Radiation Sources in Your Daily Life
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We live in a world that is “bombarding” us with radiation day-in, day-out. All electronics, be it a personal care item or a kitchen gadget, has some amount of radiation it emits.
The question that has been raised: Is it safe to be exposed to radiation we are in our daily life.
You need to know that Earth has its own radiation – call it Natural, Given to us – that we live in. All other radiation we create, artificially or on purpose, adds to the Natural sources.
Obviously, we cannot ban and cancel out all the “conveniences” we get from all those devices.
What we could do, though, is use them mindfully, per instructions, and Shop for those items that have a GREEN label when it comes to Radiation emissions.
Scroll down for the daily Radiation Sources you need to be aware of.
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Could you name at least 3 TOP Daily Sources of Radiation you’re living in?
morning I say the microwave cell phone tv maybe
Hiya all! I think cell phones are a huge source for most people, the sun itself, the dirt under our feet, and that our food grows in.
Morning all. Better late than never I always say.
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got them all but 7
all working links done 🙂
Re-tweeted and pinned. @beclewis and RebeccaSwenor13
Radiation Dose: 1 mrem per year
The average American watches about 4.5 hours of TV per day, acquiring 1 mrem of X-ray radiation per year from the machine’s electric conductivity.
TV sets—and computer monitors—that contain a cathode ray tube are capable of creating low-level X-rays, but the FDA requires all TV sets sold in the U.S. to be tested to make sure they do not exceed a safe level of X-ray emission. Flat-screen TVs and computers don’t use cathode ray tubes, so they don’t produce X-rays.
wow I didn’t think of that but yes it could be true intresting
I’m one of those very stubborn people who won’t buy new technology as long as my old products still work well for me. I am really glad I gave in and got a flat screen for hubby when he kept prodding me lol. He won me over by saying it would be more eco friendly, and that he would make sure our old one was recycled properly.
I think I am getting new TV’s soon because I have the big huge bulky ones still.
Drinking water
Radiation Dose: 5 mrem per year
It’s no surprise that sources of drinking water in the U.S. contain low levels of radiation. It comes from rivers and lakes (if you live in an urban area) or wells (if you live in a rural area) where it can pick up radiation from natural sources like rocks and soil.
Bodies of water that are near nuclear power plants are vulnerable to contamination with radioactive waste water, and are subject to extensive monitoring by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure these man-made sources of radiation do not surpass 4 mrem per year.
I am sure it is in everything abound us
City water may be tested, and those near nuclear plants, but I wonder how often home owners have their own wells tested? I never have. I wouldn’t have a clue how much radiation may be in my well water.
This is such good informational information. More people should be informed so we can try to control what we have done.
Natural gas
Radiation Dose: 9 mrem per year
Natural gas used for cooking, heating, and other purposes may up your exposure to radiation. But, again, the amounts tend to be so small that they won’t harm your health.
Photo: Getty Images
yes but it is around us that’s just great information
All the small amounts from so many different sources add up. Makes me wonder.
Wow I didn’t know this either. Such awesome information. Thanks for sharing it is amazing to me how much we are exposed.
Radiation Dose: 200 mrem per year
Radon is a radioactive gas that you can’t see or smell, but it may be in your home. It often creeps in through the floor or walls from natural decay of uranium in the ground, and gets trapped within the building; it can also be present in construction materials.
In addition to breathing radon, you may be swallowing it in water or as dust particles. Next to smoking, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S.
yes I have heard of this kind of scary if u think about it
This one concerns me since I’m in an earth sheltered (partially underground) home.
I have tested two of my homes for radon when I had lived in them. This is such a great topic most don’t know about.
Radiation Dose: 35 mrem per year
Radioactive particles (radionuclides) in soil are either remaining from the Earth’s original crust, introduced by cosmic radiation, or absorbed from man-made releases (such as nuclear power plant disasters like the one in Japan and fallout from nuclear weapons testing).
Some of these radionuclides end up getting released from the soil as gas that we inhale, while others get taken up in water and plants. Although high levels of radionuclides in the soil can contaminate water and food, a number of agencies, including the EPA, regularly test supplies for radioactivity.
wow I didn’t even think about this one but it makes me think now when I work in my flower beds
Since I have little faith in government agencies like the EPA and FDA, this one is a bit scary.
I literally never thought about it. Only places in the ground I thought where bu the nuclear plants. This is great info to know for sure.
Consumer products
Radiation Dose: 11 mrem per year
Cell phones, fluorescent lamps, watches, clocks, televisions, computers, and even ceramics and glass all emit some form of radiation, but at low enough rates that they have no known effect on your health.
Cell phones, in particular, give off radio frequency (RF) waves that aren’t as strong as X-rays, and while they might warm your cheek, the RF waves are at a low enough level that they do not damage tissue.
I guess that is a good thing how many ppl would give up there cell phone lol
Isn’t that the truth, Karen!! I know I’d have to knock my girls unconscious to get their phones away LOL.
I didn’t even thing about fluorescent lamps, watches, clocks, televisions, computers, ceramics, and glass. Wow look how much we pollute the earth and then we wonder why it is changing so much.
Medical imaging
Radiation Dose: 10 to 1,000 mrem per screening
Many imaging techniques to diagnose medical conditions use radiation, but the dose varies widely. Chest X-rays and dental X-rays deliver about 10 mrem, while mammograms (another form of X-ray) deliver about 138 per image. CT scans can have as many as 1,000 mrem per scan.
“Outside of ordinary background radiation, the most common cause of exposure in the U.S. is from medical sources,” Frey says. “But as long as there is a good reason for that procedure, the benefits will exceed the risks.”
yes we should get our exams not to worry about the exposure
Kind of amazing how much different the amounts are for different procedures.
I should be a ball of radiation by now than. I have had about 5 ct and MRI’s done in the past 15 yrs and that isn’t including the x-rays.
Plane travel
Radiation Dose: 2–3 mrem for a transcontinental flight
Cosmic radiation comes from outer space and accounts for about 5% of background radiation exposure in the U.S. The atmosphere protects us from this radiation, so it makes sense that our exposure amplifies when we fly on a commercial airplane.
For most people, plane travel is not a significant source of radiation, but pilots, flight attendants, and other frequent fliers can absorb up to 200 mrem per year, according to the EPA.
The new full-body X-ray scanners in airports are another source of radiation, but the exposure is negligible—about 0.01 mrem per 3-second screening.
Interesting. I don’t fly often , but I hadn’t thought about how much was absorbed by pilots and flight attendants.
This is good information to know and something you would not think about either.
Cigarette smoking
Radiation Dose: 1,300 mrem per year
The 20% of Americans (about 43 million) who smoke are increasing more than just their risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
They inhale small amounts of radioactive material—from both natural sources and the fertilizer used on the tobacco plants—each time they take a puff. And tar from tobacco smoke traps some of these materials, in particular lead 210 and polonium 210, in their lung passages
So many things in smoke that can harm, not surprised this is just another.
I have been cutting back and using the electric cigarettes. I know with the more info that comes out the more I smoke less.
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Good Luck to all.. 🙂 These are awesome giveaways. Thanks to Laura and all the sponsors.