Jogging To A Longer Life
Longer life without health sounds cheesy. So many factors we need to throw into a mix what makes us healthier, happier and gives us more years of vibrant living!
What we do know is that quality food and physical activity are some of the most accessible and doable elements of this healthy routine that would give us a happier life for more fruitfully lived years.
Studies on that Longevity subject come out all the time. Here’s a recent study done by the Danish researchers saying that Light Jogging is the best when it comes to Longevity. The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and did involve 5,048 healthy subjects who were tracked over the course of 12 years.
What the study came out with is this:
• The optimal frequency of jogging was no more than 3 times per week or between 1 and2.4 hours per week
• Slow to moderate pace in jogging produced a lower mortality rate vs fast-paced runners
• People who jogged strenuously and frequently were as likely to die as those who did not jog at all
An interesting observation here.
#1 A Slow Jogging Pace corresponds to Vigorous Exercise
#2 A Strenuous Jogging Pace corresponds to Very Vigorous Exercise
When done for years, the #2 way of jogging could pose health risks, especially in the cardiovascular system.
In another study conducted in 2012 by Schnohr, the researchers shared their findings that jogging at least 1 hour per week results in an average of 6 to more years of life.
And look at this finding in yet a different study conducted in the same 2012:
“Those who engaged in leisure-time physical activity enjoyed life expectancy gains of up to 4.5 years.”
What is the Lesson to learn?
Try to JOG at a slow pace at least for an hour –> yes, just 1 hour a week to gain all the benefits of this amazingly affordable exercise activity.
Not only you start feeling better and refreshed, you are bound to open up the channels of creativity you’ve had inside you all these years, since the beginning of you!
Happy Slow Jogging!
PS: Tomorrow, I’ll bring you some ways that for sure would contribute to a more sluggish, shorter life span. Why doing it? So we could draw yet more lessons and reminders that would support us all to live more vibrantly.
AM COFFEE – Sign In! HELLO, Everyone!
• Have you ever jogged or are currently jogging?
• If you’re a jogger, what is it that keeps you doing it?
no I have not jogged but I do get on the tread mill
Good morning everyone
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