffee, am coffee, skin health

    • Not a fan or salmon, maybe some tuna every once in a while. My husband fishes a lot so I have a lot of native fish for dinner.

      • Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

        Just get all that excellent fish you consume locally.
        But extra supplements for Omega-3 DHA would help!

    • Amanda Alvarado says

      My hubby and daughter will eat Salmon every day if we could afford it! It’s very pricey here. I don’t eat fish and seafood – the smell and taste make me sick unfortunately because I know how good they are for me!

  6. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says
  7. Laura, Celebrate Woman Today says

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    just pretend kids plush toys, amcoffee, am coffee

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